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Thai government tackles human trafficking


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Tanakorn Sangiam


BANGKOK (NNT) - The government’s Anti-Human Trafficking Committee has approved a plan that extends human trafficking to illegal crossings, while providing immediate protection to trafficking victims.


The Thai government has broadened the terms of human trafficking to cover the act of bringing people across borders illegally, while providing better protection to trafficking victims.


In an annual meeting of related committees on human trafficking prevention and suppression, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan, the committees emphasized the resolution of situations at hand and prevent potential future consequences.


The committees emphasized an improvement in cybercrime suppression related to children and youths; the prevention of human trafficking in the labor sector, and protection of migrant workers.


The committees aim to raise the level of their work to an internationally recognized standard, in terms of the capabilities of relevant officials, the protection of trafficking victims, and prosecution of government officials involved in human trafficking.


The committees have on this occasion agreed to extend the official terms of human trafficking to include the act of bringing people into the kingdom without authorization.


On this occasion, DPM Gen Prawit emphasized the government’s intention to eliminate human trafficking as part of the national agenda, which should proceed in full force despite the spread of COVID-19.


He said the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, now has the responsibility to provide immediate protection to trafficking victims regardless of their nationality, while cases involving forced labour and human trafficking should be distinctly differentiated.


The Ministry of Labour will be encouraging all employers to register their migrant workers in a timely manner, while ensuring no government officials are involved in corruption.


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The Thai government has broadened the terms of human trafficking to cover the act of bringing people across borders illegally, while providing better protection to trafficking victims.

Beggars belief.

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As with all kinds of crime (drugs, gambling, prostitution, animal trafficking), it’s just too lucrative and too much of a money making opportunity for those in power to put a stop to it. So some token efforts will be made, some lower level criminals arrested and convicted, but the big fish will be left alone to continue doing what they do and to keep sending big fat brown envelopes up the line.

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No, the Thai law makers and shakers won’t go after the human traffickers, but the will go after the alcohol producers and bars. Making laws to raid without warrants and fine at will (though we know majority of fine money goes straight into a brown suit pocket). And Thai Government is surprisingly surprised when their status was downgraded by the United States. One whole year and no arrests of any big shots who bring the people into Thailand. There obviously is a huge purchase of brown envelopes somewhere.

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