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First timer I'm 35 she's 40!

Six months in to the marriage and could not be happier

Doesn't seem like the norm but gee if it works for the two of you then more power to you. Hope you have a long happy life together.

Not the norm I know everyone thinks the women will be younger than the man. I know several couples where the wife is older than the husband.

Any one else with an older wife?


Several offensive comments as well as responses to them have been deleted.

The topic is "First Timer Or Not" and it would be greatly appreciated if posters would stick to that topic with this in mind from the Forum Rules....

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

This is the first and last public warning.

Thanks for your understanding!

First timer I'm 35 she's 40!

Six months in to the marriage and could not be happier

Doesn't seem like the norm but gee if it works for the two of you then more power to you. Hope you have a long happy life together.

Not the norm I know everyone thinks the women will be younger than the man. I know several couples where the wife is older than the husband.

Any one else with an older wife?

My lovely is 5 years older than me :o wife no2.

First was a blue-eyed blonde Essex Girl (lasted 20 odd years and five kids).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

First marriage yes.

After observing friends geting married & divorced in aussie, I can't believe how lucky I am (overall picture).



You don't look too happy. Little 'un let one rip?

First timer I'm 35 she's 40!

Six months in to the marriage and could not be happier

Doesn't seem like the norm but gee if it works for the two of you then more power to you. Hope you have a long happy life together.

Not the norm I know everyone thinks the women will be younger than the man. I know several couples where the wife is older than the husband.

Any one else with an older wife?

My lovely is 5 years older than me :o wife no2.

First was a blue-eyed blonde Essex Girl (lasted 20 odd years and five kids).

Funnily she looks a lot younger than me...... something to do with somtam..


TW (could be 'trophy', who knows?) is 16 months older than I. 2nd time for both. My first was a slightly younger WW (hmmm WW1?) whom was more trouble than anything else. Never went with a younger one after that. Married almost 4 years (Oct) without major drama - usual language problems is about all.

One of the benefits of Asian wives it they tend to look younger. Mine easily passes off about 15 years younger.

So ... So Sad :o


How can you say that? You know nothing about the OP or his wife. To each their own.

I see them walking down the road every day.

So sad. Nothing to do with affection, all to do with poverty.


That may be truer than any here would care to believe. What other choice do the girls have?

Poverty can be good.

You don't look too happy. Little 'un let one rip?

Dejavu.. Nah, copped a nasty kick in the balls though. Talk about a MC moment...



When you married Thai was it you first time or have you been married before and how many times? Thought it might be interesting to see if the majority are going Thai after a bad Western marriage or if their first plunge was Thai. Personally I skipped the whole first marriage thing and waited for the "trophy wife". That way I missed the bitter divorce and alimony drama. Met the wife at 43 and married at 45. Had a great single life and even better married one.

So, how many years have you been married to your "trophy wife"?


Great stories...I saw something simmilar in the Isaam area...nice to read about people happy and happy experiences...it is refreshing!


Hi a2396,

How can you say you "skipped the whole first marriage thing" if now you are married, and THIS is your first marriage???

Statistically, marriage at an older age has less chance of divorce, so maybe you will be lucky. However, saying you married a "trophy wife" makes me wonder if you actually gained wisdom by being older or not?

However, maybe you just needed to find this particular formula to make a "successful marriage"? Whatever the situation is, I wish you and your wife much happiness and hope you don't have to experience, the "first divorce".

Hi a2396,

How can you say you "skipped the whole first marriage thing" if now you are married, and THIS is your first marriage???

Statistically, marriage at an older age has less chance of divorce, so maybe you will be lucky. However, saying you married a "trophy wife" makes me wonder if you actually gained wisdom by being older or not?

However, maybe you just needed to find this particular formula to make a "successful marriage"? Whatever the situation is, I wish you and your wife much happiness and hope you don't have to experience, the "first divorce".

Hi 2 U 2. I think you intended to adress your question to the OP, not me. I only asked him a question, which he has not answered, yet.

When you married Thai was it you first time or have you been married before and how many times? Thought it might be interesting to see if the majority are going Thai after a bad Western marriage or if their first plunge was Thai. Personally I skipped the whole first marriage thing and waited for the "trophy wife". That way I missed the bitter divorce and alimony drama. Met the wife at 43 and married at 45. Had a great single life and even better married one.

So, how many years have you been married to your "trophy wife"?

8 years next month and we have been inseparable for the last 10 years. Being Thai she looks younger than her nearly 33 years so she has been hit on by some much younger guys in health clubs in the US. One guy asked her if she was even old enough to be a member. It used to bother her but I told her to consider it a compliment and to go with the flow. Good head on her shoulders and good social skills, both here and abroad, so knows how to handle tricky situations with grace and style. I don't mind being considered a cradle robber but most people peg me at 10-15 years younger than I am. I obviously have age issues but so does my wife and since they are complimentary issues it works just fine for us. Maybe not for everybody, though.

If you had taken a quick look at my profile it would not have been too difficult to answer your own question as I will be 53 next month.

First timer I'm 35 she's 40!

Six months in to the marriage and could not be happier

So many Farangs married to ladies older than themselves !!! I need to ge my eyes checked.

Hi a2396,

How can you say you "skipped the whole first marriage thing" if now you are married, and THIS is your first marriage???

Statistically, marriage at an older age has less chance of divorce, so maybe you will be lucky. However, saying you married a "trophy wife" makes me wonder if you actually gained wisdom by being older or not?

However, maybe you just needed to find this particular formula to make a "successful marriage"? Whatever the situation is, I wish you and your wife much happiness and hope you don't have to experience, the "first divorce".

I am assuming this was meant for me.

I was trying to be clever but guess it didn't work. I was referring to the difficulties that often accompany the dissolution of a marriage be it the first, second or whatever. Things like devision of property, alimony, child support and all the negative feelings and sometimes financial ruin.

I have already explained the TW comment and why I made it unless that was also deleted along with the water mammal exchange.

Happily single now, been married once and that was to a Thai girl.

Some people swear off Thai girls if things go south. Would you consider another try with a Thai or are you looking elsewhere? Of course single is also good choice.


Its our only marriage, I was 20 she was 22 and I love her more now than I did when I was younger. She is Thai and still looks alot younger than I do. Iam 59 now and we have two children and four grand kids.


Some people swear off Thai girls if things go south. Would you consider another try with a Thai or are you looking elsewhere? Of course single is also good choice.

Married 1st wife at 26, she was Thai and three years older. Divorced 10 years ago and swore off Thai's. Married second wife 4 year's ago, she is Thai and 17 years younger and Thai. I am 53 now.

This thread is much too positive to last but I for one hope it hangs in there for a while. Nice balance to all the negative stuff.

Good stuff.

But it won't take long before someone posts about their "disaster" & then the debating & mud slinging follows.



But that's the most funny part, is it? :o


I don't see why there is such a fascination with marriage. It's pretty old and antiquated by now, what purpose does it serve other than to complicate things?

If you love someone and enjoy their company, stay together. If you don't, split up. It's that simple. The only benefit I see in getting married is that I'd be able to get a long stay visa for Thailand. Wouldn't that be funny, eh? An American marrying a Thai to get a Thai visa!

Anyway, I've been with my girlfriend for nearly two years. I had thought of marriage in the beginning, but now I've decided it's not for me. But then, I'm only 23. I may change my mind in another 20 years.

Happily single now, been married once and that was to a Thai girl.

Some people swear off Thai girls if things go south. Would you consider another try with a Thai or are you looking elsewhere? Of course single is also good choice.

Who knows, it might just happen since i am partial to the Asian looks :o

And even though the marriage ended i have no regrets and are in no way bitter about it, we just had different priorities which became more and more apparent as time passed by. We are still on friendly terms.

I don't see why there is such a fascination with marriage. It's pretty old and antiquated by now, what purpose does it serve other than to complicate things?

If you love someone and enjoy their company, stay together. If you don't, split up. It's that simple. The only benefit I see in getting married is that I'd be able to get a long stay visa for Thailand. Wouldn't that be funny, eh? An American marrying a Thai to get a Thai visa!

Anyway, I've been with my girlfriend for nearly two years. I had thought of marriage in the beginning, but now I've decided it's not for me. But then, I'm only 23. I may change my mind in another 20 years.

Go ahead and give it another 20 years. There is no rush. My wife and I felt the same but I was surprised at how I felt after we did it. It not only gave her some "face" in Thai society it also changed the way people looked at me. It wasn't necessary for us but it sure seemed to make everybody else a whole lot more comfortable. You can get married without buying into the traditionalist view of marriage. We didn't do the big ceremony and have chosen not to have kids. We have the best of both married and single life. Freedom and mobility as well as love and companionship. Marriage doesn't have to mean "marriage" in the traditional sense. That's just my opinion, however.

Its our only marriage, I was 20 she was 22 and I love her more now than I did when I was younger. She is Thai and still looks alot younger than I do. Iam 59 now and we have two children and four grand kids.

For all the skeptics out there you are a good example of what can go right! Sound like a pretty lucky guy to me. Hope you have many more good years together.

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