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Foreigners should be FORCED to have a Covid-19 vaccination - and they should pay for it, Thai poll


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1 minute ago, Guderian said:


Now this statement really annoys me when I hear it, both here and in the UK. OK, so retired people may not pay income tax and social security contributions, but we have to pay VAT on much of what we buy, as well as additional taxes and duty on booze. We have to pay property transfer tax if we want to buy a house or condo, and depending on your circumstances you might have to pay anannual property tax as well (I do, and it's 7,500 Baht/year). Then there's road tax and fuel duty, and no doubt many other fiscal impositions that are impossible to avoid. Now I enjoy a drink, and like many retired expats here I'm well-off financially and buy a lot of stuff that gets 7% of the price sent straight to the government in VAT. I've no doubt that, even though I pay no income tax here, the Thai government's annual total tax receipts from me far exceed the income tax paid by most of the population. So why do they try and make it sound as if I'm a tax-dodging scrounger looking for handouts? The UK's no better, and although VAT also forms a large part of the total tax receipts there, paying it doesn't qualify you as a "taxpayer" for some strange reason.

While you do have some valid points, you are forgetting that for example your road taxes goes to maintain the roads, and so on. 


If you were forced to take it and had to pay for it, I , as an income tax payer would not have a problem with it, BUT vaccine has to be priced fairly not the insane 6500 baht what private hospitals want to sell it for. 


Perhaps at cost plus the medical fees of a public hospital, same price as a Thai, no dual pricing

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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Wow, the natives are restless. 


Pitchfork and torch time.



I will gladly pay for my vaccination.



This would be much more funnier if the last line was deleted.  Reminder to please keep this forum to the following categories:  smut, derogatory musings, self sanctification and rage.

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5 hours ago, George Bowman said:

I've lived here for years and have noticed that Thailand's officialdom is not much different than my home country. Neither government has ever given me anything for free...

If your from the UK, then you do get a lot for free, national health care and free vaccinations

for everyone, including foreign nationals who reside in the UK.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Agree. I had the flu jab, but not sure about this one.


oh c'mon TBL ........... it is rumored that those vaccinated ,  if lost in the outback,  can be easily

found using a simple device that picks up one's phosphorescent glow


here's hoping a little covid humor does not get rumak waterboarded again

Edited by rumak
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57 minutes ago, Crash999 said:

8 pages of comments in a few hours. Somehow I knew this one would get people riled up! ????

nah,   its only that its been more than 20 minutes since the last covid covid covid covid covid covid

covid     reminder  reminder reminder reminder    .     be vigilant vigilant vigilant 

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I agree.. also that foreigners should pay 5 times more.. same as going to National parks. Of course we (but probably not the plebes) all know that vehicle accidents cause many more deaths than corivid. So, how about another poll about preferences, such as: what do you think is more important, a helmet or a vaccine? 
The only good (very good and meaningful) reply concerns the politicians, should be the last ones, with what's his name, that government top dude, he should be the ultimate last.. of the queue 

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What a useless poll that will only serve to cause hatred and division between locals and foreigners. Of course, the few hundred polled that think foreigners should be forced to have a medical procedure against their will is off their kilter and not necessarily representative of the population at large. Pretty sure the same psychopaths think locals should be force vaccinated as well. Obviously none of these extremists have ever heard of "informed consent" or the Nuremburg Code. All medical interventions must be voluntary with full informed consent given. 

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Funny how there is this sort of 'love-hate' relationship towards foreigners. Typical, I suppose but there is something special about the one here. My guess as was already mentioned in the thread, extensions and visas will probably begin to require vaccination in the future.


Seeing talks about passports having vaccination information on them next. ????

Edited by Solinvictus
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2 hours ago, dcnx said:


Welcome to Thailand.

If they say all foreigners get vaccines, there’s a high probability that she either gets ones or she leaves.

Nonsense. There are so far no compulsory vaccines in Thailand.


If this ever came to pass you pay off the person who is asking you to get the shot or forge the certificate. It's Thailand.


It's way more difficult to avoid vaccination in France or Italy, where they are compulsory for school children no iffs or buts about it. 

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5 hours ago, George Bowman said:

I've lived here for years and have noticed that Thailand's officialdom is not much different than my home country. Neither government has ever given me anything for free...

My Thai wife in the UK will be getting her ''free'' vaccine -- thanks to the UK Government's desire to vaccinate ''all'' in order to stop the spread of the virus!


Many non-Thai may baulk at paying for the vaccine -- of course, depending on the decided cost -- should this situation occur!

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Less than 20% of the Thai population pay tax ........... that's a large part of the population that will have to pay.

Anyway, this poll doesn't mention us, they must be thinking about the Chinese/Burmese/Cambodian and Malay visitors/workers.

They most likely are. It's the Burmese who are being blamed for this "second wave". We westerners shouldn't take it personally... but that being said, I find it totally unacceptable to force a medical procedure on anyone, and would be very much concerned if Burmese and Lao/Cambodian workers are forced to take it.


I can see there being a likelihood that migrant workers may be required to take it, but not necessarily western tourists or expats.


Remember that migrant workers are subjected to all sorts of restrictions and things that generally don't apply to Thais or expats from wealthier countries. Not being allowed to travel outside their province without permission (during normal times) is one such restriction. It says so on the back of their pink ID cards.

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6 minutes ago, Solinvictus said:

Funny how there is this sort of 'love-hate' relationship towards foreigners. Typical, I suppose but there is something special about the one here. My guess as was already mentioned in the thread, extensions and visas will probably begin to require vaccination in the future.


Seeing talks about passports having vaccination information on them next. ????

I doubt it.


It would cause an enormous uproar 10 times worse than the one a month back about Covid tests for visa extensions.


To enter the country? Could be a condition of entry, but not to extend a visa. After all, no one has ever been asked for a yellow fever vaccination certificate to extend a visa in country. I don't see it happening. 

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Nobody should be ''Forced'' to get a vaccine. Get it if you feel you need it, depending on your personal circumstances. If you feel you don not want it then it is your choice. However, you also must live with the fact that in order to remain living in Thailand, you may have to consider getting it. 


For work reasons, I would decide to take the vaccine. More and more countries are insisting on travellers having had the vaccine and provide proof by way of letter, vaccination card etc... Even airlines may well have this as part of their acceptance criteria at check in. 


I personally have no issues with getting a vaccine for my wife and I. 

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