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Root Canal


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4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Most people feel nothing or just a quick pain from the injection. OP has been misled to think root canals are usually painful. They are not. A hassle (many visits) and an expense yes, painful or otherwise horrible to go through, not at all.

"OP has been mislead to think root canals are usually painful" - What?

No Sheryl, not even close. Try again. Not unless OP has a deleted a series of posts that are now not visible to me.
As it is clearly visible to everyone, OP merely said:

"Well that has made up my mind as I don't like bad experiences, thanks. "

Don't conflate people making their own choices with people being 'misled' when they make one of two binary choices that doesn't fit with your own implied advice. You have no idea on his how much risk he is willing to take, his pain tolerance or anything else for that matter. Saying it went okay for you is almost useless if what he really cares about is avoiding a total <deleted>-up when he clearly has alternatives.

I would presume that people would know that most medical procedures are just fine. Not everyone is aware of the very real and unpleasant downsides of when procedures don't 'go well' i.e. horrific, yes, horrific, pain.

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On 9/14/2021 at 10:59 AM, Sheryl said:

Most people feel nothing or just a quick pain from the injection. OP has been misled to think root canals are usually painful. They are not. A hassle (many visits) and an expense yes, painful or otherwise horrible to go through, not at all.

True - but there can be exceptions - been there.  If there is an abscess you must wait for that to resolve or will likely absorb the injected material and pain can be great.  Had that experience in Wash DC as had to leave for overseas in few weeks so doctor felt no time to wait.  Doctor assured me second visit would not be another tear waterfall - he lied.  The most pain I have ever had up to that time (and as a child had dentist pull first tooth with abscess and required smelling salts to be revived).  


Have also had after procedure pain here in Thailand with a soi cowboy shop - you want someone with experience as they are opening direct access to nerve.  

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Extraction, of say an upper tooth, can also adversly affect that tooth's "pair" on the lower jaw ... a tooth - without a "pair" - will eventually work loose and fall out (as it doesn't have it's "pair" to keep pushing it into it's place) ... so several dentists have told me.

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