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Digital Pass Question?


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45 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Because if the unvaccinated get infected, they can still infect others also good luck with anyone in the UK getting into a lot of countries without a vaccination passport.


Care to share that link where they cancelled the vaccination passport.

Because if the unvaccinated get infected, they can still infect others


Even the vaccinated? 


Cancelled. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58535258

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18 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Yes. It means the majority of us (soon to be in Thailand also) don't have to worry about anti vaxxers infecting us while out.


Quantas just initiated this as has many hotels, cruise ships, restaurants,etc. Love it.

Is this the jeffr2 that's been living under a rock ?? People that have been vaccinated can still get infected and spread covid . The vaccine is only to prefent death and serious illness(hospitalization) so those anti vaxxers should be more afraid of you(if you have been vaxxed) then you should be of them . So you can LOVE IT all you want ,but your COMMENT doesn't make any sence . 

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8 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Yes even the vaccinated, the vaccines reduce hospitalisation and death, that is proven, eventually everyone will get vaccinated or suffer the consequences, and yes we all know it is mostly the elderly that die, so if you don't want to get vaccinated, infect the elderly then good for you, your doing your thing for humanity.


The unselfish will get vaccinated so that those with immunocompromised diseases, i.e. weak immune systems, and the elderly who also have weakened immune systems get years of life to live.


The selfish will continue to inflict death and long Covid, why, because they are all about themselves.


Your choice, and as for vaccine passports they will never work for clubs, stores etc, however should be mandatory for domestic travel and entering other countries.

Although i get where you'r going , people that have been infected with covid and recovered , have a stronger imune system or virus fighting system whatever they call it , then with any vaccine . So you are not 100% right . 

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5 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Is this the jeffr2 that's been living under a rock ??

Perhaps you? You seem to of the opinion that the vaccines don't reduce transmission by a significant mount.



The vaccine is only to prefent death and serious illness(hospitalization) so those anti vaxxers should be more afraid of you(if you have been vaxxed) then you should be of them .


Edited by ozimoron
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3 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Ozi moron ?? It's all in the name . I never said that vaccines don't reduce transmission did i ?? But vaccinated can still infect others so a vaccinated person is more dangerous for an unvaccinated person then the other way around aren't they ?? I will leave it at that because i feel that you just talk for the talking and don't have a cleu of what you are saying. 

You absolutely did. You said the vaccines were "ONLY" to prevent death and serious hospitalization.

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8 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

??? So i said it doesn't reduce spread ??? Can you show me where i said that ??? 

what do you think the word "only" in your sentence actually means? Your implied meaning is both clear and wrong.

Edited by ozimoron
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4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

what do you think the word "only" in your sentence actually means?

Means that sometimes people give less reasons then there actually are because maybe they forgot to mention some of them . But it doesn't mean others can accuse them of things they never said . 

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3 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Means that sometimes people give less reasons then there actually are because maybe they forgot to mention some of them . But it doesn't mean others can accuse them of things they never said . 

OK, so you accept that the vaccinations do help reduce transmission and you were not trying to suggest otherwise?

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35 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Although i get where you'r going , people that have been infected with covid and recovered , have a stronger imune system or virus fighting system whatever they call it , then with any vaccine . So you are not 100% right . 

I'm never 100% right.


I know this much, of the 13,000 plus people who died in Thailand from 1 April to 9 September 2021 as reported here om Asean Now 84% were unvaccinated, 60% plus that dies were older than 60 years of age.


Those above who are gone forever didn't stand a chance as Thailand missed the boat when it came to getting vaccines for the country, thanks to both Anutin and Prayout who should have resigned as no one in their right frame of mind would allow people to travel when Delta broke out, so the sole blame has to be theirs, they own it.


The above said, if those above were vaccinated, statistics worldwide show that the death count is and would be down.


We all know the vaccines aren't 100% effective, no vaccine is, but it's like taking antibiotics why do you take them when your sick, because you know that they might make you better, and that is the way I see vaccines, they are protection, not only to you, your family and others.


If you and others think you can fight Covid and be victorious in being immune or creating super antibodies, that is your choice, I and others see an opportunity here to reduce its viral load and spread through vaccinations which also reduce the deaths.


We all have choices, my choice was to get vaxed, your might be to wait and see and if you get it, fight it, that is what choice is all about, but for me, I have done enough research to say to myself, vaccines are the only way out for me, again, it's all about choice.

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59 minutes ago, kiteman9 said:

I feel a lot of other people will be doing the same which will be causing problems with the economy. 


Down to consumer confidence, which is tied to general well-being (job/income, health).


Getting more people vaccinated is probably the number 1, 2 and 3 priority? This will do much to address consumer confidence.


Then any sort of requirement for proof of vaccination status will become less important, at least in Thailand. It will be a thing, until it isn't (months not years). International travel, air travel, etc. will, I think, remain much more tightly controlled, with proof of vaccination and testing remaining requirements for a long time (several years).



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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

Yes even the vaccinated, the vaccines reduce hospitalisation and death, that is proven, eventually everyone will get vaccinated or suffer the consequences, and yes we all know it is mostly the elderly that die, so if you don't want to get vaccinated, infect the elderly then good for you, your doing your thing for humanity.


The unselfish will get vaccinated so that those with immunocompromised diseases, i.e. weak immune systems, and the elderly who also have weakened immune systems get years of life to live.


The selfish will continue to inflict death and long Covid, why, because they are all about themselves.


Your choice, and as for vaccine passports they will never work for clubs, stores etc, however should be mandatory for domestic travel and entering other countries.

so if you don't want to get vaccinated, infect the elderly then good for you, your doing your thing for humanity.


People who worry can take the magic juice, i have no issues with that.


Forcing someone to take it is totally wrong morally, and should be illegal.

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22 minutes ago, chrissables said:

so if you don't want to get vaccinated, infect the elderly then good for you, your doing your thing for humanity.


People who worry can take the magic juice, i have no issues with that.


Forcing someone to take it is totally wrong morally, and should be illegal.

Would never suggest mandatory vaccinations, however it would be nice for people to see it for what it is.

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