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Avocado growing


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This thread has rekindled my interest in growing an avocado tree here in my East Pattaya home, as I always regretted not planting one many years ago when I first moved here.  So earlier this week I bought a Hass avocado sapling off of Lazada for 189 b + 64 in shipping.  My gardening skills have greatly improved over the years and hopefully they'll disprove the "can only grow them up north" saying.


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1 hour ago, drtreelove said:

 'Read somewhere"? Come on, tell the whole story, don't discourage responsible growers who may love their guacamole. 

I read it in the last link which you posted.

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  • 3 months later...
22 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Farmers are dumping avos in Australia due to a glut.

They cannot compete with import. They sell now 1 avocado per 1 aud, 1 kilos would be around 5 AUD or  115 baht/ per kilos. The problem is production cost is very expensive in Australia. After  they collect avocados they put them in factory where they sanitize them, recheck and do many other useless manipulations. If they just bring hem directly from farm to supermarket without packaging , they would have profit.


Anyway here in Thailand avocados sold at 80-90 baht per kilos, which is very good price and avocados growers do many times more money than rice farmers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/28/2021 at 9:15 PM, KannikaP said:

I read somewhere that growing Avocados is very unfriendly to the environment.

Better find a 'happier' crop to grow.   LOL

They need a lot of water to cultivate. So it's only environmentally unfriendly to grow them if it creates a shortage of water for other purposes or a lot of energy is used to get water to the trees.

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