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What Would We not Give…. For an Omelet made with Love, These Days?


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My Dearest Friends,


One reader, probably somebody over the age of consent, most kindly sent me a message concerning the Love of a Woman, and her expression of her love, demonstrated by her providing a beautiful omelet to the man she loves.


Reading his short, but good, message, I thought to myself…just how very lucky he is.


Can you, or I, even begin to imagine just how blessed this man is?


Whom among us, other than the very lucky ones, has a good woman to cook an omelet for us?


You think I’m being facetious, or joshing, but I am speaking truth, here.


Each of us engages with women in various ways, invariably positive.


As for me, I prefer to love women from afar.


And, any omelets I receive are thusly virtual omelets.


I envy those who are able to live with women, simply because their lives are so much more enriched and enhanced by doing so.


What I mean is:  When I was at boarding school, or even living in a university dormitory setting, I was never able to live, for long, with any male friends.  (My only happy time was living in a female dormitory for one year in Iowa. I wish I could repeat this experience again.)


I LOVE women, for sure.  I love almost everything about them, in fact.  Women are so easy to live with.


I certainly doubt that I will be afforded just another opportunity to live with women, once more, in this life. I am almost sure of it.


The point of this message is to let you know just how fortunate you are, if you are now living with a good woman.


I envy you.


Give her flowers, and tell her that you love her, 52 times each year.


A good woman can add years of happiness to your life, as you all know.




Note:  A shrew can never be tamed, however.

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