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I want to know if i have TOO MUCH  .... or too little iron in my system.   Besides the CBC  I see that these tests can be done.


Is it necessary to get all ?   Or does anyone have experience with this testing ?   

thanks ..........

Iron tests evaluate the amount of iron in the body by measuring several substances in the blood. These tests are often ordered at the same time and the results interpreted together to help diagnose and/or monitor iron deficiency or iron overload.

  • Serum iron test—measures the level of iron in the liquid portion of the blood.
  • Transferrin test—directly measures the level of transferrin in the blood. Transferrin is the protein that transports iron around in the body. Under normal conditions, transferrin is typically one-third saturated with iron. This means that about two-thirds of its capacity is held in reserve.
  • TIBC (total iron-binding capacity)—measures the total amount of iron that can be bound by proteins in the blood. Since transferrin is the primary iron-binding protein, the TIBC test is a good indirect measurement of transferrin availability.
  • UIBC (unsaturated iron-binding capacity)—The UIBC test determines the reserve capacity of transferrin, i.e., the portion of transferrin that has not yet been saturated with iron. UIBC also reflects transferrin levels.
  • Transferrin saturation—a calculation that reflects the percentage of transferrin that is saturated with iron (100 x serum iron/TIBC).
  • Serum ferritin—reflects the amount of stored iron in the body.
19 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

What makes you think or leads you to believe that this may be an issue for you ?


 Agree .. "I want to know if i have TOO MUCH  .... or too little iron in my system" is not the sort of question I would ask unless there are symptoms.


There are many independent blood testing labs, we have one just 15mins away. They have proven to be 100% accurate and far cheaper than visiting a clinic/hospital -- who also use them and add a margin. If the result is outside of normal range then consult a clinic/hospital 

  • Like 2
38 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

What makes you  think or leads you to believe that this may be an issue for you ?


Spoons keep sticking to him.......................????

  • Haha 2

thank you guys.   I am not looking for help diagnosing my problems,  as I am quite good

at taking care of myself.  A simple google search will show symptoms for both iron deficiency and iron overload.     

I do feel tired often.......... and that can be due to many issues depending on each individual

persons physical and mental health.  

I am going to get a blood test anyway........... which i do every few years .   Hence the question which probably Sheryl can provide one answer.    

Don't worry...... The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated   ????


Note:  I doubt i have the disease (hemochromatosis) ....... but there are some reasons that I might be getting too much iron.  SO,  anyone who might have some info on the tests please share


37 minutes ago, Caspersfriend said:

There are many independent blood testing labs, we have one just 15mins away. They have proven to be 100% accurate and far cheaper than visiting a clinic/hospital


Chiangmai ?    i have used one such lab,  near Central Festival.

Anyone know of others in CM ?



Hemoglobin and Hermetic for sure.  


iron is very tricky.   hopefully a little folate (1/4 a folate tablet every few days, less is more) and vit. c helps instead, but the big question is:  What if it's NOT iron or folate?  


could be heat, maybe a food allergy, not getting enough fruits or vegetables,  heart issues, stress, anxiety, traumatic experience,  asthma, etc......


of course, check........ 


i took some B12 and seemed OK, then I took a different B12 and the side effect was like you were yelling in your head.  luckily, after a few days, I threw all the pills away and only I knew what was happening........google was my friend, it seemed pretty common.. my point:  be careful on what you put in your body.  I stopped taking B12 altogether and I feel better.  got tested, and my levels were slightly below the mid-point on some iron tests.  "normal".  


good luck, this one is tricky I think.  




  • Like 1
2 hours ago, rumak said:

thank you guys.   I am not looking for help diagnosing my problems,  as I am quite good

at taking care of myself.  A simple google search will show symptoms for both iron deficiency and iron overload.     

I do feel tired often.......... and that can be due to many issues depending on each individual

persons physical and mental health.  

I am going to get a blood test anyway........... which i do every few years .   Hence the question which probably Sheryl can provide one answer.    

Don't worry...... The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated   ????


Note:  I doubt i have the disease (hemochromatosis) ....... but there are some reasons that I might be getting too much iron.  SO,  anyone who might have some info on the tests please share



Hemochromatosis means excess iron in the blood. If you have too much iron, by definition you have hemochromatosis.


Except for people with a genetic form of it, and people who have had multiple transfusions, it is quite rare to have this problem and there are far more common causes of the symptoms mentioned.


If nonehteless you want to test for this, the starting test would be serum transferrin saturation.  If results are elevated then serum ferritin.


Tests that do make sense would be TSH, CBC, ALT/AST, creatnine, HB1Ac and (unless done withion past 2 years and normal at that time) a lipid panel.  Also might want to check testosterone levels.


As to labs:



(scroll down to the CM location)







1 minute ago, Sheryl said:

f nonehteless you want to test for this, the starting test would be serum transferrin saturation.  If results are elevated then serum ferritin.


thanks Sheryl.   It may be a long shot,  but my diet ( along with some common supplements, NO iron)   is good and my health generally good.    There is such a thing as iron poisoning:

Iron balance is also affected by the amount of iron in our diet. Over time, diets low in iron may cause a deficiency. Likewise, an overdose of iron supplements may cause severe iron poisoning.  

We have been cooking breakfast with an iron skillet for quite a while.   GF scrapes the eggs

off and onto the plate.    I also take vitamin C which i read enhances the iron intake.

No harm in seeing the CBC ,  and yes, will test the serum transferrin saturation (hopefully easy to do at the lab)    If nothing else I hope to rule that out.  As of today will not be using the cast iron pan.       

Testosterone level i will also check....... really i look good to everyone,  they just don't know that when i get home i feel tired.   Is this "old age" ?     yea,  maybe.

I know that when i am busy i seem to have energy.... so the boredom factor could also be at play.   Or too much thaivisa !

thanks again


3 hours ago, sanuk711 said:


Spoons keep sticking to him.......................????


       Only spoons . EPNS ?..

       Magnetic attraction . 

        Check you natural body resistance .

         Against , knives and forks . 

          Ohms Law ..  Just saying ..



3 hours ago, rumak said:


Chiangmai ?    i have used one such lab,  near Central Festival.

Anyone know of others in CM ?


if you go into Mee Chok Plaza, pass the McD on the left and Rimping mkt - into the covered parking area, ground floor there is a place on your right hand side... good luck.

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, Sheryl said:


Tests that do make sense would be TSH, CBC, ALT/AST, creatnine, HB1Ac and (unless done withion past 2 years and normal at that time) a lipid panel.  Also might want to check testosterone levels.


Yes,  those are all things that i will have tested in the blood exam .  

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