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Thai baht is worst performing currency in Southeast Asia


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On 4/2/2021 at 4:28 PM, natway09 said:

Worst performing ????

What rubbish, the country next door in total  turmoil has a currency that is useless


The country next door is rarely, if ever, included in the economics if SE Asia...

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Finally. Hooray. Prayuth has zero credibility, on any level. He is stunningly incompetent, and has long overstayed his welcome. And now, he has failed the nation miserably with this second wave, which could have easily been avoided, had some precautions been taken by locking down Samut Sakhon province immediately, and rooting out his bad apple immigration guys, on the border. There is no saying the extent of the corruption in this administration, but the army is not exactly known for integrity.   He must step down, or be removed. He is a toxic force, and a dinosaur. The youth is right. 


Are we looking at gross incompetence? Are we looking at total indifference? Corruption? Laziness? Total derelicton of duty, on the part of Prayuth, Anutin, and the entire leadership?   Prayuth once again says responsibility needs to be shared. So, I ask. When was the last time he took responsibility for anything? Has he apologized? Has he admitted this happened on his watch, and it very possibly could have been prevented?    If not, Prayuth should offer to resign immediately, and the people, and especially the youth, should demand that. It is their right to demand a competent leader, during an emergency, especially.


This is certainly the first time in history (first wave excluded) that most of the worlds economies were deliberately shut down. Even during all 51 of the major bubonic plagues, between 541AD In Europe and Western Asia, and the last one to happen in China in 1946, the Japanese smallpox plague of AD735, the Mexican smallpox plague of 1519, the massive influenza plague of 1616, which took an estimated 50% of more, of the local populations in Europe, and North America, the Russian cholera epidemic of 1846, the worldwide flu pandemic of 1889, and of course the infamous Spanish flu of 1918, which took out an estimated 20-100 million people, ports were locked down, and some isolation was done, but economies were never totally shut down. Makes one wonder what it truly going on.   


Millions of jobs have been lost. Is the administration looking after the little guy? It does not appear to be the case. 

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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Finally. Hooray. Prayuth has zero credibility, on any level. He is stunningly incompetent, and has long overstayed his welcome. And now, he has failed the nation miserably with this second wave, which could have easily been avoided, had some precautions been taken by locking down Samut Sakhon province immediately, and rooting out his bad apple immigration guys, on the border. There is no saying the extent of the corruption in this administration, but the army is not exactly known for integrity.   He must step down, or be removed. He is a toxic force, and a dinosaur. The youth is right. 


Are we looking at gross incompetence? Are we looking at total indifference? Corruption? Laziness? Total derelicton of duty, on the part of Prayuth, Anutin, and the entire leadership?   Prayuth once again says responsibility needs to be shared. So, I ask. When was the last time he took responsibility for anything? Has he apologized? Has he admitted this happened on his watch, and it very possibly could have been prevented?    If not, Prayuth should offer to resign immediately, and the people, and especially the youth, should demand that. It is their right to demand a competent leader, during an emergency, especially.


This is certainly the first time in history (first wave excluded) that most of the worlds economies were deliberately shut down. Even during all 51 of the major bubonic plagues, between 541AD In Europe and Western Asia, and the last one to happen in China in 1946, the Japanese smallpox plague of AD735, the Mexican smallpox plague of 1519, the massive influenza plague of 1616, which took an estimated 50% of more, of the local populations in Europe, and North America, the Russian cholera epidemic of 1846, the worldwide flu pandemic of 1889, and of course the infamous Spanish flu of 1918, which took out an estimated 20-100 million people, ports were locked down, and some isolation was done, but economies were never totally shut down. Makes one wonder what it truly going on.   


Millions of jobs have been lost. Is the administration looking after the little guy? It does not appear to be the case. 

I always admire you replies to posts as it articulates so well the situation regarding the government. However I must take issue with the fact he is incompetent as I don't think he is, just obedient to those pulling the strings.  He along with his other lackies in government were brought up to obey without question, exactly the same as elementary school children are brainwashed to this very day. The only difference here being is that in his position then to obey is highly financially  rewarding in a number of ways perhaps as opposed to the poor brainwashed kids who will remain poor as a church mouse. You have to remember he did not get where he was thro' public opinion, rather by military force and latterly doing as he is told, simply put he is a puppet who care not one jot about anything or anybody other than himself in order to ensure his nest remains suitably feathered. He does what he is told and the mindset is such he never questions the morals of what he does or the cause and effect to the nation as a whole. In other words he competently will do whatever he is told.

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1 hour ago, Excel said:

I always admire you replies to posts as it articulates so well the situation regarding the government. However I must take issue with the fact he is incompetent as I don't think he is, just obedient to those pulling the strings.  He along with his other lackies in government were brought up to obey without question, exactly the same as elementary school children are brainwashed to this very day. The only difference here being is that in his position then to obey is highly financially  rewarding in a number of ways perhaps as opposed to the poor brainwashed kids who will remain poor as a church mouse. You have to remember he did not get where he was thro' public opinion, rather by military force and latterly doing as he is told, simply put he is a puppet who care not one jot about anything or anybody other than himself in order to ensure his nest remains suitably feathered. He does what he is told and the mindset is such he never questions the morals of what he does or the cause and effect to the nation as a whole. In other words he competently will do whatever he is told.

You are likely correct about that. However, it brings up an interesting question. It appears as if he and Anutin deliberately allowed the second wave to happen. It would have been so easy to shut down one small section of Samut province, the same day as they detected nearly 1000 cases. The army could have swooped in and shut down a 1km. perimeter around the demon seafood ameket. Instead, they allowed people to come and go, thereby essentially promoting a second wave. My reasoning tells me it was a ruse used to squash what appeared to be a major rise in dissent. But, it essentially crippled domestic tourism, and the economy.


Since it all about the money for these guys, would his overseers really have allowed such a thing to happen? 

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On 4/1/2021 at 2:28 PM, ThailandRyan said:

I believe that the lengthened pandemic has turned that forecast on it's ear as the baht has shrunk not gained as in the forecast.  But then who knows what tomorrow brings. 

Tuesday. Although that is subject to change.


On a more serious note I had seen the rising of the pound sterling against the baht and that it was due to the value of the baht falling rather than just strength of the pound. Wasn't the Thai government worried a while back that the baht was too strong but they were constrained in what they could do about it without accusations of currency manipulating?

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

You are likely correct about that. However, it brings up an interesting question. It appears as if he and Anutin deliberately allowed the second wave to happen. It would have been so easy to shut down one small section of Samut province, the same day as they detected nearly 1000 cases. The army could have swooped in and shut down a 1km. perimeter around the demon seafood ameket. Instead, they allowed people to come and go, thereby essentially promoting a second wave. My reasoning tells me it was a ruse used to squash what appeared to be a major rise in dissent. But, it essentially crippled domestic tourism, and the economy.


Since it all about the money for these guys, would his overseers really have allowed such a thing to happen? 

Spot on in your assumption I think. But if events last weekend are an example hopefully the whole corrupt debacle will finally erupt but somehow I don't think the Thais as a whole are up to getting "new brooms and sweeping clean"

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