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So I was working in the yard the other day. sweating my ass off, next day I started getting itchy and this bumps appeared,  almost like poison ivy, with which I am intendedly familiar ,LOL. 

Anyway, I did not see  anything resembling poison ivy or anything else I would identify as poisonous. It is all over my legs and a pit in my arms. I am putting Calamine lotion on it and it helps,  Any Ideas?

I am in Khon Kaen.

No description available.


3 hours ago, tonray said:

It looks like your pet Gorilla photo bombed your post. 


A better pic in focus might help. But most allergic reactions to outside irritants look the same...it's hard to tell what plant (or insect) might have caused the reaction. Use an antihistamine creme and see if that helps.

I was realy not looking for a diagnoses from a picture. You are right most rashes look the same. 

I was kind of hopping from experience, someone would say, "stay away from these plans they make me brake out", and maybe have a picture.

Which is why I said i am in Hon Kane.  

I google it, but I did not get anything helpful so far. 

I am using Calamine cream, and it is working well.  


Anything with a milky sap is a good rule of thumb to protect with covering skin n eyes and not to ingest. I garden all the time (Phuket) and never get things like this, but my garden is landscaped (designed by me actually ????) and has no 'outside' species wandering about in it. I will endeavour to contact some Thai botanists, and ask at the local nursery and see what they say about your question. I'd imagine there's some nasty tropical (hairy/micro-spikey - hair-releasing plants about though). Tropical jungles have some very interesting nasty buggers lurking in them.

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Never really had any rashes after gardening in Thailand. Small blisters usually due to insects (especially ant stings), Itching due to scratches from grass seeds and thorns, never come across the equivalent of nettles so far. 

Apart from internal poisoning, internet not much help. Just mentions to avoid sap of some plants.

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I often get all types of rashes and bites in the garden, from what remains a mystery ( not mozys), I now spray anti mozy over my exposed bits, buy research found that grasshoppers have barbs on their legs which they use to cling on with, mango leaves also apparently can be like poison ivy, grass seeds can stick in you, all manner of plants and insects around. now i treat the infected area with vinegar if it continues to itch then I have found Pond's Magic (talc) powder stops it for hours at a time.

  • Thanks 1
14 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

mango leaves also apparently can be like poison ivy,

That could be it, I was pruning the lower branches of a Mango tree that had gone wild while we were stuck in the US for a couple of years with the pandemic, and I was in there brushing  against the branches all over. 

19 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

I highly recommend Fucicort cream.

I finally broke down and went to a dermatologist. I meant to go anyway 'cause I had these dark spots  on my back and I was concerned they might be cancerous (they were not) she said ,it was not prickly heat, but contact with dome type of plant . I asked for a Cortisone shot, 'cause that's what did it for me when I got poison ivy buck in the states, She said that since it was really getting better , oral pills and a topical cream was all I needed,. The cream is called Dermovate. (Globetasol propionate)  .

Much better today. ????

Thank you all for your concern and helpful advice. 

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