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Foreign teachers go to Phuket "entertainment venue" and bring Covid back to school infecting dozens of students


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Phuket has been the in place to go during the last 4 months. All the HISO social folks posting from nice resorts, deserted beaches, private islands, bday parties.  Why wouldn't teachers go there?  The bars were open.  Travel was legal and super encouraged.  Rooms and flights low prices.   It is sad that Thai media has to always include the race or nationality in the headline.    And it's sad saying teachers should know better and not be going out.   Remember not covid in Thailand!  It's all under control!!  Also this was early April before the 3 rd wave cases were published or that it was the UK strain.  I saw videos of these Phuket parties.  Looked like the place to be. Pre covid for sure. Teachers ere probably done with lesson plans for the semester.  For 2500 Rt air and 1000$/,2 room why not.  

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9 hours ago, bstafford214 said:

But if they say that, then they admit blame for the problem. The Thais will never admit they are wrong or at fault, never, never, never. This is really what I hate here, they never wrong. 5555


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7 hours ago, raccos21 said:

Farang again! It looks like racist to me.

Where does it say they were farang teachers? Outside of proper international schools, the vast majority of foreign teachers here are Philipino - the number of western teachers has been gradually waning over the last 10-15 years. 

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Just because they visited an "entertainment venue" doesn't mean that is where it was contracted. how many others from that "entertainment venue" have been tested and found to be positive? Very incomplete article but a good way to smear foreigners and also "entertainment venues"!

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I am a university lecturer here in Isan.  Any kind of teacher has a special responsibility to be safe for their students.  You don't have to be Sherlocke Holmes to see that an "entertaining time" in Phuket is dangerously irresonsible, and right in the middle of a new outbreak.  For shame.  Maybe I have to be "entertained" at home, but keep  the kids safe.  Often I read comments on here quick to blame the government.  What a shame, with its tremendous success in controlling Covid.  A lot of obese farang retirees would be dead in their home countries.  

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12 hours ago, raccos21 said:

Farang again! It looks like racist to me.

I guess now you know how it feels in the USA to have a president attacking the "China Virus" leading to a steep increase in crime against Asians.  Just be glad no one is beating you up!  In the farang countries, it really does amount to criminally stupid negligence, whereas, Asian Americans did nothing.  Be happy to be here!

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At my daughter's graduation just before Songkran the sheer number of students and their families was just like at any pre covid ceremony.

It was as if the virus didn't exist and there was hugging a plenty and not much mask wearing.

The college is in Isaan.

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1 hour ago, James Powell said:

A lot of obese farang retirees would be dead in their home countries.  

I would guess that 95% or more of all obese people did NOT die from covid, so I don't understand this logic.  How do you know "a lot" would die?  maybe their behavior would be different?  maybe they all would live?  ok, you don't like obese retired falangs....which is discriminatory.....but no need to say they would be dead.


Teachers should try to be more positive.  

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22 hours ago, tallfarang said:

I don't want to name the school due to Thailand's defamation laws, but will say it was NOT an international school. 

Are you worried that they can track you down and sue you via this anonymous user id??? ha ha


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13 hours ago, James Powell said:

I guess now you know how it feels in the USA to have a president attacking the "China Virus" leading to a steep increase in crime against Asians.  Just be glad no one is beating you up!  In the farang countries, it really does amount to criminally stupid negligence, whereas, Asian Americans did nothing.  Be happy to be here!

it did come from China and a lot of the anti-asian sentiment is  jealousy from somr african americans who see asian americans, as more hardworking and successful and let out their anger in a jeolus rage in a multitude of ways, the china/ccp virus is just an excuse for this hatred going back years, every white attack on asians there are 10 times more from african americans, very little to do with an ex president 

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