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The Lupin, a legume from down-under, jumps on the superfood bandwagon


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Thailand meet Lupin: Lupin meet Thailand!  No, we are not talking Reus Lupin, the Defence Against Dark Arts professor in Harry Potter, but a legume in the same family as the peanut. However, this Lupin and Professor Lupin share one thing in common: they both have magical powers. For the lupin, that magic lies in its nutritional values.


Lupin has joined the world’s food race thanks to its high protein and high dietary fiber values coupled with a low glycaemic index. It is also gluten-free, vegan friendly, and non-GMO.


But while it is new to Thailand, lupin has been actually consumed for centuries by people around the world, especially in the Mediterranean and in the Andean mountains of South America. In the early days, the consumption of lupins was limited because of their bitterness. Like other pulses, it needed to be soaked in water before it could be eaten.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/the-lupin-a-legume-from-down-under-jumps-on-the-superfood-bandwagon/


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5 hours ago, lujanit said:

Which lupin?  Binomial name would help.

and even wife doesn’t know either ?

turn to :


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According to Wiki:


Seeds of various species of lupins have been used as a food for over 3000 years around the Mediterranean[7] and for as long as 6000 years in the Andes.[8] Lupins were also used by many Native American peoples such as the Yavapai in North America. The Andean lupin or tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) was a widespread food in the Incan Empire; but they have never been accorded the same status as soybeans, dry peas and other pulse crops. 


Not sure what makes them a super food now...and from down under? To me, that's the antipodes, namely New Zealand/Australia area. To Thailand, their down under is where?

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