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Sinovac a waste of time?


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1 hour ago, jayboy said:

There are some grounds for preferring AZ over Sinovac but it is pure ignorance to describe Sinovac as a "waste of time." Sinovac will give you very significant protection against hospitalization, serious illness and death.It's not a guarantee but then no vaccines are. I'm not going to quote efficacy percentages because they are often bandied about without their significance being understood.The information can be easily researched but stick to reputable sources (WHO,US/UK government sites, Lancet and the like)


If you are unvaccinated and are in a risk category (whether because of age, obesity or underlying condition) there should be no hesitation in getting the Sinovac jab.If you don't fall into these categories or can quickly obtain a different preferred vaccine, that's fine.


Sorry to be so blunt but your attitude to Sinovac is uninformed and dangerously misleading.The fact that ignorance is shared by many others is neither here nor there.



OK point taken. How about Sinopharm compared to Sinovac? I've read Sinopharm offers superior efficacy. And as I live in the NE, in your opinion is it worth taking a risk and going to BKK for a Sinopharm vax next week.

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On 7/18/2021 at 10:28 AM, ThaiPauly said:

Not sticking my nose in, but if you are driving down please allow for adverse reaction to the injection.


My daughter-in-law (Thai) took 36 hours to recover.


Some folks get no reaction, hopefully, you may be one of them.


But if you are driving it does no harm to have a Plan B.


Good luck.


A concerned citizen

Thanks for your concern. My Thai wife was coming with me, purely for that reason, so if I feel off on the drive home, she can take the wheel. I remember having my only flu shot in Australia 3 years ago and it knocked me for 6.


Anyway, this morning I cancelled my appointment for the vax at CAT next Thur. I'm concerned about going into BKK at this time, I live in a very isolated, small farming village and don't mix with anyone, so I'm in a pretty safe place, going into BKK right at this time just seems too risky. There's also the possibility of police checks on the way back, returning home, coming from Bangkok, I could well be sent to a hospital for covid test, or ordered into quarantine. So I decided to sit still for now. I do have an alternative appointment at Med-Park on August 7, so I'll reconsider the situation early August.

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I received a Sinovac jab June 6 at Phaya Thai 2 hospital. Yesterday I got an AZ jab at SCG. My 2nd Sinovac jab is scheduled for tomorrow. I will pass on the 2nd Sinovac jab. The NHSO paperwork they gave me yesterday shows both doses, however they now call Sinovac CoronaVac.

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