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On 5/17/2021 at 11:25 AM, RobMuir said:

One night after a lot of beer I thought I would see what all the fuss was about and would give it a go.


I seriously advice against it.


It hurt like buggery.


 I take it ..

   You mean the check bin ?. 555

26 minutes ago, cocoonclub said:

No, they don’t. They can do that themselves. It’s just that some people want to put others in boxes. Gay clubs are not doing that. 


Following on from above, presumably, no need for Male & Female - as these are boxes too.  All people are just people, right?

  • Sad 1

Many years ago I was bar hopping on Soi 8 !

I don't remember the name of this one particular bar ,well anyway.

It was a open front and as you walked in ,they had  booths along the walls and the lighting was very dim,so it was difficult to make out faces with certainty !

There was young lady who was drop dead stunning ,eye balling me ! I bought her a drink  and we sat down waiting for the waitress to come . I asked negatively "Your not a lady boy right " they shook their head! I was so disappointed !

The next words out of my mouth was check bin! Paid my bill and left!

2 minutes ago, sharksy said:

Following on from above, presumably, no need for Male & Female - as these are boxes too.  All people are just people, right?


Yes, for thousands of years, male and female has been the norm. But now, some mentally-ill people want 4000 types of genders.


I won't say what I think about it because I will get abuse. But if you have a brain, you can make your own mind up about it.


Stupidity has become a pandemic, not the "virus".

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, sharksy said:

Following on from above, presumably, no need for Male & Female - as these are boxes too.  All people are just people, right?

Yes, I don’t feel the need to convince a transgender person to be male or female. 

  • Sad 1
3 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

I can be completely blind drunk and have zero interest in a ladyboy.  Or any male.  Just being honest. 


As for you, you're just a guy who will have sex with a ladyboy when drunk.  Nothing wrong with that, your choice.


By the way, I've read some of your posts and you reject being placed in a "box."  Yet, you say you're 100% heterosexual.  Isn't that putting yourself in a "box?" 


No. I will never place myself in a box. I'm a real person who lives a real life and does real things, and often does things that are illogical but I am adventurous. Try and put me in a box please.

4 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Isn't that putting yourself in a "box?" 

Putting yourself in a box is different than someone else putting you in a box. 

  • Confused 1
23 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

  Yet, you say you're 100% heterosexual.  Isn't that putting yourself in a "box?" 


I guess you don't have a box for a heterosexual male who wants to try something once and then decides that they are 100% heterosexual.  

39 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:



So if your workmates wanted a few beers after work in a gay club, should you be forced to reveal your sexual orientation before being allowed in?


People should be treated as people, this divisive rubbish needs to stop.


The world should be inclusive, but these ongoing issues are making the world exclusive.


Should I be prohibited from entering a gay club because I'm not gay? No, because that is discrimination, and the world needs to wake up to this and stop it in it's tracks.


Everyone should be treated the same, regardless of whether they identify as a Gregg's sausage roll or a feather duster.

I do understand your point of view.

Can I presume that if having a massage (not naughty), you probably wouldn't care too much who was massaging you, whether that be man, woman, or indeed, ladyboy.  I guess this is a pan-sexual all inclusive viewpoint.

That all sounds great, nice and simple.


But.... and maybe we, heterosexual people are the problem to this.

If having a massage, I would expect a female to do this.  Anyone other than a female would be abhorrant to me.

The exception to this of course, would be for medical purposes, such as a frozen shoulder.

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2 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:


I guess you don't have a box for a heterosexual male who wants to try something once and then decides that they are 100% heterosexual. You must be a racist and a homophobe.

Come on now, can't we have a civil discussion without resorting to insults?  Just admitting that one is not a homosexual doesn't make one a homophobe.  I respect everyone's personal decision....so long as you're not hurting anyone.  If you are really as grounded and self-confident as you make yourself out to be, you wouldn't be so defensive.

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If you're heterosexual then you're heterosexual. Just because you enjoyed sex with a ladyboy who is much more effeminate that the big fat lumps you get back home doesn't change things.


If a vegetarian tries a beef burger on the odd occasion, are they no longer allowed to refer to themselves as a vegetarian? Of course not. It's called being adventurous, and if someone wants to put you in to some kind of box because of it, then let them.


How can you possibly know what you like if you've never tasted it?


Go out and do whatever you find fun and ignore other people who just want to categorise you.


You only live once, and for a very short time at that. If you're lucky enough to find something that you enjoy, then you should capitalise on it, and if someone wants to badmouth you for it, then it says more about their character than it does yours.


Personally, if I were a vegetarian all my life, I would always wonder what things like steaks, kebabs, burgers and other meat dishes tasted like. Rather than refuse to eat them on principle, I think I would sneak a taste here and there just to make sure that I wasn't making the wrong decision. I view ladyboys in the same way. I've had the odd taste, and I didn't like it that much, so I'm going back to girls only.

11 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:



If you're heterosexual then you're heterosexual. Just because you enjoyed sex with a ladyboy who is much more effeminate that the big fat lumps you get back home doesn't change things.


If a vegetarian tries a beef burger on the odd occasion, are they no longer allowed to refer to themselves as a vegetarian? Of course not. It's called being adventurous, and if someone wants to put you in to some kind of box because of it, then let them.


Go out and do whatever you find fun and ignore other people who just want to categorise you.


You only live once, and for a very short time at that. If you're lucky enough to find something enjoy that you enjoy, then you should capitalise on it, and if someone wants to badmouth you for it, then it says more about their character than it does yours.

I do understand where you are coming from. 


But you also need to understand about hetrosexuals.
I'm sexually adventurous too - but only with women.


Hetrosexuals (and I do realise that sexuality is kind of a scale from 100% hetro to 100% homo) would shudder at the thought of being intimate with another man.  Hetrosexuals would not go with a man just because he gets drunk.
Ladyboys are a grey are which I have no experience of, so will not pass judgement.


If when drunk one is partial to other men, this is bisexual - yes, one of those boxes.  Whilst boxes are irrelevent to you as it seems that if it breathes, it's fair game, this is completely abhorrant to hetrosexuals, hence the need for boxes.

Hyperthetically, If two lads invited me out for a booze up, one was hetro, the other homo - I would choose the hetro.  I would likely feel uncomfortable with the homo.


I realise this might come across as homophobic, maybe I am, too many times in my life I have been chatted up, touched up by men, so I would like to call this learned experience, rather than homophobic.


I hope this help from a hetro point of view.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:


If you have a penis, then you do not have a girl's brain, you have a boy's brain.


A DNA test will show what chromosomes you have, and if it's XX, you're a girl, XY and you're a boy.


This gender confusion thing is a mental health issue.


Humans have existed for around 200,000 years but only in the last few years some people have started to think that they were born in the wrong body. Very likely, it's caused by oestrogenic chemicals leaching from plastics, or it's caused by attention seeking people who are latching on to the latest fad.


I suspect the latter.


You might be surprised - the last few (thousand) years, people were born in the wrong bodies.

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  • Confused 1
9 minutes ago, traveller101 said:

Further to Ben de Costas assertion that it is a mental health issue https://kutv.com/news/nation-world/being-transgender-not-a-mental-disorder-americas-leading-psychiatric-organization-says

The experts in the field might disagree


Thanks for that reference. But you can find anything online, such as this:




KUTV is a third-rate news site from Salt Lake City, which is mostly Mormons. Appraise your sources of information before taking it to heart.


In the UK now, there are several instances of transgender people having had gender re-assignment surgery at a young age, and then asking for a reversal a few years later. It's not going to end well if this is what we are teaching children.

8 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:


But it's only the last few years that people have been allowed to self-identify as a non-binary, transgender, bi-curious Cornish Pasty from Guatemala.


There has to be a cut-off point, or people will abuse the system.


Abuse the system? Which system?

It seems to me going through the history that ancient civilizations were probably more accepting, judging from the positions held by transgender, which included priests and even one of the roman Cesars.

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  • Confused 1
13 minutes ago, traveller101 said:

Abuse the system? Which system?

It seems to me going through the history that ancient civilizations were probably more accepting, judging from the positions held by transgender, which included priests and even one of the roman Cesars.


Please, go and do some reading.


In ancient times they had eunuchs. There were no transgender people.


Men were considered to be men, even after castration, and women were always women.


Despite this, they never had people identifying as a bowl of soup just to get into the wrong toilets.

5 minutes ago, traveller101 said:



Yes that's a BBC article, about as reliable as "my friend heard it at the kebab shop".


If you don't believe me, go and see what the BBC are doing to Alex Belfield, it's all on YouTube.


It's not my job to educate you, you should educate yourself.

2 hours ago, sharksy said:

But you also need to understand about hetrosexuals.
I'm sexually adventurous too - but only with women.

Is that your definition of being heterosexual—having sex only with women? How about having sex with a FTM transgender then; would that still be heterosexual because you’re having sec with a female? 

2 hours ago, sharksy said:

Hyperthetically, If two lads invited me out for a booze up, one was hetro, the other homo - I would choose the hetro.  I would likely feel uncomfortable with the homo.

Wow, that’s sad. 

2 hours ago, sharksy said:

too many times in my life I have been chatted up, touched up by men, so I would like to call this learned experience, rather than homophobic.

The only times I am being touched up is in the middle of the night on Sukhumvit road or whenever I visit gay places such as DJ Station or Wong’s Place. I don’t know why I would care much about it. I certainly have behaved indecently towards girls in my life, especially when I was drunk. What goes around comes around… 

  • Confused 1
1 hour ago, BenDeCosta said:

BBC article, about as reliable as "my friend heard it at the kebab shop".

<deleted>. And btw, his first source wasn’t a Mormon website but the American Psychological Association. 

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1 hour ago, BenDeCosta said:

they never had people identifying as a bowl of soup just to get into the wrong toilets.

No one is identifying as a bowl of soup, and no one is trying to sneak into any toilets. Don’t make things up. What a nonsense. 

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2 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:

There has to be a cut-off point, or people will abuse the system.

What are you scared about? What “system” and what “abuse”? The sacred toilet system? 

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