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Dutch inventor of the cassette tape dies aged 94


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He made a change to billions of people‘s listening pleasure, be it language courses, music or lectures - I was one of those who benefitted in all three. 

Thank you for your invention, it made a positive impact in my life! 

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I am a child of the 70’s and 80’s and the cassette tape has been enormously important to me; to be able to record your favorite music from the radio, or to buy tapes and play them on your walkman when and wherever you wanted.

I remember driving through the Sahara in 1987 in an old Peugeot 504 ‘Familiale’, and in the end, because of all the sand and dust, we had just one tape left that still worked and that we played over and over again for days. That tape was ‘Graceland’ (the album) by Paul Simon and to this day that is still very powerful music to me.

So thank you so much, Mr. Lou Ottens, for inventing the cassette tape and making my life as a teenager and a young man so much more enjoyable. RIP.

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In a Dutch newspaper he said he was sorry that Sony released the Walkman before Phillips.

But it is a widespread misunderstand it was Sony.

During 1974 I worked as a technician at the Marantz importer.

At the time we also represented Standard Company from Japan, and they bring already a walkman, I owned one by myself.

Later Standard were taken over by Marantz, before that time they also bring Superscope.

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