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If You Don't Love It, Leave It


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I have been reading Thai Visa for a couple of years. I notice that there are many people that tell every poster that complains about anything that is annoying them about thailand to leave. The posters overall experience may be positive but they complain about the traffic. So someone tells them if they don't like it leave.

Why post that you think a thread should be closed ?? If you do not like what is being posted on a thread just don't read that thread any more. Simple, No ?

As far as I am concerned if some one wants to start a thread whining about something they should be allowed to whine and have others that want to whine along with them do so. No need for members to start fights with them or try to hijack their thread.

Their are some members that only have negative comments. I searched a few members and there are some that have not posted one single helpful comment. Some that are only on thai visa for the kick they get out of slagging people.

I have an idea. Why not have a button that appears on the Original Posters screen that allows him to ban future posts from people that are.... posting off topic......slagging....or any other reason the Original Poster wants. It may help to keep people that want to discuss a certain topic on topic and keep the ones not interested in the topic from interfering with the thread.

The mods can moderate if the thread itself is appropriate or if the people participating are breaking the rules.

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There is an "ignore" function whereby you compile a list of posters whose output you don't wish to read and, I think, all you see in the thread is their name. I don't use this function as I believe everybody has a right to express their opinions, within the forum rules, just as I have the right to ignore them.

I agree with your thoughts on the "if you don't like it get out" brigade. It is possible to live happily in a place and still moan about life's little irritants. We don't all have to wear rose tinted specs over the rose tinted contact lenses. In fact anybody who loves Thailand so much they see absolutely no faults or room for improvement would worry the hel_l out of me. :o

I think pumpuiman is right, it's the mods that keep the forum on track and, while allowing a degree of freedom of expression, do wade in when things get a little too fraught and handbags start swinging.

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I have an idea. Why not have a button that appears on the Original Posters screen that allows him to ban future posts from people that are.... posting off topic......slagging....or any other reason the Original Poster wants. It may help to keep people that want to discuss a certain topic on topic and keep the ones not interested in the topic from interfering with the thread.

The mods can moderate if the thread itself is appropriate or if the people participating are breaking the rules.

You have an ignore button to delete comments from posters that you are uninterested in. That should do the job.

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I think pumpuiman is right, it's the mods that keep the forum on track and, while allowing a degree of freedom of expression, do wade in when things get a little too fraught and handbags start swinging.

We do try... but if any member finds any particular post offensive, feel free to use the p_report.gif function.

All online mods will be alerted and the offending post analysed and suitability determined.

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I think pumpuiman is right, it's the mods that keep the forum on track and, while allowing a degree of freedom of expression, do wade in when things get a little too fraught and handbags start swinging.

We do try... but if any member finds any particular post offensive, feel free to use the p_report.gif function.

All online mods will be alerted and the offending post analysed and suitability determined.

Would that only work for posts that are against the rules?

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I have an idea. Why not have a button that appears on the Original Posters screen that allows him to ban future posts from people that are.... posting off topic......slagging....or any other reason the Original Poster wants. It may help to keep people that want to discuss a certain topic on topic and keep the ones not interested in the topic from interfering with the thread.

The mods can moderate if the thread itself is appropriate or if the people participating are breaking the rules.

You have an ignore button to delete comments from posters that you are uninterested in. That should do the job.

JR Texas: It would be nice if people would stop the personal attacks on each other. It is one thing to discuss or defend a position, it is another (and usually a sign of weakness) to attack people that do not share your views on a subject. This is not the Jerry Springer Show!

I often use this forum to vent my frustration with politicians (just called all of them stupid), ideas (e.g., rich people are good and poor people are bad), and policies (always complaining about the visa/business rules), but I try not to attack individual posters. Of course, I am not always successful at this (sorry).

In a world where the free flow of information is becoming a luxury, perhaps we should be thankful that we can freely discuss controversial issues here..........unless, of course, they are tracing our IP addresses and preparing to break down our doors, seize our computers, throw us in jail, and deport us as enemies of the state......ha ha ha.....joke? :o Maybe not! :D

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I have an idea. Why not have a button that appears on the Original Posters screen that allows him to ban future posts from people that are.... posting off topic......slagging....or any other reason the Original Poster wants. It may help to keep people that want to discuss a certain topic on topic and keep the ones not interested in the topic from interfering with the thread.

The mods can moderate if the thread itself is appropriate or if the people participating are breaking the rules.

You have an ignore button to delete comments from posters that you are uninterested in. That should do the job.

The only thing that accomplishes is that the person using that button does not have to read posts from that member. It does not stop the thread from being closed because of the purse swinging.

The closure of the thread about the poll asking if people thought that thailand or the thai gov is what prompted my post. Instead of getting the poll accomplished it was closed due to people slagging the OP.

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I think pumpuiman is right, it's the mods that keep the forum on track and, while allowing a degree of freedom of expression, do wade in when things get a little too fraught and handbags start swinging.

We do try... but if any member finds any particular post offensive, feel free to use the p_report.gif function.

All online mods will be alerted and the offending post analysed and suitability determined.

Would that only work for posts that are against the rules?

Strictly speaking yes... although we do try to calm things down in particularly heated discussions before resorting to thread closure and issuance of warnings/holidays.

And yes lingling... it worked.

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I have always been of the opinion it is fair game to whine about your own country but only if you vote or are doing something about the situation that is causing your complaint.

I did not vote in my country because my vote is worthless (just ask Al Gore but I knew years before that happened).

I did not complain about anyone or anything because I did nothing to try to change anything. In fact I very much do not like my country nor do I want to do anything helpful for my country or it's citizens, (not that I'm an unfriendly or unkind person because that is very much not true).

I was always told "love it or leave it" and I agreed so I did.

Sure there are things in Thailand that are not perfect just like anyplace you will ever go in this world but I don't see Thais complaining and whining so I kind of don't feel I have the right to. But, hey I'm just saying. I figure if there is something in this world to really complain about or get angry about it sure ain't traffic and if you think it is you really need to find something to do with all your free time,.

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wolfmanjack- If you don't love everything about TV exactly the way it is, why don't you leave the forum? Huh? I think everything about TV is just sooo wonderful. Sorry- just kidding. Couldn't resist.

I agree that it's great there are so many varying opinions that can be freely expressed, within reasonable boundaries. Those boundaries seem to prevent the discussion (mostly) from deteriorating into the online equivalent of the old Springer show, as someone noted.

Have also noted that while there are a few posters who tend to be all-negative or all-positive, most of us tend be somewhere in between, although many of us, me included, do tend to see other posters as more extreme than they are. In reality, we all probably agree on a lot more than we disagree about, but it is more fun to stick to the contested areas, no?

(And just to ramble on a tangent- Dr. Fisher- votes don't count? Sorry, Gore lost the election by any reasonable count in FL, and then as a result Gore lost the electoral total; the popular vote as you know is not legally significant under the US Constitution, which Constitution I suspect most Americans want to see followed even if they disagree with the outcome in a particular matter. Also, on a related note, I love it that those who tend to favor activisit courts when they like the result are now sometimes seeing that judicial activism cuts both ways. We seem to agree on not ever wanting to live there again, but while you don't care about the country or it's citizens, I still do care and wish them the best, and somehow feel they'll do fine without our input. Cheers.)

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As far as I am concerned if some one wants to start a thread whining about something they should be allowed to whine and have others that want to whine along with them do so. No need for members to start fights with them or try to hijack their thread.

So you want a forum where everyone agrees with each other ?

Threads would be very short and boring. ( As opposed to long and boring ) :o

Edited by Maigo6
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If you do not like what is being posted on a thread just don't read that thread any more. Simple, No ?

You could always follow your own advice, simple, no?

Where, I think, he's coming from is the threads that are discussing a topic reasonably well with all points of view considered. Then one or two posters weigh in with a controversial opinion and the whole thing descends into a slagfest and eventual closure often while others may have worthwhile input to give. Unfortunately, other than the mods handing out all expenses spared holidays, there is little that can be done without infringing on peoples right to voice their opinions (within limits).

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Yeah, but Phil, if we all agreed and did not voice an alternate opinion, wouldn't be much point in a debate.

I have a theory as to why so many Topics turn into fights...............It's because we are so restricted on what topics are permitted to be discussed, that the topics we are permitted are done over and over and over again, Iv'e lost count of the ammount of new threads wanting to know how much money I earn or what I do for a living or what my nickname means.

Bargirls or Barboys cannot be discussed in The Farang nightlife/ bars/ fun/ section, proxies and pirated software cannot be discussed in the Internet and computer section etc etc......

I know there are rules, and there are reasons for those rules, but also understand why the permitted topics are nearly always flaming contests, cos they have been done to death already!

Oh, and we can't say that the Moderators will sort it out, as discussions on moderation issues are also not permitted.

I know, I know, if I don't like the rules........................ :o

Edited by Maigo6
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i dont understand how a girl runs 4 shops for a farang and is prgnant by him. and he has another girfriend. and the girl wonders what happened.

and we are expected only to support her. we cant say something that might help another girl in same same position.

i dont understand why if you dont like someone just censor them yourself. wolfman has made critical comments about me and i dont get all huffy. i called him silly as he think 25$ a day profit on 350,000$ investment is a good deal.

Edited by blizzard
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"Love it or leave it" Brings back memories of what the US authorities told those of us that protested the war in Vietnam.

Yep, that's the reason I left... he, he, he

Thailand does have problems and it's frustrating living here at times, but it's nice to have a place where I can vent my frustrations. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way. to those who think that pissing a moaning shouldn't be allowed, sorry, I disagree. I think it's better than keeping it all inside :o

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i dont understand how a girl runs 4 shops for a farang and is prgnant by him. and he has another girfriend. and the girl wonders what happened.

and we are expected only to support her. we cant say something that might help another girl in same same position.

I don't think people stray off topic usually. :o

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I have always been of the opinion it is fair game to whine about your own country but only if you vote or are doing something about the situation that is causing your complaint.

I did not vote in my country because my vote is worthless (just ask Al Gore but I knew years before that happened).

I did not complain about anyone or anything because I did nothing to try to change anything. In fact I very much do not like my country nor do I want to do anything helpful for my country or it's citizens, (not that I'm an unfriendly or unkind person because that is very much not true).

I was always told "love it or leave it" and I agreed so I did.

Sure there are things in Thailand that are not perfect just like anyplace you will ever go in this world but I don't see Thais complaining and whining so I kind of don't feel I have the right to. But, hey I'm just saying. I figure if there is something in this world to really complain about or get angry about it sure ain't traffic and if you think it is you really need to find something to do with all your free time,.

I agree that you should not whine about who got elected if you were able to vote and did not. However I disagree that we do not have a right to complain about things that affect us here in thailand or any other country.

I used traffic as an example since other threads have been about the way thais drive. It is only one example. By the way I did try and do something about it. I was in a meeting with a police colonel last week and he asked me what I like about thailand. I told him. He seemed pretty happy about this. Then he asked me how I can drive in thailand when I am used to driving in the USA. So i told him about the problems of driving in thailand. We discussed how to cure some of the problems. Maybe he will pass some of the information on to those that can do something about it but probably not.

As far as finding something to do with my free time, I guess that is what we are doing on thaivisa right ?

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There is an "ignore" function whereby you compile a list of posters whose output you don't wish to read and, I think, all you see in the thread is their name. I don't use this function as I believe everybody has a right to express their opinions, within the forum rules, just as I have the right to ignore them.

I agree with your thoughts on the "if you don't like it get out" brigade. It is possible to live happily in a place and still moan about life's little irritants. We don't all have to wear rose tinted specs over the rose tinted contact lenses. In fact anybody who loves Thailand so much they see absolutely no faults or room for improvement would worry the hel_l out of me. :D

I think pumpuiman is right, it's the mods that keep the forum on track and, while allowing a degree of freedom of expression, do wade in when things get a little too fraught and handbags start swinging.

amen :o

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Actually the internet and Thai Visa in particular have been a very good thing for mankind...it allows people to say the most outrageous things without fear of ending up in a body bag. The best value I have received from TV has been in the Visa section. Some of the advice was extremely helpful to me. The problem with TV has been the flamers who circle around this website like sharks, just waiting to attack when they smell blood. You a-holes know who you are. The biggest mistake a poster can make is to be honest, sincere and emotionally involved in a subject. You open yourself up to immediate and unrelenting attack.

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did you read my example of 4 shop girl.

some of these posters deserved to be attacked, how else they going to learn. some people you actually have to slap em upside the head or they wont notice.

one can be sincere and emotionally involved yet have the brain of a pumpkin.

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You could always follow your own advice, simple, no?

I do follow my own advice. There are many thread that I do not bother to read at all. Some I follow until it turns into a slagfest. Some I follow even though it does turn into a slagfest because every once in a while someone pops up with a post that is actually relevant.

Where, I think, he's coming from is the threads that are discussing a topic reasonably well with all points of view considered. Then one or two posters weigh in with a controversial opinion and the whole thing descends into a slagfest and eventual closure often while others may have worthwhile input to give. Unfortunately, other than the mods handing out all expenses spared holidays, there is little that can be done without infringing on peoples right to voice their opinions (within limits).

You got it. I do not have a problem with someone taking the opposite view or stating their opinion and that is not what causes the threads to be closed. The slagging and name calling is what causes the threads to be closed. If the OP wants to keep his thread going he should be able to stop those that are trying to hijack his/her thread or trying to get the thread closed by purposely antagonizing another poster from posting again on his/her thread.

Yeah, but Phil, if we all agreed and did not voice an alternate opinion, wouldn't be much point in a debate.

I have a theory as to why so many Topics turn into fights...............It's because we are so restricted on what topics are permitted to be discussed, that the topics we are permitted are done over and over and over again, Iv'e lost count of the ammount of new threads wanting to know how much money I earn or what I do for a living or what my nickname means.

Bargirls or Barboys cannot be discussed in The Farang nightlife/ bars/ fun/ section, proxies and pirated software cannot be discussed in the Internet and computer section etc etc......

I know there are rules, and there are reasons for those rules, but also understand why the permitted topics are nearly always flaming contests, cos they have been done to death already!

Oh, and we can't say that the Moderators will sort it out, as discussions on moderation issues are also not permitted.

I know, I know, if I don't like the rules........................ :o

Debate is a good thing. Slagging is not. If you are bored with a topic then don't read it. There are new people joining all of the time. Often when I do a search it comes up with so many posts that are not relevant that I assume most that post about a topic that is done to death want to get an answer without digging through the manure.

i dont understand how a girl runs 4 shops for a farang and is prgnant by him. and he has another girfriend. and the girl wonders what happened.

and we are expected only to support her. we cant say something that might help another girl in same same position.

i dont understand why if you dont like someone just censor them yourself. wolfman has made critical comments about me and i dont get all huffy. i called him silly as he think 25$ a day profit on 350,000$ investment is a good deal.

A perfect example. Off topic as Maigo pointed out already. I am not talking about removing posts that are already made. I am talking about the OP ability to stop people from posting again and again and again on his thread that are causing the thread to be closed or be off topic.

Also I have not slagged you even though it would be very easy to do so simply by quoting your posts. I would not even have to add any of my own comments. Just a list of comments that you have written is enough.

If I remember correctly the only thing i was critical about in my post was your not reading the entire post and taking things out of context. Personally what I am critical about, but have never posted it until now, is the fact that almost all of your posts are negative and most insinuate that every thai lady that is married to a falang is or was a prostitute. That is the impression I get when I read your posts. Other opinions may vary.

"Love it or leave it" Brings back memories of what the US authorities told those of us that protested the war in Vietnam.

Yep, that's the reason I left... he, he, he

Thailand does have problems and it's frustrating living here at times, but it's nice to have a place where I can vent my frustrations. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way. to those who think that pissing a moaning shouldn't be allowed, sorry, I disagree. I think it's better than keeping it all inside :D

Exactly. It is better to express your frustrations than to keep them bottled up inside. This forum is a place that we can do that. Since misery loves company it should be a place where people with the same gripe can relate with each other. I read a thread on losing weight and there were posters making unhelpful comments there also.

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did you read my example of 4 shop girl.

some of these posters deserved to be attacked, how else they going to learn. some people you actually have to slap em upside the head or they wont notice.

one can be sincere and emotionally involved yet have the brain of a pumpkin.

Ah, right on cue. Troll #1. I'm sorry Blizzard, I didn't read your example of 4 shop girl. Was it intelligent? Good. It would be a first. I'm glad that you feel so socially responsible that your posts have to slap 'em upside the head. Keep up the good work. I'm sure one of these days your attacks will actually lead to an epiphany for one of TV's posters.

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not all thai women married to farangs were former prostitutes but many of them were.

get real dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is only sourpusses supposed to be using this forum. because i find the uptightness here quite entertaining.

Edited by blizzard
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What is the point of any topic/discussion if there is no “other side”?....unless you want to make a public announcement. Warm Fuzzy…ozzy…feeling one side discussion is just plain boring, and it’s only worked in a marriage only :o

I personally enjoy reading a good debate and make it a point to put myself in other's shoes and use different sociological viewpoints to understand the other side. We all can learn from each other sometimes. However, I have noticed, lately there is a lot more bickering than usual and much more black and white instead of gray area. However when you added ranting and raving, then it’s not a good debate anymore.

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