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Dividend from Hong Kong to Thailand and tax

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Hi guys,


I live in Thailand with the Elite visa and got my tax ID recently. I own the company in Hong Kong and give myself a salary every month which will be taxed in Thailand. 


My lawyer said I can give myself dividends and don't pay any tax but it must be first sent from the company account to a personal account then after 1st of january 2022 send this money to Thailand.


The thing is, I would like to send the dividends from the company in Hong Kong, to a personal Bank account in Europe and from this Bank account invest the dividends directly in different assets (crypto savings account with high interest, Peer to peer lending, stock market...). So by 2022, my money will already grow and then I will bring a part of it in Thailand.


My lawyer said it's kind of a grey area.


- Basically the thing I should do is: Send dividends from Hong Kong to a personal account in EUR, don't touch the money and wait 2022, send the money to Thailand, and re send the money to the EUR personal account to invest it. This will take time, cost more fees and currency conversion.

- What I want to do to is: Send dividends from Hong Kong to a personal account in EUR, directly invest it, then in 2022 bring a part of it in Thailand.


Anyone had the same kind of issue and could help me? thanks


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