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Fast track delivery of a 200 MW engine power plant by Wartsila’s will ease Cambodia’s electricity demand

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The technology group Wartsila will supply a 200 MW flexible baseload power plant to Cambodia that will help meet the country’s rapidly growing energy demand. Because of the urgent need to increase electricity supply, Wartsila is delivering the plant on a fast track basis. The order with Wartsila was placed in June 2019 by CGGC-UN Power Co, the Chinese state-owned main EPC contractor for the power plant project. The plant, located in Kandal Province near Capital city of Phnom Penh is being built on behalf of Cambodia’s state-owned utility Electricite du Cambodge (EDC). It is expected to become fully operational in 2020.


In addition to adding much needed capacity to the grid, the 12 high efficiency Wartsila 50DF dual-fuel engines will provide the fast-starting, balancing flexibility to improve grid stability and reliability and also increased levels of renewable energy, in particular solar power, to be eventually integrated into the system. The dual-fuel capability of the Wartsila engines will allow them to initially operate on heavy fuel oil (HFO), but will switch to liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel when the local LNG infrastructure is available.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50927838/fast-track-delivery-of-a-200-mw-engine-power-plant-by-wartsilas-will-ease-cambodias-electricity-demand/

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ThaiVisa, c'est aussi en français

ThaiVisa, it's also in French


It is expected to become fully operational in 2020.

Cambodians are still waiting. The story is a straight press release, written a few years ago, I guess. So much for "fast-tracking." 


The burning of fossil fuels is , at least partly , responsible for the catastrophic effects of climate change .

New powerplants that burn crude oil or gas are still big polluters and will do more bad than good in the long run .

And the change is coming fast now .


Wärtsilä’s fast track delivery of a 200 MW engine power plant will help meet Cambodia’s rapidly growing electricity demand...

Wärtsilä Corporation,
  • Press release
1 July 2019 at 5:00 AM E. Europe Standard Time
So this press release is 26 months old. 26 months, 2 years and 2 months....Nothing more needs to be said...
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