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Smart Visa - How realistic to get with Digital Online Business Startup?

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Its another visa class where the vast majority of posters know little nothing about and immediately want to be negative on (like the O-X). I am starting to encounter more people on this and also am curious how high the hurdles are. I have the ability to create a sub sector of work in one of my corporations which with a bit of creative license could likely be made at least pitchable as a S category sector so I also am curious. For me one of the main selling points of going this way is paying some taxes and 3 years later being on the ladder for citizenship. 

This option isnt there if I do the O-X route which is my likely future path of least resistance (in another 2 years when I am old enough to apply) unless some of these other proposed routes for long term visas with work permit exemptions come in. 

Because these seem to be very low volume visas, and maybe also because the kind of applicant isnt one who has all the time to sit around on this forum, there is little direct input. 

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