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'Two boys snogging was revolutionary': the greatest gay moments in cinema

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On 3/18/2021 at 9:21 PM, jchfriis said:

I've watched lots of movies where heterosexuals go down memory lane. Should I stop doing that since I'm gay?

Yes indeed.

I like to watch any kind of movie as long as it is good.

However there is something special about seeing representations onscreen  of characters that you can personally identify with.

But its not necessary.

5 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


Please show me where I have attacked a minority? You're being dishonest and sticking labels on me.

How would you feel if I did the same to you?


My own position on this can be summed up as "what's good for the goose is good for the gander".


If it's okay for the minority to tell the majority what to say, then it's okay for the majority to tell the minority what to say. Personally, I think this is wrong, so I go with the other option.

It is wrong for either party to tell the other what to say.


See, no context needed for an answer to such a simple question.

But its not good for the goose when the goose is constantly oppressed and the hate speech against them fuels the violence against them.


Now, if there are homosexuals using the power of the majority to belittle the minority heterosexuals you may have a point.


but you dont. Common decency is a good thing, no one is forcing you to watch anything or even be on this thread if it upsets you,

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On 3/21/2021 at 4:27 PM, simon43 said:



Get used to more 'rotten and homophobic'  words if you want to continue this thread.

Thanks for the warning mate 

4 hours ago, simon43 said:

KarenBravo, you'll get no reasoned argument from JT and Mr Dome, save your breath ????


And JT/Mr Dome, it might surprise or shock you to know that I'm bisexual, you know - attracted to males as well as females.  My so-called homophobic comments about not liking overtly-sexual activities displayed in public applies to both gay and straight partners.  It's unnecessary and often intend to shock others or create controversy.  For both straight and gay, I say again 'get a room!!'

We are talking about movies that no one is forcing you to watch.

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On 3/21/2021 at 4:33 PM, BangkokReady said:

I think you just need to be careful that in trying to move away from "no gay kisses allowed", we don't shift to "there must always be a gay kiss and everyone must watch it".

This is a "problem" that will never exist but perhaps you can pitch this concept to be a new dystopian science fiction show on Netflix.

  • Confused 1

Here's a great real life example of why its impossible to honestly promote the idea of equality between  an oppressed minority and a bigoted majority when it comes to trying to boss the other side around. This majority is trying to tell a small hated minority that their speech in the form of a flag shouldn't be flown by the city. 

Do you think there would have been any LGBT locals showing up to try to deny a mainstream flag from being displayed and even if there was that they would be given the time of day?

In this case the rainbow flag stands but the politicians supporting that have endangered their careers.



7 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


Ah, so you have no idea.  Fair enough.  Thanks for confirming.

OMG. So you actually think that any society ever is going to mandate that every media offering MUST include a gay kiss and the entire population MUST watch all of that content.


Dude, I find that hilarious. I don't really believe that anyone really believes that, but if anyone actually did that would NEXT LEVEL homophobic paranoia.

37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

OMG. So you actually think that any society ever is going to mandate that every media offering MUST include a gay kiss and the entire population MUST watch all of that content.


OMG.  You actually don't understand nuance or hyperbole.

2 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


OMG.  You actually don't understand nuance or hyperbole.

So you admit you weren't serious and don't believe it could actually happen. Thank you.

Just now, Jingthing said:

So you admit you weren't serious and don't believe it could actually happen. Thank you.


Haha.  You're an odd person.  Have you only been learning English for a short time or something?

1 minute ago, BangkokReady said:


Wait, why would it be homophobic?

Your original post suggested that we needed to guard  against your absurd supposition as if you actually believed  that was an actual threat. If you don't get how that is homophobic I can't help you.

1 minute ago, BangkokReady said:


Haha.  You're an odd person.  Have you only been learning English for a short time or something?

Our communication has now reached its end point. Goodbye.

Just now, Jingthing said:

If you don't get how that is homophobic I can't help you.


How do you know it is homophobic if you can't explain it?


Why not think about what makes you think that it is homophobic, then write down those words?

On 3/23/2021 at 6:39 PM, KarenBravo said:


......and my attacking a minority? Can't you show where I did that?

Nah! Didn't think so. Demonstrably dishonest.


You seem to be like all the other SJWs. No dissenting opinions allowed. Shut them down with cries of racist and homophobic and hope it sticks.

This stupid stance can be seen in many universities......especially in the States.

These people don't seem to realize that Democracy is a market place of different ideas. The good get adopted and the bad fall by the wayside. Therefore, attempting to silence people's views is anti-democratic and smells of autocracy and dictatorship.

I really have nothing more to add


And absolutely zero of this has anything to do with the topic of gay/queer moments in movies (not porno ones!) or the subtopic that adults refering to themselves as girls or boys is pretty normal and deserves no huff or angry face. That being said, your post now requires me to follow you into OT land.


Dissenting opinions have never had a better chance of being aired than now, I daresay.

Do you by any chance mean debunked lies like "the US election was stolen", anti-vaxxer misinformation or QAnon insanity?

By never actually naming anything and just making unsubstantiated claims, you're playing a sly game here, Karen.


It's just another fake outrage that has put the US & other countries in the state they are now, where people demand their opinions get the same air time as facts and the right wing media throws a fit & riles their audiences up over businesses making their own decisions, trumping up mole to mountain issues such as transgendered girls in sports, etc.

  • Thanks 1
On 3/23/2021 at 8:07 PM, simon43 said:

Note that my 'disdain' is for others of whatever sexual persuasion to make overt, public displays of that sexuality.  I have no wish to watch 2 men snogging whilst eating my Cadbury's Walnut Whip.  Nor do I want to see a straight couple with their tongues down each other's throats whilst I'm eating a Curly Wurly...  It's totally unnecessary, unless they are trying to elicit some form of response.



Things that I don't like:


- Getting sick; bad food; bad music; pain; rude people; ... .


Seriously, when did this become about PDA's? Or about your erotic attractions?

Nobody cares. As long as nobody gets abused, have at it 24/7, brother, more snogging for you and I really mean that.


OTOH though, saying "I am gay/bi ... whatever, sounds very much like "I can't be a racist, my grandkids are black."  Wrong, absolutely you can hold & voice racist beliefs then. Or homophobic ones if you're bi.


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I want to add a keeping it real observation. I have watched a LOT of queer cinema. Going back a very long time to the early years of Frameline, the historically ground breaking San Francisco gay film festival. 


Before I said that queer cinema is a separate category from gay porn. I stand by that.


HOWEVER, I think its fair to say that as a percentage of content pornoographic scenes are much more common in queer cinema, particularly the part that is targeted towards gay men.


Now why would that be?

Well here are my theories. 


Sex sells. That's universal.


Products targeted towards men lacking the sometimes restraining influence of women are naturally more sexual. 


Like if two men go on a first date there is a higher chance there will be sex than on a straight date. Not taking about dates with Thai go go dancers. Those are transactions.


Although its gotten a lot better an awful lot of queer cinema products are both low budget and low quality. But show enough flesh and you can still sell it. So the audience is conditioned to expect it.


Queer cinema emerged as a revolutionary art force. Depicticing sexuality has been an integral part of that.


Of course there is a huge range in queer cinema. But perhaps it can be said there are rough categories of queer cinema for general audiences that would include films of Almodovar and the huge box office hit of Brokeback Mountain. 


Then there are what I call "festival" movies. Clearly targeted only to gay men. Usually first shown at film festivals, limited releases to gay neighborhood theaters, sold on gay specific film websites. Sure the latter are more likely to include more explicit content. Its very unlikely that there would be many accidental viewers of this category. Its for people seeking it out 


Of course lots of specific films and tv shows don't fit neatly in those rough categories. Like perhaps Queer as Folk.


To be clear I'm not apologizing for the sexual content in queer cinema. I like it  Sex is good. Gay sex is better. But except in rare circumstances if you're looking for unadulterated gay porn only you don’t go to queer cinema. You would have to fast forward too much, ha ha.


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