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Is It Just My Thai Wife?

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I often tell my wife that she is very selective in certain things. Is it just my wife or are any of your wives the same? Here is the list:

1. "Selective Hearing" - Most of the time I think she isn't paying any attention to me when I tell her something. But this isn't so. She just listens to what she wants to listen to. Example - Almost anytime I ask her a question, her first response is always, "Huh?" Just about everytime I have to ask my questions 2-3 times before she hears me. On the other hand, I could be in one room and her in the next room watching TV no less. If I say something about her on the telephone to a friend of mine and say it quietly, she will shout out, "I heard that!" This is selective hearing.

2. "Selective Memory" - This one never ceases to amaze me. Example - I could ask her what the name was of the restaurant we ate at 2 days ago and she wouldn't have a clue. On the other hand, one time I was talking to a friend of mine and we were discussing old girlfriends. I told him something and she overheard it and came running up to me yelling, "That isn't what you told me 3 years ago about her. You said this!" Now how can she remember something from 3 years ago but not 2 days ago? This is selective memory.

3. "Selective Perception" - My favorite one. Example - My wife always seem to be in a constant daze. Almost as if she goes through her days daydreaming. Completely oblivious to what is going on around her. We could be driving and I see a really nice car and try to point it out to her. She'll turn her head around to me and say, "Huh?" and completely miss the car. At this point I wonder where her head is at. On the other hand, we could be walking around somewhere like a mall and if I even catch a small glimpse of a pretty girl she will snap at me immediately, "I saw you looking at her!!!!" This is selective perception.

So is it just my wife or do any of you share the same experiences?

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The selective hearing one jumps out at me. I have asked my wife a question over 10 times with no acknowledgement, it takes me saying something along of the lines of "well f*%k you then" for her to pay attention. It turns out she just doesn't want to aswer, she has heard but either can't be bothered or doesn't know. It can be very very frustrating and has caused me just to stop bothering on many occassions.

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I have trouble when she acts like she understands me perfectly but doesn't. Not in their nature to point out that someone isn't making sense, which can cause trouble if married to me. :o

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Thai wife!!

All women posses these 'skills' handed down from there mothers :o

most of the time i think they dont really understand what we are talking about ,if it does'nt concern them they dont care ,i stopped years ago now just do whatever it is i want to do, this pis-es them off more though :D

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Thai wife!!

All women posses these 'skills' handed down from there mothers :o

not all women- but definitely all WIVES.there is a huge difference. i think it has to do with the ring on the finger constricting the blood-flow to the brain. this affects the reasoning function which is located in a tiny section of a woman's brain, and this part of the brain, if it existed at all, initially, seems to get reabsorbed into the body after marriage, and is replaced by a rapidly expanding mass called the "nagging zone"! the only relief for a husband is to develop the "selective hearing" syndrome himself, which can make married life almost tolerable.



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The one ploy that is absolutely .... @#$@@... is when she asks you where you want to go.. and you give a direct answer; then it is the 5 question reply.. you really want to go there, la.. are you sure, .....

Edited by Rhys
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Funny things when she decides to drive and I ask her whether she knows the way!

Yes ofcourse I know the way, I'm born in this country (nagging voice!!!).

Guess what.......................... we're lost completely!

Also great to mention that she never remembers where she parked the car and she'll have to call me!

I love these phonecalls as I can't help her ofcourse!

Women, boring life without!

My wife is Thai BTW!

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Thai wife!!

All women posses these 'skills' handed down from there mothers :o

not all women- but definitely all WIVES.there is a huge difference. i think it has to do with the ring on the finger constricting the blood-flow to the brain. this affects the reasoning function which is located in a tiny section of a woman's brain, and this part of the brain, if it existed at all, initially, seems to get reabsorbed into the body after marriage, and is replaced by a rapidly expanding mass called the "nagging zone"! the only relief for a husband is to develop the "selective hearing" syndrome himself, which can make married life almost tolerable.




We had a secretary work for us in UK, she used to come to work complaining that her boyfriend would never look at other women like if they went shopping or driving the car, she even was wondering if he might be gay.

When they married she changed, she would complain about not knowing where he was 24hrs a day.

Women are strange, no question about that.

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On the other hand, we could be walking around somewhere like a mall and if I even catch a small glimpse of a pretty girl she will snap at me immediately, "I saw you looking at her!!!!" This is selective perception.

So is it just my wife or do any of you share the same experiences?

Oh so many years ago at a very young age I married an American girl who was extremely jealous. I grew to dread going to the shopping mall because if she saw me pay the slightest attention to any other women there I got the evil eye and then the cold shoulder. Well, we got divorced and one day I was back at the mall. I will never forget how I started out being careful not to look at the young women there, then realizing that I was now free to do so. It was literally as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I mean literally. Fortunately the present wife, though by no means perfect like I am, doesn't mind my stealing the occasional look.

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IMO wives of every nationality can do this.


Hi qwertz,

I must disagree with you on this one somewhat.

Although it's true that all wives/woman act like this.

IMHO Thais take it to a "whole 'nother level."

I like to say they just have a completely different "mother board."

I find it especially interesting when I respond or comment on a conversation that's going on in Thai. They get a little peved and say,"you know too much."

Anyone heard that one before? :o

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Thai wife!!

All women posses these 'skills' handed down from there mothers :D

not all women- but definitely all WIVES.there is a huge difference. i think it has to do with the ring on the finger constricting the blood-flow to the brain. this affects the reasoning function which is located in a tiny section of a woman's brain, and this part of the brain, if it existed at all, initially, seems to get reabsorbed into the body after marriage, and is replaced by a rapidly expanding mass called the "nagging zone"! the only relief for a husband is to develop the "selective hearing" syndrome himself, which can make married life almost tolerable.



Well, frikkie, you're half right. It is a ring that constricts the blood flow to our brains, but it's not the wedding ring, it's the engagement ring. Otherwise, why would we women be so stupid as to get married at all??? :o:D:D

OP, I don't think it's a gender thing, but it may be a Thai thing. My BF did exactly the same & now my 5 year old (boy) is definitely showing the selective hearing... I'm just waiting for the others to start :D:bah:

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They block everything out.

Language barrior, culture, disinterested..not sure?

Maybe she thought I was talking to myself all the time?

I ended up sending my wife to the Ear Doctor.

He said she had good ears but had trouble hearing my frequency.

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They block everything out.

Language barrior, culture, disinterested..not sure?

Maybe she thought I was talking to myself all the time?

I ended up sending my wife to the Ear Doctor.

He said she had good ears but had trouble hearing my frequency.

Maybe that's why when people ask me my marital status, I can state that I am:

Very Happily Divorced now for some 20 years..... :o

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I find it especially interesting when I respond or comment on a conversation that's going on in Thai. They get a little peved and say,"you know too much."

Anyone heard that one before? :o

My wife's english is very very poor, when we met should could only say 'hello'.

She learnt her english from me and I am not a teacher. When I suggested that I want to learnt how to speak Thai she strickly forbid it, she didn't want me to be able to hold my own in Thailand, I would have too much freedom.

Mind you, I have paid several English teachers to teach her english but she is too lazy to follow it up.


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Thai wife!!

All women posses these 'skills' handed down from there mothers :D

not all women- but definitely all WIVES.there is a huge difference. i think it has to do with the ring on the finger constricting the blood-flow to the brain. this affects the reasoning function which is located in a tiny section of a woman's brain, and this part of the brain, if it existed at all, initially, seems to get reabsorbed into the body after marriage, and is replaced by a rapidly expanding mass called the "nagging zone"! the only relief for a husband is to develop the "selective hearing" syndrome himself, which can make married life almost tolerable.



Well, frikkie, you're half right. It is a ring that constricts the blood flow to our brains, but it's not the wedding ring, it's the engagement ring. Otherwise, why would we women be so stupid as to get married at all??? :o:D:D

OP, I don't think it's a gender thing, but it may be a Thai thing. My BF did exactly the same & now my 5 year old (boy) is definitely showing the selective hearing... I'm just waiting for the others to start :D:bah:

knew i would get a reaction from the ladies out there! thanx for taking it easy on me. children definitely suffer from a form of this malady, but in children the symptoms are treatable by regularly warming their backsides by vigorous tapping with the palm of your hand. never tried this on any one of my ex wives, though was tempted to on many occasions. in children, the symptoms gradually disappear with age, only to return with a vengeance in female children after they marry.......


*(proffessor frikkie has studied this phenomenon for many years and has published many papers on the subject. he is fast being recognised as a world expert and has made many valuable contributions, sacrificing many relationships, years of his life and most of his money in his selfless and futile persuit of an answer .- he has become a legend in his own lunchtime!)

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It has been my experience, that rather than listening, women use the time you are talking to think about what they are about to say next, which may or may not be related to what you have just said.

This probably very true !

Anyway, whenever mine is doing the selective thing I just say that I'm leaving her for an other woman, lucky for me that she has a good sense of humor.

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3. "Selective Perception" - My favorite one. Example - My wife always seem to be in a constant daze. Almost as if she goes through her days daydreaming. Completely oblivious to what is going on around her. We could be driving and I see a really nice car and try to point it out to her. She'll turn her head around to me and say, "Huh?" and completely miss the car. At this point I wonder where her head is at. On the other hand, we could be walking around somewhere like a mall and if I even catch a small glimpse of a pretty girl she will snap at me immediately, "I saw you looking at her!!!!" This is selective perception.

Trip you should eliminate this characteristic as I feel that you are wanting of arguments.

I do not believe that all the times you drive with her, you see a nice car and call her attention. This was on isolated incident. Now, how many times you are with her in a mall and catch an small glimpse of a pretty woman?.

I would call this Disproporcional Interests from your part! :o

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I often tell my wife that she is very selective in certain things. Is it just my wife or are any of your wives the same? Here is the list:

1. "Selective Hearing" - Most of the time I think she isn't paying any attention to me when I tell her something. But this isn't so. She just listens to what she wants to listen to. Example - Almost anytime I ask her a question, her first response is always, "Huh?" Just about everytime I have to ask my questions 2-3 times before she hears me. On the other hand, I could be in one room and her in the next room watching TV no less. If I say something about her on the telephone to a friend of mine and say it quietly, she will shout out, "I heard that!" This is selective hearing.

2. "Selective Memory" - This one never ceases to amaze me. Example - I could ask her what the name was of the restaurant we ate at 2 days ago and she wouldn't have a clue. On the other hand, one time I was talking to a friend of mine and we were discussing old girlfriends. I told him something and she overheard it and came running up to me yelling, "That isn't what you told me 3 years ago about her. You said this!" Now how can she remember something from 3 years ago but not 2 days ago? This is selective memory.

3. "Selective Perception" - My favorite one. Example - My wife always seem to be in a constant daze. Almost as if she goes through her days daydreaming. Completely oblivious to what is going on around her. We could be driving and I see a really nice car and try to point it out to her. She'll turn her head around to me and say, "Huh?" and completely miss the car. At this point I wonder where her head is at. On the other hand, we could be walking around somewhere like a mall and if I even catch a small glimpse of a pretty girl she will snap at me immediately, "I saw you looking at her!!!!" This is selective perception.

So is it just my wife or do any of you share the same experiences?

:o Are you sure we don't have the same wife?

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I find it especially interesting when I respond or comment on a conversation that's going on in Thai. They get a little peved and say,"you know too much."

Anyone heard that one before? :o

My wife's english is very very poor, when we met should could only say 'hello'.

She learnt her english from me and I am not a teacher. When I suggested that I want to learnt how to speak Thai she strickly forbid it, she didn't want me to be able to hold my own in Thailand, I would have too much freedom.

Mind you, I have paid several English teachers to teach her english but she is too lazy to follow it up.


I'm curious: you don't speak a common language, but are married?

How does that work?

And she is too lazy to study English; but you don't study Thai, because, why?

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