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Just now, BritManToo said:

I think there's less genetic difference between Asian men and women, similar size, similar weight all a little feminine. Same thing is happening in the west, but sadly it's the women getting bigger and more manly.

That has to be part of it. Asian men are a bit more feminine, less body and facial hair, as you say less difference in height and physical appearance. It's definitely a genetic thing.


If you look at this, this paper says there are huge differences between testosterone secretion among Koreans and Swedes:


"A NUMBER OF conspicuous interethnic differences between Asian and Caucasian men in reproductive endocrinology are still lacking an explanation.... Differences between these groups in sensitivity to male contraception regimens have also been described. Thus, Asian men respond to exogenous contraceptive androgens with a higher suppression of spermatogenesis than Caucasian men"




So the production of Sperm in Asian men is far easier to surpress than in European men with contraceptive androgens.


"It is also established that the urinary testosterone to epitestosterone ratio, commonly used in international antidoping test programs, is considerably lower in Asians than Caucasians, leading to difficulties in interpretation of the results."




So Asians just have less testosterone than Europeans.


This prevalence of Ladyboys in Asia clearly has a genetic origin. Thailand is the country with the second highest number of gay people in the world, after the USA. Which is remarkable, given that homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar and Thai society is conservative and old fashioned.


We live in a fascinating world.





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a study showed that the factor most associated with a person going trans was knowing someone who had already done it.


if a boy decides he is a dog trapped in a boys body and wants to poop in the yard and run on all fours he is sent for psychiatric treatment


when a guy decides he is a girl at age 35 he gets sent to the olympics as a female weightlifter


no mater how much I believe in my heart of hearts that I am still 30 years old, and other people go a long with that delusion, I am still my correct biologic age

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47 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

Asian men are a bit more feminine, less body and facial hair, as you say less difference in height and physical appearance. It's definitely a genetic thing.

Just so I understand you ...

Less body and facial hair, and being not as tall, makes you less masculine ?


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28 minutes ago, poskat said:

a study showed that the factor most associated with a person going trans was knowing someone who had already done it.


if a boy decides he is a dog trapped in a boys body and wants to poop in the yard and run on all fours he is sent for psychiatric treatment


when a guy decides he is a girl at age 35 he gets sent to the olympics as a female weightlifter


no mater how much I believe in my heart of hearts that I am still 30 years old, and other people go a long with that delusion, I am still my correct biologic age

That weightlifter missed the lifts

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1 minute ago, canthai55 said:

Just so I understand you ...

Less body and facial hair, and being not as tall, makes you less masculine ?


What makes us masculine is testosterone.  If you look at the medical evidence you will see that Asians have significantly less testosterone than Europeans, and yes, one can therefore say that compared to Europeans the Asian is therefore less masculine.


If you then consider that scientists have now found that male hormones in the womb affect sexual orientation, then you have a very clear explanation why there are more ladyboys and more gay people in Thailand than in Sweden.


UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation





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31 minutes ago, poskat said:

a study showed that the factor most associated with a person going trans was knowing someone who had already done it.





Oh No, I am friends with a post op Ladyboy !!!!!!!!!

Looks like I may have to change my name to Michelle Mickmanus shortly  

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33 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

What makes us masculine is testosterone.  If you look at the medical evidence you will see that Asians have significantly less testosterone than Europeans, and yes, one can therefore say that compared to Europeans the Asian is therefore less masculine.

555 - so body builders who take testosterone are more masculine than those that do not ?

I repeat - 555

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Just now, canthai55 said:

555 - so body builders who take testosterone are more masculine than those that do not ?

I repeat - 555

You're talking nonsense of course, I was referring to naturally occurring testosterone. Asians have far less of it.


We also know that hormones in the womb affect sexual orientation.


Why are there more ladyboys in Asia?


This is a very obvious puzzle.

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13 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

You're talking nonsense of course, I was referring to naturally occurring testosterone.

I replied to what you posted - have no idea what you are 'referring' to unless I am told.

A new study out of Durham University in the United Kingdom suggests that the childhood environment of males determines their testosterone level, undermining the previous prevailing theories that race or genes govern the amount of the hormone in each individual.



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1 minute ago, canthai55 said:

I replied to what you posted - have no idea what you are 'referring' to unless I am told.

A new study out of Durham University in the United Kingdom suggests that the childhood environment of males determines their testosterone level, undermining the previous prevailing theories that race or genes govern the amount of the hormone in each individual.


"Compared with the Koreans, the Swedish population had significantly higher concentrations of total testosterone."


"The serum levels of total testosterone, SHBG, and NST were also significantly higher in Caucasians"


"Lower levels of testosterone metabolites such as androsterone glucuronide and androstanediol glucuronide were observed in plasma of Asian subjects"


"Further support that the UGT2B17 del/del genotype is associated with a compromised testosterone conjugation capacity was obtained in our in vitro experiments using human liver microsomes"




Sorry, as you can see the science is clear and contradicts you, Canthai55.


Whilst environment can have an influence, it in no way negates genetics.

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2 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

Your quote - 2006

Mine - 2018

Things change - science advances

Your study in no way negates the evidence in the study I referred to. It is key to understand this point.


It was also further confirmed by later studies:


"There are increasing data indicating profound ethnic differences in the levels of virilization of


"Our data suggest that men from the Indian subcontinent are
smaller, manifest lower levels of circulating free testosterone, lower mean PSA levels and lean
body mass"


"These data suggest that Indian men manifest a lower level of virilization compared to white Caucasian males and that this might be due to lower mean circulating testosterone level"


Please indicate where your study supposedly invalidates these findings, thanks.




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4 hours ago, PadPrikKhing said:

I might have to... I'll be 60 by the time I get there and will be looking for a real relationship, not superficial "dating." I don't want some little 27-34 year old (pretty though they are) who is just waiting for me to die. So maybe a good looking, well-preserved 40 year old is the smarter move? It's difficult to say. But I have seen some really gorgeous older (as in 40s) Thai women.

Why would they want you to die unless of course you marry them? If you don't marry the lady she will not inherit anything when you die.

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

At 65, I'm old, fat and bald, same as I was at age 60 ........ no significant difference.

My misses has deteriorated from a 10 to a 5 in that same time and acquired significant health issues.


If I wasn't already living with her, I wouldn't start dating her, not even a ONS.

You are 2/10 then


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5 hours ago, PadPrikKhing said:

I might have to... I'll be 60 by the time I get there and will be looking for a real relationship, not superficial "dating." I don't want some little 27-34 year old (pretty though they are) who is just waiting for me to die. So maybe a good looking, well-preserved 40 year old is the smarter move? It's difficult to say. But I have seen some really gorgeous older (as in 40s) Thai women.

Have you seen what women look like aged 55?


Especially in Asia, they stay young looking longer, but then age all at once.

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

At 65, I'm old, fat and bald, same as I was at age 60 ........ no significant difference.

My misses has deteriorated from a 10 to a 5 in that same time and acquired significant health issues.


If I wasn't already living with her, I wouldn't start dating her, not even a ONS.

And visa versa, no doubt...????

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8 hours ago, PadPrikKhing said:

I might have to... I'll be 60 by the time I get there and will be looking for a real relationship, not superficial "dating." I don't want some little 27-34 year old (pretty though they are) who is just waiting for me to die. So maybe a good looking, well-preserved 40 year old is the smarter move? It's difficult to say. But I have seen some really gorgeous older (as in 40s) Thai women.

I agree. At 60 last thing you need is heartbreak hotel. Time to find someone to take care of you and visa virsa. Most thai ladies will be more than happy with 60K baht/month total to run the household and a faithful man. Need to seriously cull but there are millions here.

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