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Why people so selfish?


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5 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Smokers are a huge drain on taxation due to their elevated healthcare costs, another set of incredibly selfish individuals that are a drain on society.

Smoke for 40 years. Pack a day. $100,000 in cig taxes.


Drink for 40 years. $100,000 in alcohol taxes.


Gamble for 40 years. $50,000 in gambling taxes.


Drive car for 40 years. $80,000 in cat and fuel taxes.


$330,000 total.


Who builds the roads and hospitals?


It aint the non working mother.



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13 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Rubbish. Car and road taxes are very high. They pay for the roads.



Road tax was abolished in 1937, along with the ‘road fund licence’. It’s now an emission tax, a UK tax on tailpipe CO2 emissions above 100gm per km*. It’s not now, and never has been, a fee to use roads.




There are no ringfenced taxes in the UK, ie raised by one user and then spent on that user. All taxpayers pay for the roads. Primarily because the money the emission tax brings is much too little to finance road maintenance, which costs the UK billions over the years.


By "all taxpayers" I mean the children of previous generations, and all children now who will become taxpayers, which is the vast majority. Ie., not the selfish freeloaders, who decided to just have fun and give nothing back to society and don't have children.


Edited by Tanomazu
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Just now, Tanomazu said:



Road tax was abolished in 1937, along with the ‘road fund licence’. It’s now an emission tax, a UK tax on tailpipe CO2 emissions above 100gm per km*. It’s not now, and never has been, a fee to use roads.




There are no ringfenced taxes in the UK, ie raised by one user and then spent on that user. All taxpayers pay for the roads. Primarily because the money the emission tax brings is much too little to finance road maintenance, which costs the UK billions over the years.


By "all taxpayers" I mean the children of previous generations, and all children now who will become taxpayers, which is the vast majority. I not the selfish freeloaders, who decided to just have fun and give nothing back to society and don't have children.


Fuel fax = road tax

Car rego = road tax

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1 minute ago, Tanomazu said:

Still nonsense. The roads are paid for by all taxpayers, from one pot of taxes.


You don't know how funding works obviously.

Your argument doesnt stack up. You falsely claimed not having kids is selfish yet they pay more taxes to build things.


People who drink and smoke pay more.

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Just now, Sparktrader said:

Nobody cares about the UK. I never mentioned it. And smokers, drinkers, drivers are paying the bills.


They dont ban smokes cause they raise so much $


It's the same everywhere, taxes come in, go into one pot and are then allocated.


There are no ring-fenced taxes raised by one and then spent on them. That's a fantasy.

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19 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Smoke for 40 years. Pack a day. $100,000 in cig taxes.


Drink for 40 years. $100,000 in alcohol taxes.


Gamble for 40 years. $50,000 in gambling taxes.


Drive car for 40 years. $80,000 in cat and fuel taxes.


$330,000 total.


Who builds the roads and hospitals?


It aint the non working mother.



In fact the UK government has estimated that smoking costs the UK £12.6 billion a year!


In 2020/21, tobacco duty tax receipts in the United Kingdom amounted to approximately 9.96 billion British pounds.


That leaves a net shortfall of 2.64 BILLION pounds per year which smokers cost the UK.




Smokers are a selfish, huge drain on the taxpayers in the UK, who all used to be children and now all have to pay for these selfish smokers who smell terrible and generally look dishevelled.

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3 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

Hit them really hard (Rampant Rabbit) - Which would course make the toddler scream even more

I did  not mention REALLY  HARD you  see  you cant draw the line between a  whack and an all  out beating to death which is where all the no  hitting brigade turn to.

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3 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

Thank God Thai people have a non-selfish and humane attitude towards children

Yeah theyre  such great  parents, i often see no end of the poor  sods  stuck with a  mobile in their hands for "entertainment" left with Grandma  all day like the Wifes niece who just whores  herself  around  dumping the kid whose Father went absent  the day he porked her and she is not the exception in Isaan villages.

Christ (as were bringing in fantasy now) youve  got it  bad.

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59 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

In fact the UK government has estimated that smoking costs the UK £12.6 billion a year!


In 2020/21, tobacco duty tax receipts in the United Kingdom amounted to approximately 9.96 billion British pounds.


That leaves a net shortfall of 2.64 BILLION pounds per year which smokers cost the UK.




Smokers are a selfish, huge drain on the taxpayers in the UK, who all used to be children and now all have to pay for these selfish smokers who smell terrible and generally look dishevelled.

Wow  imagine if they smoked AND  didnt  have kids......shock  horror

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2 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

To shout at a toddler "Shut the hell up" is about the most idiotic advice anyone has ever given on this forum.


You will? You will do nothing. You have never shouted at a toddler to "Shut the hell up", which would never have worked.

I have done it more than once. Soon after - a number of times - I repeated the advice to the parents, both women first and then the husband. Or vice versa.

Worked every time. So don't tell me it would never work. The parents shut the kid up - I care beans about the little hellion.

You think you have a special license to act how you want just because you father offspring ? To disregard common courtesy just because you are raising the 'Tax payers of tomorrow' ?

Kids need to be taught manners, and if the parents won't then others will.

If they do not learn said manners young, the lesson later is likely to be painful.


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1 hour ago, Tanomazu said:

By "all taxpayers" I mean the children of previous generations, and all children now who will become taxpayers, which is the vast majority. Ie., not the selfish freeloaders, who decided to just have fun and give nothing back to society and don't have children.

Well ... that includes me. I was a child of previous generations.

So all this balderdash about childless people being freeloaders is what exactly ?

I paid a LOT of taxes. Some spent on welfare moms, deadbeat fathers, delinquent children, (Sorry, I forgot, those are the Highly Valued members of society), schools, roads, water, sewer, airports, rail lines, ... all aspects of Gov't



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50 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

I did  not mention REALLY  HARD you  see  you cant draw the line between a  whack and an all  out beating to death which is where all the no  hitting brigade turn to.

You said "whack", that means really hard, it's not just a soft slap. Nobody said "beating to death", I didn't and you didn't. But you said "a good whack", which does imply really hard, not just a soft slap.


To whack toddlers in a tantrum, is frankly, well, words fail one really.

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28 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

I have done it more than once. Soon after - a number of times - I repeated the advice to the parents, both women first and then the husband. Or vice versa.

Worked every time. So don't tell me it would never work. The parents shut the kid up - I care beans about the little hellion.

You think you have a special license to act how you want just because you father offspring ? To disregard common courtesy just because you are raising the 'Tax payers of tomorrow' ?

Kids need to be taught manners, and if the parents won't then others will.

If they do not learn said manners young, the lesson later is likely to be painful.


You went to a toddler  and told him "Shut the hell up", and you claim it worked? Lol. That's how one can tell you're purveying fantasy. Anyone who's had a toddler knows that's a bald-faced lie, if you had done that, that toddler would have started to scream, not dutifully kept quiet.


You suggest screaming at little children to "Shut the hell up" and talk about common courtesy? You want to give toddlers a "painful" lesson? You are outside the circle of civilized society, you deserve no courtesy, in fact it is you who deserves a painful lesson.



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24 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

Well ... that includes me. I was a child of previous generations.

So all this balderdash about childless people being freeloaders is what exactly ?

I paid a LOT of taxes. Some spent on welfare moms, deadbeat fathers, delinquent children, (Sorry, I forgot, those are the Highly Valued members of society), schools, roads, water, sewer, airports, rail lines, ... all aspects of Gov't



Whatever tax you paid is irrelevant, if you are childless it means that you are NOT contributing to create future taxpayers. You are being a selfish freeloader, who is enjoying hospitals, roads, pension, all infrastructure, but you are not contributing for the FUTURE upkeep of all those things. If everyone in society was a selfish freeloader of this kind, then society would disappear in a few decades.


Thankfully, many people are not selfish in this way and have children. Only they ensure the future maintenance of society and its institutions, to which you are too selfish to contribute by having children.

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6 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

if you are childless it means that you are NOT contributing to create future taxpayers

But are  helping mankind by not decimating whats  left of the rapidly  depleting planet ..........tax  though is  all that matters  right, what you going to spend it  on when theres  nothing left.

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9 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

You went to a toddler  and told him "Shut the hell up", and you claim it worked? Lol. That's how one can tell you're purveying fantasy. Anyone who's had a toddler knows that's a bald-faced lie, if you had done that, that toddler would have started to scream, not dutifully kept quiet.


You suggest screaming at little children to "Shut the hell up" and talk about common courtesy? You want to give toddlers a "painful" lesson? You are outside the circle of civilized society, you deserve no courtesy, in fact it is you who deserves a painful lesson.



Seems reading comprehension is not your Forte.

I suggest you go back to my post, read it carefully, and it will dispel the statements you made in the reply above.

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2 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

Yes they do, and they think its their  right too????

Yes, I agree. The 'Holier than Thou' approach to life.

"I am better than you because I (fill in the blank, or in this case MANY blanks)

My actions make me a better person than you, my attitude, ...

Just because you are a Father. (Like me)


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