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Thailand’s 40 CEOs reject ‘Wuhan’ model, call on PM to control pandemic, provide compensations


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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

A Wuhan style lockdown would destroy the country completely.  The government in power needs to find the money it has embezzled and filled their pockets with to return it to the people and then buy the needed vaccines.  They need to support all individuals that they have disenfranchised, its the only way or Thailand will be no more. Yes a little over the top maybe but truth be told unless they start to help all they are in for a world of hurt.  As The great and honorable PM said " What will be will be " so it really sounds like he doesn't give a sheet 

Or know the difference 

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3 hours ago, cmarshall said:

It took 77 days to eliminate the virus in Wuhan.  If the Thai government had put in a Wuhan lockdown last year the virus would be gone now as it is in China even without vaccines.  Instead they prolonged the dying and the recession.

'It took 77 days to eliminate the virus'

'the virus would be gone'



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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

Can you think that the coup was needed, but also think that what has happened since is bad?  Didn't they return to democracy quite quickly after most of the other recent coups?

Coups are never needed. 


Actually, let me rephrase... Coups are needed if those desirous of power have absolute contempt for the Thai electorate, have nothing but disdain for the rule of law and the democratic process, and are unable to gain power by any other means. 

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4 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

At least there are some people talking sense to the PM. Hopefully he listens to these instead of the scientists and hysterical media.

He might listen but as an ignoramus he won't understand, that requires intelligence which is sadly for the country not available to the uneducated, unelected.

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4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Strange analogy. They did choose the horse and now they are asking the horse to do something. Why do you think they chose the horse?

Because to climb a tree you don’t chose a horse ,eh and no amount of telling it to will get it up there. Soldiers are not the ???? you need to run a country and understand economics or deal with global pandemics. Sinking in yet ? ????  

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5 hours ago, Thomas J said:

What is a Wuhan style lockdown.  Announcing that you have contained the Covid 19 and misrepresenting how many people were actually infected? 

Do you have any evidence for what you are insinuating? No thought not!

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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

And it would have come right back again when restrictions were lifted. 

That's just your fantasy.   The virus has not come roaring back in China at all.  In fact, the cumulative count of Covid deaths per hundred thousand in China is just 0.35.  For comparison, the US has 185 and the UK 193.  There may have been some local outbreaks in China that caused the authorities to order a local lockdown, as happened also in Taiwan (3.25) and S. Korea (3.98), but there has been no uncontrolled outbreak in China.  

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3 hours ago, KamalaRider said:

I'm sorry,  gone? Eliminate? On what planet do you live?

Airborne viruses lives in the air for long periods of time when not multiplying and thriving in a host/s. There's nothing to stop Covid-19 than to get vaccinated, nothing, no lock downs, just delaying, no social distancing as the virus can travel quite far, true there are some benefits but only delays. Only vaccine can put the virus into some sort of rest. 

You're another one ignoring reality.  Do an online search for Covid outbreaks in China.  Do you find stories about overloaded hospitals, resurgent death rates, or new daily infection rates at new highs?  No you don't, because it hasn't happened.  The Covid epidemic can and has been controlled by effective governments before the widespread availability of vaccines.   In addition to China, these include S. Korea, Taiwan, Viet Nam, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, and others.  The standard public health measures of testing, isolating positives, contact tracing, mask wearing, and social distancing continue to be effective despite all the hand-wringing about the latest strains of the virus.  The reason is that the transmission vector remains the same aerosolized droplets and that vector is disrupted by the public health measures.


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3 hours ago, Kevin Taylor said:

The virus was gone and now its back so what was the point of all the suffering in the first lockdown. You know what it will still be there after this lockdown.


It's not back in force in China, S. Korea, Viet Nam, etc.  There have been outbreaks, but these can be controlled by the same public health measures that controlled it in the first place in those countries that were fortunate enough to have competent governments.


Covid is only out of control in the countries with incompetent or corrupt governments like the UK, parts of the US, Brazil, and others.  

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2 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Nanjing is in total lockdown even as we speak.

Exactly.  That's how the Chinese government is controlling the  current outbreak.  Just like the Australian government has locked down Melbourne earlier and lately Sydney, but not the whole country.  If they take prompt and effective action by locking down localities where it has surged, they can keep the whole country under control.  

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1 minute ago, cmarshall said:

You're another one ignoring reality.  Do an online search for Covid outbreaks in China.  Do you find stories about overloaded hospitals, resurgent death rates, or new daily infection rates at new highs?  No you don't, because it hasn't happened.  The Covid epidemic can and has been controlled by effective governments before the widespread availability of vaccines.

Nope you are right, and I have no reports of any in North Korea either.  I have read reports of dramatic multi million decreases in cell phone accounts in China but I am sure it was just people who had 2 or 3 phones and were reducing the amount of cell phone accounts they have. But I am sure those reports are not nearly as accurate as the official Chinese figures that have its rate of Covid lower than the Marshall Islands.  Truly an amazing feat for a country that has the vaccine reported to be the least effective and 10 cites with populations in excess of 10 million people. 

Are you interested in any bridges.  I have several in New York, San Francisco, and London for sale.   

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I think the PM was expecting the CEOs to actually open their cheque books (give money to help the government or organise relief for affected communities etc.). I doubt he wants their advice.

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2 hours ago, ukrules said:

Anazing, no vaccine needed, no virus ever coming back?


Dream on, China is just waiting for Delta to hit it harder than anywhere.

China, Australia, New Zealand, S. Korea, Taiwan, Viet Nam and other countries controlled and/or eradicated the virus before vaccines were available.  Then when there is a local outbreak they lockdown the locality until they get it back under control again.  China's GDP grew by 12.7% in the first half of 2021. 

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Just now, cmarshall said:

China, Australia, New Zealand, S. Korea, Taiwan, Viet Nam and other countries controlled and/or eradicated the virus before vaccines were available.  Then when there is a local outbreak they lockdown the locality until they get it back under control again.  China's GDP grew by 12.7% in the first half of 2021. 

When delta hits all of these places it will be the same as everywhere else.


Vietnam has record infections every day right now for example :




Source : https://coronawiki.org/country/vietnam


It's just getting started for Vietnam at the moment.


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2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

What about when it returned in April?

Have you found any articles about hospitals in China being overwhelmed with sick people or the army erecting field hospitals, etc?  No, you haven't.  If you look hard you can find 150 cases and 15 deaths in Guangong in mid-June.   On July 20, China reported 65 new cases in the whole country.  That is not the return of the pandemic.  That is a blip, which the Chinese government is well able to handle.


Get real.

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10 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

LOL  and do you have any evidence to contradict that.  No I thought not.  Let see, these were the same people who told the world that human to human transmission of the virus was not possible.  I believe the "official" Chinese figures about as much as I trust those emails from the Nigerian Prince telling me I have inherited a fortune. 

I put those with North Korea who announced that it has zero Covid cases.  Now if you really believe that the China figures a nation of over 1 billion people with crowded cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Chongging all with more that 25 million people and somehow despite having the world least effective vaccine has a Covid infection rate lower than the Marshall islands.  I can see why you would trust their figures out of Wuhan. 

You made the claim, you pro=vide the data to prove it. I am under no obligation to disprove your claim. We can agree to differ. I think you may have a narrow mind issue. It is clear that you dislike, or maybe hate Chinese, and that you will believe anything negative said about them, and disbelieve nothing positive. Try to learn to think more broadly.

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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Well, they did chose this horse when they supported the overthrow of the previous government.


Now they have buyer's horse remorse?


Time for a new horse, or is it jockey? Can't keep track here.





I just got off the phone , to an insurance broker, who resides in BK, asked him if he was aware that construction workers were being forced to stay in government tents under the freeways, B cause no hospital beds , today the rise to 13000, and no sign of the escalation slowing.

Bye the way he said, I have not seen it, but I believe it is true.

Well if you believe the newspaper , which we can not name then it may be true, unless they used photo shop.

Mass vaccination can not happen until  next year, what's the R0 going to do in the mean time?

Someone took a gamble on producing Astra which failed because of the delta outbreak in India, over 200 ingredients needed to produce the vaccine ,and short supply world wide.

useless news ... Australian health officials today accused the health authorities, that delta is out of control , only 120 new cases

 So if thats the case Thailand has a melt down. The Aussie comment was on channel 9 news today.

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Just now, Pedrogaz said:

ou made the claim, you pro=vide the data to prove it

You said it was false.  You prove it.  As said, I would not trust anything the Chinese said.   The very fact you have a nation reporting it has the same level of Covid infections per million as the remote Marshall and Soloman Islands is testimony to how specious their numbers are. 

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4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

A Wuhan style lockdown would destroy the country completely.  The government in power needs to find the money it has embezzled and filled their pockets with to return it to the people and then buy the needed vaccines.  They need to support all individuals that they have disenfranchised, its the only way or Thailand will be no more. Yes a little over the top maybe but truth be told unless they start to help all they are in for a world of hurt.  As The great and honorable PM said " What will be will be " so it really sounds like he doesn't give a sheet 

40 Big shots, they must have at least 20 jet planes, chip in the gas for 10 to fly to Europe and buy the vaccines for 70 million. Then start worrying about putting the economy back on track. 

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