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Are American Foreign Residents Totally Powerless?


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5 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Now you are comparing Florida with Thailand. Okay, Florida has half the population of Thailand, but double the infections. 

Wait till Thailand counts them all!

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That picture is not of the embassy, by the way.  The helicopter landed on a neighboring house.

The help volunteered by the Canadians is acknowledged.  My point is that it would not be appropriate for me to appeal to the Canadian Embassy here for help in getting vaccinated.  It they were to volunteer to help other nationalities, I would certainly not turn them down.

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On 5/7/2021 at 8:25 AM, bwpage3 said:

In Florida, USA, all covid restrictions lifted. No masks required. Life has been back to normal for quite a long time now.


Not quite, as regards your Florida example... Yes, the governor there has removed the restrictions, and his residents are paying the price for it. High capita deaths, hospitalizations and one of the highest current per capita rates of infections among U.S. states --- all data below from the U.S. CDC in the past week.







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18 hours ago, Leaver said:

Seems like the OP has finally realised that despite all the bright neon lights of Thailand, it's basically a 3rd World Country, with 3rd World governance.  



Well, he could be back in the U.S. in a first world, world-class state like California that's had 62,000+ cumulative CV deaths since early last year... with just a bit more than half the total population of Thailand.




There are choices, and then there are choices...





Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Well, he could be back in the U.S. in a first world, world-class state like California that's had 62,000+ cumulative CV deaths since early last year... with just a bit more than half the total population of Thailand.




There are choices, and then there are choices...






Perhaps you would like to comment on Thailand's testing regime, or lack of it?  ????

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On 5/7/2021 at 5:22 AM, Skallywag said:

Can't get a vaccine when the country hasn't made any yet. 

97% of Thais still waiting

Siam bioscience says roll out of AZ vaccine next month likely

Hang in there, you made it 13 months, you can make it another month or so




Is Siam Bioscience a certified manufacturer of Astra Zeneca? Do you really want an experimental emergency vaccine from a laboratory that has never produced it?


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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Understood... But no matter what you wanna say about Thailand's relative lack of testing, there's no way under heaven Thailand's situation could be anywhere near California's with 62,000+ CV deaths since Jan 2020...


Asymptomatic and minor symptom cases can pass untested and unnoticed. But that magnitude of added deaths even in Thailand could not pass unnoticed, even if they were testing no one.


For the past year and a half right up until today, it's unarguably been safer from a CV perspective to be in Thailand vs. in the U.S. -- current lack of CV vaccine in Thailand notwithstanding.




Without proper mass testing here, we will never truly know the infection rates.


Have you considered Thailand may very well be just starting to enter into their covid battle? 


Perhaps it's too early to claim a victory for Thailand, over other nations.  

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5 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

You're missing the point..


I think you are missing the point.


It appears Thailand is just entering into the battle that other countries are now emerging from.  


There's a reason why Thailand is in lockdown, and other countries who were in lockdown, are now opening up.  


8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I'm talking about the past right up until today.


What is the past really worth?  What about the next 3 months, and beyond?


9 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

There hasn't been a single day since Jan. 2020 when I wished I was back home in the U.S. instead of being home here in relation to the coronavirus.


For Thailand, maybe their Jan 2020 is just starting now.


Good luck getting a ventilator here.


11 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I've counted my blessings every day for that entire time that I've been where I am.


Reset the the counter.  Start it from now.  

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If i were the Thai PM, I would be looking for ways to start mass vaccinations immediately at any price.  If the number of infections and deaths spins out of control, the long-term psychological costs to the country will outstrip the financial costs of the vaccines and their deployment.  The loss of confidence of tourists in being able to travel to Thailand safely could be very long lasting.

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After you truly settle in, the first thing you really learn living overseas as an American is that the government doesn't care about you.


Funny post although I doubt it was meant to be.

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2 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

If i were the Thai PM, I would be looking for ways to start mass vaccinations immediately at any price.


You obviously understand nothing about developing countries, especially this one.


The plan is no plan.

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4 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

'Im proud to be an American and not ashamed to demand that I be treated fairly.  


There might be some humanitarian consideration for all nationalities but a common theme running through all your posts is that you are extremely naive.


Moreover, Thailand more likely to consider needs of communist China over Americans specifically.


Countries owe non foreign nationals nothing.


In the peculiar case of infectious public health issues it's only the self interest of the host nation and it's population that drives the push to care for (vaccinate) foreigners.


Guess you've been sleeping last few years with Thailand benefitting from tens of millions of tourists, 15+% GDP then moaning about a few stuck in hospitals that bolted home bills unpaid.


What has Thailand ever done or provided it's foreign tourists or resident population out of the goodness of it's heart? Even people on covid extensions went begging.


Expats are treated horribly by immigration both as a matter of law and practice.


Thailand is anything but a compassionate nation regarding it's treatment of foreigners and its foreign policy in general.


I'll send the clue truck around see you pick up a few.

Edited by kynikoi
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2 hours ago, kynikoi said:


There might be some humanitarian consideration for all nationalities but a common theme running through all your posts is that you are extremely naive.


Moreover, Thailand more likely to consider needs of communist China over Americans specifically.


Countries owe non foreign nationals nothing.


In the peculiar case of infectious public health issues it's only the self interest of the host nation and it's population that drives the push to care for (vaccinate) foreigners.


Guess you've been sleeping last few years with Thailand benefitting from tens of millions of tourists, 15+% GDP then moaning about a few stuck in hospitals that bolted home bills unpaid.


What has Thailand ever done or provided it's foreign tourists or resident population out of the goodness of it's heart? Even people on covid extensions went begging.


Expats are treated horribly by immigration both as a matter of law and practice.


Thailand is anything but a compassionate nation regarding it's treatment of foreigners and its foreign policy in general.


I'll send the clue truck around see you pick up a few.

It all depends on whether you're in the camp that says the government does these things on purpose, because they are out to get us and they hate all foreigners. Or whether you're in the camp that thinks they are merely very uncoordinated/unsophisticated, don't communicate well and because they are a developing nation, haven't yet learned how to manage their public face properly. I tend to go with the latter but I understand that's not a popular view amongst expats. I can well imagine that some government types are less than thrilled at being labelled a currency manipulator by the US government when all they've tried to do is protect their home grown industry and refused to buy more goods from the US. Maybe that has tainted their views, it would mine. And of course Thailand will consider the views of China first, they are only a few hundred miles away, their second biggest trading partner and they don't get all manner of grief from their politicians, what would you expect.

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