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Phuket suffers second COVID death in latest outbreak


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Image: Official COVID-19 Information Center Phuket


By The Phuket News


PHUKET: Phuket has suffered its second death attributed to COIVD-19 in the latest outbreak, the Phuket Provincial Public health Office (PPHO) has announced.


The news came with the standard daily update of new infections on the island for today (June 1), posted online by the Official COVID-19 Information Center Phuket at 5:20pm.


No details of the COVID victim’s death were provided.


Full story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-suffers-second-covid-death-in-latest-outbreak-80189.php




-- © Copyright Phuket News 2021-06-02
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6 hours ago, Excel said:

No slgan for Phuket opening 1st July by TAT  " Bet you would die to come to Phuket"


4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Phuket is really hoping for a miracle.. comeon  in July 1st, possibly 65% of people have had one jab, the rest are not inoculated yet.

Safe trusted Thailand strikes again.

Have you lookede at the numbers from Europe? The number of infections and dead are really nothing here, Europe is opening up with many more daily infections and dead and all are applauding, Thailand is opening up and people are moaning.

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:


Have you lookede at the numbers from Europe? The number of infections and dead are really nothing here, Europe is opening up with many more daily infections and dead and all are applauding, Thailand is opening up and people are moaning.

They may be opening up... doesn't mean it's the correct thing to do?

Time will tell, just like the government thought it was a good idea to have Songkran, then along came the 3rd wave.

Who's applauding that idea?

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3 hours ago, stevenl said:


Have you lookede at the numbers from Europe? The number of infections and dead are really nothing here, Europe is opening up with many more daily infections and dead and all are applauding, Thailand is opening up and people are moaning.

I always thought Phuket was in Thailand, so talking if Europe us just ignorant deflection

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7 hours ago, Excel said:

I always thought Phuket was in Thailand, so talking if Europe us just ignorant deflection

Since I made a comparison, a very valid comparison, it is not a deflection but showing the hypocrisy of posters here.

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We are almost certainly going to see more outbreaks when Phuket opens up but it won't be the fully-vaccinated Westerners who cause them. It will be the influx of workers, many from neighboring countries where the virus is raging.

What Thailand should do is open up the entire country, every international airport, to fully-vaccinated tourists from countries with "zero covid" levels of active cases (less than 100 per million population). Drop all the other requirements (COE, testing, special insurance) and, for a transitional period, stamp everyone in on a visa waiver for 90 days.

At the same time, crackdown hard on illegal migrants from neighboring countries, until those countries can reduce their levels of infection to at least the same level as Thailand.

The government should point out the very different levels of risk that each group poses to the Thai population.

It will take time for mass tourism to get going again, but it does not have a chance as long as they weigh it down with requirements and restrictions. The only requirement that matters now is that visitors are verifiably vaccinated. Drop everything else.


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5 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Easier for them to pull the wool over the eyes of the locals then telling the truth on the true Death figures which you will never know. Same as the true figures of infections.

Well, for once, I would like to see them deploy that instinctive dishonesty in a positive direction and, despite having scared the population witless over the past few months, I would like to see them now do whatever is necessary to open up the country to visitors again. If that means covering up a few outbreaks, so be it.

Obviously, I mean fully-vaccinated visitors. For at least the rest of this decade, there is no future in any country for unvaccinated foreigners, regardless of visa.


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3 minutes ago, Poet said:

We are almost certainly going to see more outbreaks when Phuket opens up but it won't be the fully-vaccinated Westerners who cause them. It will be the influx of workers, many from neighboring countries where the virus is raging.

What Thailand should do is open up the entire country, every international airports, to fully-vaccinated tourists from countries with "zero covid" levels of active cases (less than 100 per million population). Drop all the other requirements (COE, testing, special insurance) and, for a transitional period, stamp everyone in on a visa waiver for 90 days.

At the same time, crackdown hard on illegal migrants from neighboring countries, until those countries can reduce their levels of infection to at least the same level as Thailand.

The government should point out the very different levels of risk that each group poses to the Thai population.

It will take time for mass tourism to get going again, but it does not have a chance as long as they weigh it down with requirements and restrictions. The only requirement that matters now is that visitors are verifiably vaccinated. Drop everything else.


Problem POET. Most companys in Thailand use immigrants cos there cheap or smuggle them over the border they have been caught and the tea money does the trick. Most cases in the fish markets in Bkk were migrant workers who were not tested and smuggled in. This will never end because they can get away with it. Where do you think the Hoteliers and bar/Resturant owners will get there staff from. 

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Just now, BarraMarra said:

Problem POET. Most companys in Thailand use immigrants cos there cheap or smuggle them over the border they have been caught and the tea money does the trick. Most cases in the fish markets in Bkk were migrant workers who were not tested and smuggled in. This will never end because they can get away with it. Where do you think the Hoteliers and bar/Resturant owners will get there staff from. 

Yes, I understand how reliant Thai industry - and, in particular, the tourist industry - is on migrant labor.

Here's the thing, though: they have to make a choice.

Despite the proud delusion that tourism was not important to the Thai economy, we can now see that it underpinned the economy as a whole. At this stage, almost everyone in Thailand is broke. They have maxxed out their credit. Their family emergency funds have been emptied. Consumer spending came to a screeching halt last month and you can see that everywhere, making far more of an impact than even the lockdown rules.

Now, if they want to continue pretending that Western tourists were the cause of outbreaks in the kingdom, sure, they can do that. If they continue to ignore the actual sources of the outbreaks, however, the outbreaks will continue, while the economy continues to implode.

Tea money is terrific if you are the chap pocketing it but, if you destroy your economy, there is far less tea money to go around. Ultimately, in Thailand, "Money is Number One". The authorities need to do whatever is necessary to temporarily halt the entry of migrants from infected areas. They need to heavily fine anyone caught employing undocumented workers. They need to hit hard on every level. And then they need to restart tourism.

After a terrible year, many Thais actually need work. The tourism industry will take time to scale back up, but it is an opportunity for Thais to replenish their bank accounts.

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11 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

Well lets be honest the people in charge of the Pandemic have not exactly been on the ball AKA allowing hi So's to leave Bkk and party in Phuket or allowing out of district Travel for Songkran. Then blaming the Falangs for spreading if you truly believe there daily propaganda that there have only been 2 Deaths to covid then you must be on the old yabba. Easier for them to pull the wool over the eyes of the locals then telling the truth on the true Death figures which you will never know. Same as the true figures of infections.

Nobody is blaming the foreigners, you only think that because you're limited to non-thai language media.

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i can only read The Tiger, Patayya News or Phukete Gazette for information of whats going on Simon, I wouldn't expect a report from the Sun in the UK to be a reliable source for information on Thailand's efforts fighting the Pandemic. Sadly Poet the government will never listen or take advice as this will be looked upon as making them look inefficient. As I posted, how are we expected to believe or trust what your being told by the Government from there top health minister blaming tourists and labeling them unwashed dirty Farang's who are not wanted in Thailand, to the Governor of Phuket Distributing letters again showing there Racist views and again pointing the blame at Expat's. Not once have these individuals shown any remorse or apologized for there insensitivity, then the next day there more or less begging us to return to bail them out. They can carry on pumping out disinformation to the average Thai but i'm afraid in the West we have seen what the smile real'y is behind the Mask.

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23 hours ago, Poet said:

...should...crackdown hard on illegal migrants from neighboring countries, until those countries can reduce their levels of infection to at least the same level as Thailand.

The government should...

You know this won't happen. 

Migrants are cheap and Thai migrants from Nakhon Si Thammarat and Issan are difficult to stop.

If people from Phuket or Samui would work in tourism it would defeat the purpose of the whole exercise. 


You wrote in another thread that Phuket will indeed open.

Further outbreaks are expected. 

The Thai migrants may spread covid all over Thailand. It may become a disease of people physically working,  like in the West. Thai elites don't care, just like Western elites didn't care.

Not a biological danger to us vaccinated (at home) foreigners. 

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1 hour ago, Hyna said:

You know this won't happen. 

Migrants are cheap and Thai migrants from Nakhon Si Thammarat and Issan are difficult to stop.

I never mentioned internal migration. I was talking about migration from neighboring countries where the pandemic is raging.

I am saying that new outbreaks within Thailand stem almost entirely from Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia, rather than from Westerners.

1 hour ago, Hyna said:

If people from Phuket or Samui would work in tourism it would defeat the purpose of the whole exercise.

In normal times the tourist industry in Thailand is very big, directly employing 4.5 million people.

Indirectly, who knows how many? Certainly, every business in Thailand gets at least some additional revenue from foreigners.

Many of these millions of jobs may be filled by illegal migrants but the majority, probably more than 80%, are filled by Thai citizens. Also, most of the businesses are owned by Thais.

Even if Thailand opens up completely to fully-vaccinated foreigners, it will be many years before we reach the heights of 2019 again.

Let's say Thailand got back up to 50% of 2019 levels, you could subtract all the illegal migrants and still have easily enough Thais to do the work. There will be too many Thai people for too few jobs for quite a while.

1 hour ago, Hyna said:

You wrote in another thread that Phuket will indeed open.

Yes. That is the official government plan. July 1st. They call it "the Phuket sandbox" and it is intended to be a trial run for a wider re-opening, supposedly October but my theory is that it will happen a lot sooner than that.


1 hour ago, Hyna said:

Further outbreaks are expected. 

Yes. They are inevitable and every one of them will stem from illegal migration from the neighboring countries, drawn to the new jobs created by the newly restarted tourism.

Unless the government handles the media very effectively, the Thai public will be left with the impression that it happened because it was too early to let the dirty farangs back into Phuket. That could end up delaying the re-opening of the rest of the country.


1 hour ago, Hyna said:

Thai elites don't care, just like Western elites didn't care.

Regardless of how it benefits the elites, opening up fully to vaccinated tourists is in the economic interest of the Thai people, and is zero biological threat to them.


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Even if Thailand opens up completely to fully-vaccinated foreigners, it will be many years before we reach the heights of 2019 again.


Many years? Really. Does your crystal ball also tell you how many years, Oh Oracle?

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15 hours ago, Poet said:

opening up fully to vaccinated tourists is in the economic interest of the Thai people, and is zero biological threat to them

Correct: would be zero biological threat to them if foreign migrants were not let in.


They may be let in.  They may cause outbreaks. The internal migrants (unvaccinated) may spread the outbreaks countrywide. If that happens it won't be pretty.


Zero biological threat to vaccinated foreigners.  

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3 hours ago, Hyna said:

Correct: would be zero biological threat to them if foreign migrants were not let in.


They may be let in.  They may cause outbreaks. The internal migrants (unvaccinated) may spread the outbreaks countrywide. If that happens it won't be pretty.


Zero biological threat to vaccinated foreigners.  

I do not understand the point you are making here.

Regardless of whether or not unvaccinated migrants are present, fully-inoculated tourists, who received their final dose of an effective Western vaccine at least two weeks before arriving in Thailand, and who are coming from countries with low active case levels, pose zero biological threat.

In a context in which Thailand gets a handle on the outbreaks it is already experiencing (themselves largely originating in neighboring countries), any entirely new outbreaks will stem from new unvaccinated migrants coming over the borders and not quarantining.

Regardless of what they do about illegal migrants, Thailand should protect its economy by making it easy for fully-vaccinated tourists to enter Thailand.

Regardless of they do about fully-vaccinated tourists, Thailand should do everything it can to limit unquarantined movement over its land borders.


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