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32 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:


I make my comment on the comment describing statutory rape as a "technicality".  Unfortunately, you are unaware either through indifference or ignorance of sexual activity in young adolescent age group today.   You have gone off into the clouds and dumped irrelevant information regarding your past sexual history. The world has changed from what you think was fun time back in 1960's.  Yes, some sex is consensual between two young people in momentary passion of love, but sadly, today, much is due to coercion and intimidation. It is part of the bully culture that is epidemic in Thai school.


I do not make this up. Nation reported that "Mental Health Department has shown that about 600,000 Thai children are bullied at school, accounting for 40 per cent of all students and making Thailand No 2 in the world for the problem, behind Japan."  https://www.nationthailand.com/national/30357767    This was not solitary report.  "About 92% of schoolchildren in Thailand have been subjected to physical or psychological abuse by peers at least once, while 13% are clinically depressed due to bullying, according to a recent survey by the Network of Legal Advocates for Children and Youth." http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Bullying-warning:-92-of-Thai-youth-are-affected--49000.html   Bully activity includes sex abuse activity by children close in age.  Again, this is not unique to Thailand but found everywhere in Europe, Australia, America.


Today, school children circulate pictures of themselves in state of nakedness, often obtained through threat or misappropriation. These pictures are shared  and the  people in them can be forced to provide sex if they do not want pictures to be shared.  Do not assume that all teenage sex activity is pure romance because today it is not. Thailand schools, like schools around the world have a subculture of rape and exploitation. It is quiet, but  is there.

And you reckon I dumped irrelevant information? As soon as you started talking about Thailand schools rape culture I realised you were the one off in the clouds. 

  So just to clarify a 17 year old going out with a girl who is 15 years 11 months is getting "raped" in your opinion? And when she turns 16 is she still getting raped or is that alright now? So in that last few weeks when does it change from statutory rape to consensual sex?  I know what the answer is according to law and that's why it's arbitrary and that's why it's a technicality. 

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