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No Booze served after 9.00PM in Chiang Mai..?


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Got a message last night while in shop from Kham Nan saying that All Alcohol sales must stop at 9pm.....including from 7/11...Also had some locals confirming said...refused in our nearest Ghet/Sip et....Might be just a local thing....any observations..from the Mai.....Khap.

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Well with this new Delta virus spreading in the government reporting almost double what the virus was last month each day I didn’t I should ban alcohol and gatherings and Chiang Mai for at least 14 days I think that would be a total lockdown for 14 days this virus is very scary and the government so far has not done a good job and rolling out the vaccine to foreigners and retired foreigners that live here T IT

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I was having dinner and a drink in a bar/restaurant in Loi Kroh last night and around 8.30 police arrived and reminded owner no drinking after 9pm. Not just serving alcohol but all alcohol must be finished drinking by 9.

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Thanks for the confirmation....We had a load of locals almost Q-in up last night after 9 pm but had to refuse them...Must put up a notice...so many secrets...???

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Yes extensive testing by the the World Health Organization.  Drinking alcohol has a far lower chance of causing the spread of Covid if consumed or purchased prior to 9pm.  Also it is far better instead of having 200 people come in per hour spread over 24 hour the store is open to double the amount to 400 people per hour by reducing the number of hours the store is open to only 12 hours. 

Now you know why I object to the government being in charge of anything. 

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On 7/3/2021 at 8:02 AM, TheFishman1 said:

Well with this new Delta virus spreading in the government reporting almost double what the virus was last month each day I didn’t I should ban alcohol and gatherings and Chiang Mai for at least 14 days I think that would be a total lockdown for 14 days this virus is very scary and the government so far has not done a good job and rolling out the vaccine to foreigners and retired foreigners that live here T IT

They might not have done a very good job re vaccinating retired foreigners where you live, but myself and several expat friends have had our AstraZeneca shot and have dates for the second shot in twelve weeks.

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