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Cannot login to Qatar Privilege Account

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Hi All,

        Over the past 2 weeks I have been unable to login to my Qatar Privilege account,( OTP not coming through to phone )

All attempts to contact by phone have turned out negatively even when I do get through wrong depatment or numbers given to contact not recognized,

I have asked that I be given an email address to contact

but been told I must login to do so,  this has left me in a bit of a catch 22 position without OTP cannot login so can not access e-mail

 Can any member please help me out with an appropiate Qatar email address I can use  to solve my situation I am in the UK

Unfourunatly I am not in a rush as it looks to be sometime yet before we can travel freely between UK and Thailand

but I would like to resolve the issue before the rush starts Thank you to all

                                                  Regards Peter



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Probably I can't help you. But some time ago I had a similar problem with another provider were codes didn't arrive on my phone in time.

I could change the system by installing an Authenticator App on my phone. Now I don't get a code per message, instead I just read the (always changing) code from my Authenticator App.

Maybe you can use something like that.

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I would try phoning them on a free or cheap international calling app and explain your situation.


Sometimes you cannot beat speaking to a human being instead of codes and OTP etc


You are in the privilege club and you can verbally answer over the phone their security questions.


+97440230000 Qatar.

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Good morning all,

    Thank you for your replies

    I have logged in for years no problem, Just this last month, I receive OTPs from my other accounts so I don,t think its my phone

  I tried calling 97440230000 not recognized now that will be my fault I will  persevere with that one

I managed to get hold of a UK tech number today 03300240127 ( I think the poor harassed agent gave it me in desperation )

We checked all details and they are correct e-mail, membership number and phone number so he has sent an e-mail to head quarters

The one little quirk I have noticed is my monthly Qatar statements  and updates appear to be coming via a long ago forgotten old email address

not used in years but presumably still active.

      Thank you all for your help  I hope you are all OK where ever you are and when I do get it resolved I shall say how here Bye

                                                                 Regards Peter

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