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Bangkok Hospital Pattaya Watch


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Bangkok Hospital Pattaya - 'Where is the Care' topic is still going strong so we will leave this for now and go on with that thread instead as commented it is difficult having the two threads simulatiously.

Dear Mods,

I agree with ErikD and you can close this thread anytime as apathy seems to have beset the gang of.... 4 is it now?



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Bangkok Hospital Pattaya - 'Where is the Care' topic is still going strong so we will leave this for now and go on with that thread instead as commented it is difficult having the two threads simulatiously.

Dear Mods,

I agree with ErikD and you can close this thread anytime as apathy seems to have beset the gang of.... 4 is it now?



My dear Nan,

Seeing as you are determined to put a derogatory tag on some of the stalwart citizens of Pattaya, may I invite you to conjure up a suitable epithet for your good self, as your erudition and creativity seems to know no bounds.

May I also respectfully suggest that you enlighten yourself on the meaning of 'apathy', for I see no signs of it breaking out on the relevant threads, (we are all posting on the other one - or didn't you know?), and remain, somewhat puzzled. :o

Very respectfully yours

Your Thai Visa brother-in arms,


Go in peace my friend. :D

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Thanks for that.

I have no intent of the following.

Colluding or somehow working in sympathy with or for the medical establishment in question. These numerous accusations have been an invention of the 'lynch mob' (note the quotation marks).

Hijacking a post (or posts) that was (were) primarily intended to seek the truth in a very, very unfortunate and emotional situation that does have a serious impact on expatriate life in Pattaya. This too has been an accusation by the aforementioned, somewhat hysterical group.

Personally vilifying or responding condescendingly to any and all TV forum members regardless of age and standing in the local community for their differing opinion.

Adding chiding and worthless comments and personal assumptions for reasons why I think they have reached their stated differing opinion.

My intentions are as follows.

To support and follow any independent and excoriatingly thorough investigation of the facts surrounding the accident and actions that influenced the decisions subsequently made. This to the best of any foreign-born residents expectations in this country.

To defer to professional and qualified medical and legal opinions on this matter.

Not to deride any medical and legal actions or opinions because of the country it comes from and culture that it is based upon.

There is a very real risk of apathy prevailing on this whole affair if the primary focus of the related thread(s) is merely a growing list of personal negative experiences posted on an internet forum. There are undeniably true horror stories amongst them and I am sure there are a few more to be revealed. However, a misdiagnosis that only resulted in paying more, getting a second opinion or using another medical establishment has far less value in the context of assessing this establishments liability or culpability than one that threatened a life or required an emergency surgical intervention or medical evacuation.

Doctors and health professionals of all levels of training and experience, regardless of their nationality, place and country of work do sometimes get it wrong. The size of the medical malpractice area of the insurance industry is a testament to that.

Finally, despite the best efforts of medical professionals everywhere, people do die as a result of severe body trauma. When it happens to someone we either know personally or are familiar with through association, it becomes an extremely emotional issue.

I hope that these last comments will not be perceived as an endorsement of the medical establishment in question or taken as a callous disrespect for life.

I appreciate the time taken.

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I haven't had a chance to read all of this thread, so i hope i'm not repeating anything... but I'm quite certain in a similar situation in some supposedly civilized "western" countries, the guy probably would have dropped dead sooner than he did her.

Regardless, it's about as sad as story as we've read here...

Hopefully something good will come of it for future accident victims.

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Thanks for that.

I have no intent of the following.

Colluding or somehow working in sympathy with or for the medical establishment in question. These numerous accusations have been an invention of the 'lynch mob' (note the quotation marks).

Hijacking a post (or posts) that was (were) primarily intended to seek the truth in a very, very unfortunate and emotional situation that does have a serious impact on expatriate life in Pattaya. This too has been an accusation by the aforementioned, somewhat hysterical group.

Personally vilifying or responding condescendingly to any and all TV forum members regardless of age and standing in the local community for their differing opinion.

Adding chiding and worthless comments and personal assumptions for reasons why I think they have reached their stated differing opinion.

My intentions are as follows.

To support and follow any independent and excoriatingly thorough investigation of the facts surrounding the accident and actions that influenced the decisions subsequently made. This to the best of any foreign-born residents expectations in this country.

To defer to professional and qualified medical and legal opinions on this matter.

Not to deride any medical and legal actions or opinions because of the country it comes from and culture that it is based upon.

There is a very real risk of apathy prevailing on this whole affair if the primary focus of the related thread(s) is merely a growing list of personal negative experiences posted on an internet forum. There are undeniably true horror stories amongst them and I am sure there are a few more to be revealed. However, a misdiagnosis that only resulted in paying more, getting a second opinion or using another medical establishment has far less value in the context of assessing this establishments liability or culpability than one that threatened a life or required an emergency surgical intervention or medical evacuation.

Doctors and health professionals of all levels of training and experience, regardless of their nationality, place and country of work do sometimes get it wrong. The size of the medical malpractice area of the insurance industry is a testament to that.

Finally, despite the best efforts of medical professionals everywhere, people do die as a result of severe body trauma. When it happens to someone we either know personally or are familiar with through association, it becomes an extremely emotional issue.

I hope that these last comments will not be perceived as an endorsement of the medical establishment in question or taken as a callous disrespect for life.

I appreciate the time taken.

Nan lAew. No need for appreciation. I did not read it all. Let me just tell you that it is way too late for this foolish show. You have insulted many contributors, you have imposed yourself as a judge while you are just a denier of facts. You endorse and you are callous as you consistently defend an institution where there is no excuse. You are hiding behind rationalizations, i know such talk from deniers in other circumstances. They are either paid lobbists or simply challenged characters unable to engage in a positive relationship or join constructive action. Go and research UFOs, Myths, and conspiracies. I hope that you understand that you better open up your "Nanlaew is unhappy and the world is unfair" - thread but - please - dont bother people who share an interest in carifying a situation that is potentially threatening their health and lives.

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Well said farangfool I am with you all the way on this one! This is all about what can be learned from the tragedy of Matt's death and how we can possibly improve things for others living and visiting Pattaya.

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Well said farangfool I am with you all the way on this one! This is all about what can be learned from the tragedy of Matt's death and how we can possibly improve things for others living and visiting Pattaya.

Well said EmCross and farangfool.

I stopped posting, because the longer I posted the longer they posted, and although it was and was blindly obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense which direction this thread was heading - as EmCross so lucidly put it and highlighted above - there seem to be a few who are he..ll bent, for whatever reason, to doubt and challenge everything that is said, and every statement that is made that puts BPH in a bad light.

Sure,we don't expect everyone on a forum to agree with what we are saying, and within reason it is right and proper to challenge.

But I honestly think that the sheer welter of evidence from long standing residents speaks for itself - and I confess I really can't understand the motives of many of these 'challengers' on this and it's 'sister' thread.

This is a serious subject - not some 'knock-about' debating the rights and wrongs of Baht buses, and it merits reasoned and rational debate.

Accusations of 'untruths' and 'lynch mobs' and 'gangs of 4 .. or is it 5 or 6'? is not, in my opinion, reasoned, rational debate.

It just makes me sad. :o

Go in peace Nalaew et al. :D

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Yesterday I had to go to my insurance agent’s office to renew my car insurance. I use a farang owned company in Jomtien, and the man who runs it has been in Pattaya for more years than most of us, and has an unblemished reputation for honesty and integrity. Many of you will know of whom I speak.

We got chatting about medical insurance, and without me raising the matter, my friend launched into a tirade about Bangkok Pattaya hospital. Of course he has frequent dealings with the place as many of his clients carry medical insurance through his company.

He said that there used to be a time, when he had a good relationship with BHP, but these days, they all ‘run for cover’ when they see him coming.

He knows all about the ‘Matt’ case – and remember – he is something of a professional in these matters – he stated that it was absolutely unthinkable that they would transport a serious injured man to a blood supply, rather than bringing the blood to Matt – not that he believed their story anyway. He told me that their statements were self contradictory, and that basically they were being very economical with the truth.

He went onto confirm (without me prompting) all the horror stories and bad attitude that have been posted in the ‘other’, (now closed), thread, and basically asserted that BPH were just a ‘money machine’ and had no interest in patients, other than making money out of them. He said their latest ‘scam’ was to convince rich patients to pay for bills through their credit cards, even when they carried full insurance, as BPH didn’t want to wait to recover their money through the insurance carriers. He said they would even tell patients that they weren’t covered for a particular procedure (even though they were), so that they could extract the cash faster.

He also confirmed that it was common practise for BPH to undertake needless procedures – e.g carrying out unnecessary, expensive MRI scans.

Finally my friend recommended that Pattaya residents go to The Sattihip hospital for all, but the direst medical emergencies.

I had a Thai Visa colleague with me at the time, and when we left the insurance office I asked him what he thought about out conversation. His response was that the insurance agent, (who has never read Thai Visa), pretty much reiterated everything that has been written about BPH on the forum.

Barryz, I warn you in advance that any response you make to this post will be ignored on the grounds that you either have malicious intent, or you are representative of BPH – or both. It is very strange that almost 40% of your total posts have been made on a single BPH thread (on which you are also the most prolific poster), and that since it was closed, you have not made a single new post. No doubt you decided your job was done. I rest my case. You are very clever, but in the end, you fool no-one, and certainly not the good residents of Pattaya.

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I second Mobi's last post.

I was one of the members that started ignoring this Barryz character and after having had a lengthy discussion about this with one of the Mod's, it is my distinct impression that this guy is somehow connected to the BPH to diffuse the other (now closed) topic.

The problem is nothing can be proven because they were very clever about it.

Anyway this whole episode has proven to me at least, that the BPH cannot be trusted for anything, and believe me, I live in a community inhabited by mostly Germans and Swiss expats, this group of people have at least exactly the same opinion of the BPH as many of us on this forum, and many of them have told me that they would never set foot in this establishment again.

It is sad to notice that some of the members of this forum don't even think about what effects their negativity has on the family and friends of poor Matt, because I am sure they are following this tread closely, as I would in the same circumstances.

This hospital has a lot of clout here in Pattaya financially, political and mediawise and unfortunately there's little we can do about that.

There's is nothing more important to me than my physical health and that should be the same for all of you.

Think about it, your health is their business and how ruthless business can be.



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Matt Hayes. His Memory. His Legacy.

A get together was held on Sunday the 3rd of June in memory of Matt Hayes the young American who was recently killed in Pattaya. On behalf of Matt’s family in the U.S. and friends in Thailand we would like to thank all who attended. Special thanks must go to the owners of Janet Bar on Soi Xyte and the Pattaya Media Group for their continuing support and all who sent messages of condolence and support via thaivisa.com. At the gathering Matt’s Thai estate was divided and four local children’s charities benefited. Also the takings from the bar and collection on the day will be donated in the next few days. Matt’s parents have stated that his U.S. estate will be sent and distributed to charities in Thailand within the next few weeks.

Matt’s family would like to take this opportunity to offer their sincere thanks to the SB rescue service and Mr. Simon who were at the scene very quickly on the day of the accident and who did all they could to assist Matt. Matt’s family also stated that if something positive can come from Matt’s death so this does not happen to anyone else’s loved one this could be Matt’s legacy. Some views and ideas include:

  • Some sort of personal ID dog tags/bracelet including contact numbers, insurance details, etc.

  • Hospitals in Thailand (Bangkok Pattaya Hospital) should review their fiscal policy regarding trauma/emergency patients, i.e., total and immediate care must be administered at least until the patient has stabilized regardless of cost and certainly under no circumstances moved while clinging to life.

  • A blood bank should be set up in Pattaya. In response to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital statements seen by many as a blatant cover-up and propaganda as in Matt’s case a hospital did not have stock for one patient (this is a Trauma Center, remember). God forbid a Bali style bombing here. How many would perish due to lack of care? This issue must be addressed quickly and given serious thought by those in power here in Chonburi.

Matt was an English teacher here in Pattaya. He was a great guy who never had a bad word for anyone; well liked and respected by all who knew him. Please spare a thought for the hundred plus students he taught. When the new school term opened recently their favorite teacher, Mr. Matt, was not there. Matt’s death has affected us all very deeply. Our group of friends, some twenty individuals, now has a stronger bond. We look out for each other more and we are making our own plans in case of personal tragedy. We suggest all foreigners living in Pattaya do the some. This will be Matt’s legacy. May our good friend go with God.

Thank you.

Matt’s Friends

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It is a shame that the announcement for the gathering has to be made in this thread and not in the other that is: where it really belongs.

Evidently, the PR guys of the BPH managed to spam the other threat de-rail discussions in order to obstruct critique. In other words, the content of the thread will effectively disappear. Can we clean up the spam and get the thread going again or transfer data to this thread? We should be hostages to some people who most likely work for BPH. I know their language. You learn in it "communications" studies and the techniques are always the same.

On the other hand, it also obvious that determination goes a long way and we are successfully putting pressure on that "hospital." Let's keep up the pressure and bring up more of the suppressed information.

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He said their latest ‘scam’ was to convince rich patients to pay for bills through their credit cards, even when they carried full insurance, as BPH didn’t want to wait to recover their money through the insurance carriers.

I second that, and Mobi it's not a new scam. This has been going on since they opened their new wing B many years ago.

You had to pay first and when the insurance paid up they gave you a call, that you could come and collect the money. When I approached the German Farang "lady" from the international department about this, she told me that this was necessary because many insurance companies waited very long to pay, and that would seriously affect the hospitals cash flow. Excuse me !!!!.

Anyway as you have noticed I have absolutely nothing good to say about this financial institute, and would like to move on.

I find the idea voiced by steviekes about dog tags, bracelets or any other identification method to be a valid one. Any ideas on that one, and please guys let's keep this topic alive, it might save lives.


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It's noy only this hospital. Their are really no real emergency services as we know it in thailand. Some asian countries such as japan has what we would call in the west as emergency services. Such is life living in Thailand. The best thing we can do is register with the bankok hospital Pattaya with information on who to notify and how they are to get paid in case of emergency. Then instruct your next of kin or whoever you elect to make decisions if you are unable what your wishes might be concerning care.



This is solid advise. I am registered with three major hospitals in BKK and have my insurance card right on top in my wallet.

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He said their latest ‘scam’ was to convince rich patients to pay for bills through their credit cards, even when they carried full insurance, as BPH didn’t want to wait to recover their money through the insurance carriers.

I second that, and Mobi it's not a new scam. This has been going on since they opened their new wing B many years ago.

You had to pay first and when the insurance paid up they gave you a call, that you could come and collect the money. When I approached the German Farang "lady" from the international department about this, she told me that this was necessary because many insurance companies waited very long to pay, and that would seriously affect the hospitals cash flow. Excuse me !!!!.

Anyway as you have noticed I have absolutely nothing good to say about this financial institute, and would like to move on.

I find the idea voiced by steviekes about dog tags, bracelets or any other identification method to be a valid one. Any ideas on that one, and please guys let's keep this topic alive, it might save lives.


Just to add my recent experience at the BNH hospital in Bangkok, if the inurance company was sent an interim bill by fax and they replied by fax agreeing to pay the bill, then BNH would not request payment from the patient.

In the event that the final bill had not been approved in time by the insurance company to allow discharge of the patient, the patient was requested to sign the old type of credit card slip with the outstanding amount, but this payment request was not immediately submitted to the credit card company. If the insurance company agreed to cover the final bill within a week or so, the unsubmitted credit card slip was returned to the patient.

This seems like a fair system to me. I suspect that the BNH hospital inflates its charges slightly when dealing with insurance companies directly to cover the extra costs of providing this service.

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He said their latest ‘scam’ was to convince rich patients to pay for bills through their credit cards, even when they carried full insurance, as BPH didn’t want to wait to recover their money through the insurance carriers.

I second that, and Mobi it's not a new scam. This has been going on since they opened their new wing B many years ago.

You had to pay first and when the insurance paid up they gave you a call, that you could come and collect the money. When I approached the German Farang "lady" from the international department about this, she told me that this was necessary because many insurance companies waited very long to pay, and that would seriously affect the hospitals cash flow. Excuse me !!!!.

Anyway as you have noticed I have absolutely nothing good to say about this financial institute, and would like to move on.

I find the idea voiced by steviekes about dog tags, bracelets or any other identification method to be a valid one. Any ideas on that one, and please guys let's keep this topic alive, it might save lives.


A resident-in-Pattaya friend was admitted to BHP for an overnight observation and was asked for deposit. She told the admitting clerk that she had insurance and for hospital to please clear with the insurance company. Answer came back that it being the weekend the international unit of the insurance company was closed but hospital would phone insurance company as soon as it opened on Monday morning. My friend was discharged and paid the bill. On Monday hospital phoned to say insurance company had cleared for payment and please come collect refund. My friend says her stay in hospital was very satisfactory (except for very hard mattress) and the meals were first class! Also, a day or so later a nurse phoned to find out how she was feeling.

Maybe things are looking up!!!!??????

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He said their latest ‘scam’ was to convince rich patients to pay for bills through their credit cards, even when they carried full insurance, as BPH didn’t want to wait to recover their money through the insurance carriers.

I second that, and Mobi it's not a new scam. This has been going on since they opened their new wing B many years ago.

You had to pay first and when the insurance paid up they gave you a call, that you could come and collect the money. When I approached the German Farang "lady" from the international department about this, she told me that this was necessary because many insurance companies waited very long to pay, and that would seriously affect the hospitals cash flow. Excuse me !!!!.

Anyway as you have noticed I have absolutely nothing good to say about this financial institute, and would like to move on.

I find the idea voiced by steviekes about dog tags, bracelets or any other identification method to be a valid one. Any ideas on that one, and please guys let's keep this topic alive, it might save lives.


A resident-in-Pattaya friend was admitted to BHP for an overnight observation and was asked for deposit. She told the admitting clerk that she had insurance and for hospital to please clear with the insurance company. Answer came back that it being the weekend the international unit of the insurance company was closed but hospital would phone insurance company as soon as it opened on Monday morning. My friend was discharged and paid the bill. On Monday hospital phoned to say insurance company had cleared for payment and please come collect refund. My friend says her stay in hospital was very satisfactory (except for very hard mattress) and the meals were first class! Also, a day or so later a nurse phoned to find out how she was feeling.

Maybe things are looking up!!!!??????

I have never heard of this deposit thing... it's very funny... :o:D:D

this is for BPH :D

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A medical staff employee of BHP who wishes to remain anonymous (for obvious reasons) has supplied the following information:

  • There was enough of Matt’s blood type for treatment.

  • Many medical staff work exceedingly long hours, i.e., this employee worked from 8am to 10pm.

  • Admission to the hospital is decided by admin, not medical staff, based of fiscal ability of the patient.

  • The former hospital director resigned before this incident occurred because of the way the hospital was being run.

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A medical staff employee of BHP who wishes to remain anonymous (for obvious reasons) has supplied the following information:

  • There was enough of Matt’s blood type for treatment.

  • Many medical staff work exceedingly long hours, i.e., this employee worked from 8am to 10pm.

  • Admission to the hospital is decided by admin, not medical staff, based of fiscal ability of the patient.

  • The former hospital director resigned before this incident occurred because of the way the hospital was being run.

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A medical staff employee of BHP who wishes to remain anonymous (for obvious reasons) has supplied the following information:

  • There was enough of Matt’s blood type for treatment.

  • Many medical staff work exceedingly long hours, i.e., this employee worked from 8am to 10pm.

  • Admission to the hospital is decided by admin, not medical staff, based of fiscal ability of the patient.

  • The former hospital director resigned before this incident occurred because of the way the hospital was being run.

Thanks for the update, steviekes.

Items 2 and 3 in your list have been confirmed several times over by other posters in this forum.

It's nice to have confirmation on item 1 -which doesn't surprise me in the least, and also on item, 4 - which again, is hardly surprising.

Keep the info coming, ladies and gents, and keep this thread alive.

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Confirmation (even anonymous) of what we have been stating here all along.

The only surprise for me is that someone actually resigned over the policies of the BPH.

Was there some publicity, article or other means of confirming this anywhere?

Might be a very powerful tool for TV.

cheers guys keep it coming.


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A resident-in-Pattaya friend was admitted to BHP for an overnight observation and was asked for deposit. She told the admitting clerk that she had insurance and for hospital to please clear with the insurance company. Answer came back that it being the weekend the international unit of the insurance company was closed but hospital would phone insurance company as soon as it opened on Monday morning. My friend was discharged and paid the bill. On Monday hospital phoned to say insurance company had cleared for payment and please come collect refund. My friend says her stay in hospital was very satisfactory (except for very hard mattress) and the meals were first class! Also, a day or so later a nurse phoned to find out how she was feeling.

Maybe things are looking up!!!!??????

Are you sure you are posting in the right thread, Tammi? A good report on BPH?? That's highly unusual, but very brave of you in the circumstances. Well done! :o

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That administrators decide on treatment or death was confirmed by the case of the pregnant woman (maybe 3 weeks ago?).

The TV option will remain a wish unless we get foreign TV involved. The local channels plus local farang press are not interested or even working at or for that institution.

On a different note, it is hardly surprising that the spammer (barryz, the BPH lobbist) turns up right at the moment new information comes out on this threat. Is there a way to ban him from posting here? He should not be allowed to get this threat closed.

ignore barryz

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A resident-in-Pattaya friend was admitted to BHP for an overnight observation and was asked for deposit. She told the admitting clerk that she had insurance and for hospital to please clear with the insurance company. Answer came back that it being the weekend the international unit of the insurance company was closed but hospital would phone insurance company as soon as it opened on Monday morning. My friend was discharged and paid the bill. On Monday hospital phoned to say insurance company had cleared for payment and please come collect refund. My friend says her stay in hospital was very satisfactory (except for very hard mattress) and the meals were first class! Also, a day or so later a nurse phoned to find out how she was feeling.

Maybe things are looking up!!!!??????

Are you sure you are posting in the right thread, Tammi? A good report on BPH?? That's highly unusual, but very brave of you in the circumstances. Well done! :D

here we go again.... :o

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Are you sure you are posting in the right thread, Tammi? A good report on BPH?? That's highly unusual, but very brave of you in the circumstances. Well done! :o

Not a single new post since the other thread was closed on 4th June. Now, up he pops again.

Ignore him, he is very malicious, and almost certainly acting for BPH.

If you react to him, he will succeed in getting this thread closed as well.

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I have two children who attend BEST school. A few days ago they came home with a letter about Flu vacinations. I was about to sign them when I noticed they were not from the school but from Bangkok Pattaya Hospital! Saying they are doing the injections for just 450 baht each at the school. I thought in view of how the hospital treated BEST's teacher the BPH would be the last hospital they go into partnership with to promote health services!


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A medical staff employee of BHP who wishes to remain anonymous (for obvious reasons) has supplied the following information:

  • There was enough of Matt's blood type for treatment.

  • Many medical staff work exceedingly long hours, i.e., this employee worked from 8am to 10pm.

  • Admission to the hospital is decided by admin, not medical staff, based of fiscal ability of the patient.

  • The former hospital director resigned before this incident occurred because of the way the hospital was being run.

thanks for the update!

I googled for the director's resignation, but couldn't find anything. Is it possible to provide the name of the former director?

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On a different note, it is hardly surprising that the spammer (barryz, the BPH lobbist) turns up right at the moment new information comes out on this threat. Is there a way to ban him from posting here? He should not be allowed to get this threat closed.

ignore barryz

Sure, why not ban all people who put forward a reasonable point of view? Is this forum only for unsubstantiated anecdotes, hearsay, expressions of personal bias and prejuduce and erroneous assumptions?

There is an assumption in the above quote (and other posts) that I am in some way connected to the BPH and that I am using devious techniques to protect BPH from bad publicitiy by getting threads which bad-mouth them closed.

Now this is something I do know about and can confidently declare that such an assumption is not correct. Before I began reading the closed thread dealing with Matt's accident, I did not even know that a hospital by the name of BPH even existed.

So, knowing for a fact that your assumptions about me are erroneous, is it not reasonable for me to wonder what assumptions about the BPH made in this thread are also erroneous.

For example, there's a report from an anonymous BPH medical employee that the hospital did have enough of Matt's blood type for treatment. If this is true and is something that can be substantiated then there would be good grounds to sue the hospital; take them to the cleaners.

However, who's job is it to determine how much blood is required for a particular operation and treatment? Will hearsay from an anonymous employee suffice? As I recall, the statement from the hospital on this issue did not claim they had used every last ounce of blood to stabilise Matt, but rather they didn't have sufficient supplies for an operation that would require extensive and copious amounts of blood. There is a subtle distinction here which some of you might be able to appreciate.

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