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Access to Vaxs- how fast can you web search


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Getting grief from my better half because I didn't spot that Bangkok Pattaya briefly was taking Moderna bookings yesterday alongside vaccinating the French! Checked the website this morning and we had missed the boat. BP confirmed they were open for Moderna bookings and closed again. They said to check Line and Facebook web sites. Now I don't use either whereas her who must be obeyed is on both constantly. I lamely rang Pattaya Memorial who confirmed they had no vaccine and weren't taking bookings. So it appears that the 5m Moderna jabs have already gone even though they don't arrive till Oct! (Apart from the very lucky French who have Moderna available at BP)¹ Both BP and PM say they will email/ ring when we can book/jab but they never do! How do we get in the queue without hanging out daily at these Hospitals?

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