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My wife was offered the Pfizer vaccine today.


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An entirely homemade mess by the unprofessional, unqualified and self-centered powers-to-be. Monopolized local production, combined with complete import bans of any other stuff, resulted in the first frenzy. 
The Chinese came in with, as you state, evidently sub-standard vaccines with poor efficacy - if any at all. Nobody knows the details of that deal and who was where doing what?

Once the Americans, British and Swiss started to move by flying in tens of millions of dollars worth of equipment and vaccinations, the domestic problem and mess went international. Today, Thailand is looked upon as a Third World country with utter surprise. Only then the almighty know-it-alls in the government realized, that they triggered off a Thai version of Goethe's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice".

Said ballad tells in fourteen stanzas the story of the Master leaving the workshop and his apprentice is left alone behind. Latter start behaving and instructing like his Master without having the latter's knowledge and creates a complete mess. The apprentice finally had to call for the Master who returns and puts everything back into order. Written in 1797 and quite apparently still valid in 2021 in some countries. A country is always measured on how it treats its own people! Go figure ........

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19 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Good to know that these donated vaccines are going to get to the right people.


Too bad Sinovac 2X isn't good enough though. Kind of a wasted effort.



Surely some protection is better than none?


Sinovac might just have saved the lives of some of the front line workers who got sick instead of dying.

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3 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

An entirely homemade mess by the unprofessional, unqualified and self-centered powers-to-be. Monopolized local production, combined with complete import bans of any other stuff, resulted in the first frenzy. 
The Chinese came in with, as you state, evidently sub-standard vaccines with poor efficacy - if any at all. Nobody knows the details of that deal and who was where doing what?

Once the Americans, British and Swiss started to move by flying in tens of millions of dollars worth of equipment and vaccinations, the domestic problem and mess went international. Today, Thailand is looked upon as a Third World country with utter surprise. Only then the almighty know-it-alls in the government realized, that they triggered off a Thai version of Goethe's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice".

Said ballad tells in fourteen stanzas the story of the Master leaving the workshop and his apprentice is left alone behind. Latter start behaving and instructing like his Master without having the latter's knowledge and creates a complete mess. The apprentice finally had to call for the Master who returns and puts everything back into order. Written in 1797 and quite apparently still valid in 2021 in some countries. A country is always measured on how it treats its own people! Go figure ........

Wasn't Mickey Mouse in the movie version?

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Thailand has a very strict, hierarchical social structure of which doctors are on the top rung for professions.  Nurses are treated like servants. Many doctors have an over-inflated ego, with the constant obeisance they get from the underlings. Nurse do far more work than doctors, who are often working just because they come from a middle-class family. 

Much the same as in the western world then.

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19 hours ago, steve187 said:

don't know how you get millions, Thailand only received its first 105million batch, donated by the USA on Friday,

please don't post fake news, getting a covid jab is an important subject for most people in Thailand

I believe it was 1.5 million that just arrived with another million to follow

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On 8/2/2021 at 10:58 PM, AwwYesNice1 said:


They were gifted millions of doses of mRNA vaccine that is still unaccounted for.



They have just received them. What sort of accounting do you expect? Maybe someone should travel into the future to see if an accounting has been done?

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20 hours ago, AwwYesNice1 said:


Sherm, millions of high quality mRNA vaccines have gone unaccounted for.


Same nonsense. Thailand just received its first major shipment of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. It was 1.5 million doses. What exactly are you expecting to be accounted for at this early date?

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Just the facts please, without the emotional bs prevalent here.


Reuters today reports 18.15 million jabs completed in Thailand.

Thats enough for 13% total population double jabbed (or 26% single jabbed). At current rate of 250k daily jabs, 30 Sept will see 23% double jabbed thai population. Sinovac must be 99% of that but thats another issue. Sinovac certainly effective & lots better than nothing......


Pfizer & further AZ will be jabbed extensively by 30 Sept, starting with elderly, sick, health workers I suppose. Yes, govt. vax scheme has been very slow, poorly supplied, corrupt & incompetent ( by western standards) but is clearly substantially improving in face of Delta Threat & Higher Deaths.


Govt. also not responsible for millions of superstitious emotional frightened Thais who have not or will not vax (vax supply situation aside).

Fact they get their newborn kids vaccinated for all sorts seems not to matter.......


My terrified ladys Mother >60 had to dragged to Bang Sue by her other daughter even for AZ which is generally trusted by thais. Daughter got free- jabbed with AZ too as elderly family “escort” !


Also many irrational, anti - vax expats here & there, who should know better,refusingto get any jab & disbelieving of even reputable western scientific data sources.........like US FDA & UK & EU State Medical Agencies.


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On 8/2/2021 at 10:48 PM, bbabythai said:

Today they called my wife and asked if she would prefer the Pfizer or AZ as a booster. She told them she wanted the Pfizer.

Our nurses were not offered the booster at this time


The point of this discussion is that the government, in conjunction with the department of health, are already making sensible decisions by vaccinating all front line medical professionals in the country.

Jing-rah?  Really?
Sounds like they continue to engage in the elitism that seems endemic in this country. 
Pfizer for the esteemed Doctor.
Diddly-squat and "don't worry about it" for the under-esteemed nurses.

You're apologizing for a system that still has major flaws in it's distribution model which favors the privileged classes and the interests of the privilege class.  Nurses are front-line, university trained medical professionals.  But!  They aren't part of that esteemed privileged class - like Doctors. Or Captains Of Industry. Then wait...watch as the Pfizer shots that should go to your nurses are directed to the tourism and industrial sectors.  Or just <poof> disappear.  Magick!

You're obviously well-off, so kudos for being selfless enough to supply Modera for your staff at your own expense.  (Business tax write-off?).  But still, nice gesture when the forces you're apologizing for see your nurses as second-class health workers - not on par with your esteemed MD wife. 
"Gotta protect the doc.  Lowly nurses are a satang a dozen!"  <-- Now that's probably closer to the truth.

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13 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Just the facts please, without the emotional bs prevalent here.


Reuters today reports 18.15 million jabs completed in Thailand.

Thats enough for 13% total population double jabbed (or 26% single jabbed). At current rate of 250k daily jabs, 30 Sept will see 23% double jabbed thai population. Sinovac must be 99% of that but thats another issue. Sinovac certainly effective & lots better than nothing......


Pfizer & further AZ will be jabbed extensively by 30 Sept, starting with elderly, sick, health workers I suppose. Yes, govt. vax scheme has been very slow, poorly supplied, corrupt & incompetent ( by western standards) but is clearly substantially improving in face of Delta Threat & Higher Deaths.


Govt. also not responsible for millions of superstitious emotional frightened Thais who have not or will not vax (vax supply situation aside).

Fact they get their newborn kids vaccinated for all sorts seems not to matter.......


My terrified ladys Mother >60 had to dragged to Bang Sue by her other daughter even for AZ which is generally trusted by thais. Daughter got free- jabbed with AZ too as elderly family “escort” !


Also many irrational, anti - vax expats here & there, who should know better,refusingto get any jab & disbelieving of even reputable western scientific data sources.........like US FDA & UK & EU State Medical Agencies.


"Thats enough for 13% total population double jabbed (or 26% single jabbed)."

You inferring 13% (of who, eligible adults?)  fully vaccinated?

Where did you get that figure, seems way too high for Thailand.

Edited by codemonkey
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9 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Govt. also not responsible for millions of superstitious emotional frightened Thais who have not or will not vax (vax supply situation aside).

Fact they get their newborn kids vaccinated for all sorts seems not to matter.......


My terrified ladys Mother >60 had to dragged to Bang Sue by her other daughter even for AZ which is generally trusted by thais. Daughter got free- jabbed with AZ too as elderly family “escort” !


Also many irrational, anti - vax expats here & there, who should know better,refusingto get any jab & disbelieving of even reputable western scientific data sources.........like US FDA & UK & EU State Medical Agencies.



ALERT!! ALERT!! Major exaggeration in progress here!  ????????????


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16 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Govt. also not responsible for millions of superstitious emotional frightened Thais who have not or will not vax (vax supply situation aside).

Fact they get their newborn kids vaccinated for all sorts seems not to matter.......

The kids are vaccinated with FDA approved, licensed vaccines that have years (5 to 10 years) of testing and many of those vaccines have decades of safe use.

At this point, all Covid vaccines are administered under emergency use authorization only and most are still in phase 3 (live) trials and none of them have FDA approval for licensure. 

So those "superstitious emotional frightened Thais" who you imply are stupid perhaps are instead quite rational, well-informed, and (like myself) questions the safety of unlicensed shots, some of which are vaccines (inactive virus based)  and the rest novel gene-therapy (mRNA/androvirus vector), while at the same time accepting the efficacy and safety of proven, time-tested, licensed vaccines for their children as well as themselves.

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18 minutes ago, codemonkey said:

"Thats enough for 13% total population double jabbed (or 26% single jabbed)."

You inferring 13% (of who, eligible adults?)  fully vaccinated?

Where did you get that figure, seems way too high.

Did you read this sentence?

"Thats enough for 13% total population double jabbed (or 26% single jabbed)"

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4 hours ago, internationalism said:

what application is working?

I have just tried to register on sinopharm one - for the last 30 minutes I am waiting to enter more personal details, system overload. And now registration is closed, till the next Wednesday - just like lottery time for fun 

I used the ThailandIntervac website. There are some hospitals where slots appear to be available. I got mine at BNH in Silom. Looking at the Intervac site just now it seems that BNH is still available . I don't know for sure because this time I have not followed the application all the way through. 10mins ago it sent me to an application page. Normally, if it is full they do not send you to the application page. There are a couple of other hospitals listed as open but when you click on the links you may find that the application is in Japanese only - which tells you all you need to know for that particular hospital at this point in time.

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articfox: I imply nothing, stating facts.....you said “stupid” not I ......

thais “ well-informed” & “rational”......? seriously......

mostly leaving school at 14 ..educated barely to western primary level.

been here how long.....get out much......?

you make the strongest covid anti- vax case (still very weak) with details unknown to the general population, stressing the infinitisimal unknown risk of taking a not “fully approved” vax.

selectively factual ; borderline anti- vax bs......


vax trial / use time ? irrelevant.you are not I suppose an epidemiologist ?

comparing covid vax with other vax developed under 1960s technology & techniques & non- AI computing power  ? also irrelevant.

vax “type” ? irrelevant. works or not ? 

Does it offer proven western trial near total death / hospital protection against Delta ? Yes or No....... AZ = Yes 100%; US Vax = Yes 96% 

And FDA ”authorized”  is still, well....... “FDA authorized”.


FDA Phase 3 AZ trials dragging on nearly a year now with so far 100% protection against death & hospitalization outcome.

Suppose US-made vax trials having similar result..

Chances of trials finish finding something significantly bad now ? Zero.

Need to wait upon FDA “rubber stamp” for non- US vax as “ final” ?: Zero

Like arguing over age of Earth as 4.77 or 4.78 billion years.......

Death Risk by Not Taking Western Vax Now: 10-20 times ?



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3 hours ago, ArcticFox said:

You're obviously well-off, so kudos for being selfless enough to supply Modera for your staff at your own expense.  (Business tax write-off?)

A wise man told me once that boasting about charitable deeds on internet forums doesn't count in the Karmic account. 

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