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Post Stroke IV Injection's


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The wife has had a mild stroke almost 3 weeks now ,she had 5 days in our locale hospital then come home ,the stroke has affected her left side ,she can now walk with a walking frame ,left arm she can raise ,but can not use her left hand  ie eating ,but the gripe is good ,no speech impediment ,or memory lose.

Now ,the family have found a clinic near here ,she is going every evening week days and mornings at the weekend,  for 14 days she is having one injection IV ,intra Venus,

This clinic apparently is fairly well  known, and he is said to  cure strokes ,and  the family thinks he can, as we know a very grey area,  they have been going now for 9 days .

This single injection is 1400 baht a shot ,the doctor works at the locale hospital during the day and has his clinic evenings and weekends .

So the question is does anyone know what this drug is ,I have had a look at Google no joy ,and yes it is a rip off at 1400 baht ,no good asking him as he will not say ,giving away trade secrets .typical Thai clinic. 

I said the local hospital should have this drug ,but the family say the clinic in-out 20 minutes max ,locale hospital 3-4 hours .

Is it doing any good ? job to say mild strokes can improve fairly quickly , and she is a lot better than when she first come home from hospital ,is it this jab plus some tablets he has given her ,I said with drugs from the hospital they should be some improvement .

Any thoughts .

Thanks .

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35 minutes ago, kickstart said:

So the question is does anyone know what this drug is ,I have had a look at Google no joy ,and yes it is a rip off at 1400 baht ,no good asking him as he will not say ,giving away trade secrets .typical Thai clinic. 

Could be nothing but saline for all you know. You need to be there and watch the bottle they pull the needle from.

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You should be talking to her doctor at the hospital. I had a stroke 3 years ago.....In intensive care for 3 days and 2 more days for observation. The doctor gave me a blood thinner prescription and statins to take. 


This clinic sounds like a quack ....he should tell you at least what he is injecting into your wife at least!


Good luck

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It is impossible to "cure" a stroke. A stroke is an event that has already occurred.


There are measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of another stroke. None of these involve intravenous injections.


Physical therapy can greatly assist in regaining maximum possible  function.


I have no idea what these injections she is getting might be. 

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7 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I've heard of Clot busters being given to people in A&E after a stroke in the UK, maybe something like that. Have a google see what comes up

1. Those are immediately after, as in within a few hours. He is talking about three weeks later.

2. Does not involve daily injections.


Steroids are also often given to reduce brain swelling but this too makes no sense as late as 3 weeks later.

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17 hours ago, Sheryl said:

It is impossible to "cure" a stroke. A stroke is an event that has already occurred.


There are measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of another stroke. None of these involve intravenous injections.


Physical therapy can greatly assist in regaining maximum possible  function.


I have no idea what these injections she is getting might be. 

As you said you can not cure a stroke and I know that ,but the problem is Thai's think you can ,hence the injections .

You can do a lot to prevent another stroke ,the chances are 5-30% ,diet and exercise  are two big things ,but Thai's are not over keen on changing they diet and exercise is not very high on thy list either but ,I will see what I can do .

When I had my hip replacement it was Physical therapy that got me up and about ,will get her to start a program very soon.

I now have heard of another clinic that gives post stroke injections ,next to a local hospital as well ,probably  charge the same price.  

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Please listen to Sheryl.


I had a sudden stroke over 4 years ago.
I was found on the floor of my house nearly 3 days after collapsing face down on the bathroom floor unable to move.


The hospital got me up and running after 2 weeks ( to some extent ), have multiple drug allergies.  

I use alternative treatments such as colon detox
I am aware of at least one mini stroke since that time.   

My vegan diet has always been good, I do simple yoga and other exercises, don't smoke / drink.

Find a real doctor who can help and advise you with sensible information.

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On 9/22/2021 at 6:30 PM, kickstart said:

Now ,the family have found a clinic near here ,she is going every evening week days and mornings at the weekend,  for 14 days she is having one injection IV ,intra Venus,

This clinic apparently is fairly well  known, and he is said to  cure strokes ,and  the family thinks he can, as we know a very grey area,  they have been going now for 9 days .

This single injection is 1400 baht a shot ,the doctor works at the locale hospital during the day and has his clinic evenings and weekends .

So the question is does anyone know what this drug is ,I have had a look at Google no joy ,and yes it is a rip off at 1400 baht ,no good asking him as he will not say ,

Update on the wife's stroke ,she has completed her course of injections ,and she seems a lot better ,can walk unaided ,but with a limp and the foot is twisted over ,left arm she can raise but can do very little in the way of using her left hand .speech and brain function seem almost normal

This drug I have found what it is ,trade name Somazine,the drug(s),are Citiconlina/Citicoline.

A look at Google, they are drugs given post stroke ,also used in other brain conditions ie Parkinson disease .

I know this for now she has got some sachets of the same  drug in a gell form ,she mixes with a drop of water each sachet is 320 baht ,she is taking one a day for 14 days ,the drug is made in Spain ,so at least it will be legit.

Another look at Google ,more than one website said ,This drug is for short to medium term relief,

which did not surprise me ,I still say this doctor is ripping people off ,taking advantage of the situation .

I think she has reached a plateau,she has got over the stroke, and they have been some improvement but still some way to go  ,but as Sherall said ,and I found post hip replacement  physical  therapy will help a lot ,but her and exercise  are not a good comber nation ,but I will be working on it .

So ,the 10000 dollar question ,would she have got to where she is now ,without these injections ,just taking hospital drugs ,or has these injections done the job ,a job to say. 


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15 hours ago, kickstart said:

So ,the 10000 dollar question ,would she have got to where she is now ,without these injections ,just taking hospital drugs ,or has these injections done the job ,a job to say. 



"It's unclear whether citicoline can decrease the chance of dying or improve memory, learning, and speaking in people who suffer an injury to the brain. Some early research shows that it might be helpful, while other research shows that it is not. "



The drug is not approved for use post-stroke in some countries (including the US) due to mixed  evidence that it does any good. It is however approved in Thailand.  Since it is approved in Thailand I suspect the local hospital would have given it to her orally, and the doctor is making money privately by giving it as an injection. No obvious advantage to giving it by IV vs orally.

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8 hours ago, Sheryl said:


"It's unclear whether citicoline can decrease the chance of dying or improve memory, learning, and speaking in people who suffer an injury to the brain. Some early research shows that it might be helpful, while other research shows that it is not. "



The drug is not approved for use post-stroke in some countries (including the US) due to mixed  evidence that it does any good. It is however approved in Thailand.  Since it is approved in Thailand I suspect the local hospital would have given it to her orally, and the doctor is making money privately by giving it as an injection. No obvious advantage to giving it by IV vs orally.

Thanks, Sheryl,I thought the same thing the local hospital should have had the  drug orally ,but our local hospital is just an Amphur one ,maybe they did not stock it/run out.

So, no advantage of IV or orally ,again as you said doctor making money 

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13 hours ago, kickstart said:

Thanks, Sheryl,I thought the same thing the local hospital should have had the  drug orally ,but our local hospital is just an Amphur one ,maybe they did not stock it/run out.

So, no advantage of IV or orally ,again as you said doctor making money 

He may also just be catering to patient demand. Thai patients often believe injections are "better" and equate receiving them with better care.

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9 hours ago, Sheryl said:

He may also just be catering to patient demand. Thai patients often believe injections are "better" and equate receiving them with better care.

You are certainly right,they  like to see that needle being injected in to a rump/arm.

It is like when I have a rare cold ,Thai's will say have you had an injection yet ,I say no just Tiffey's, Thai cold remedy,and paracetamol ,then they say ,will you get better.

They also believe with an injection you get better a lot quicker ,hence these IV  jabs, she has got a lot better ,but the research I have done with mild strokes, a not rapid ,but partial  recovery can be  achieved in a relatively short time , without these jabs ,just tablets ,then as I said you seem to reach a plateau,and getting past that plateau is  the difficult bit. 

I have said look at Google and see what they say about strokes and post treatment ,the hospital has said change your diet ,more fruit and veg ,and exercise  more ,but Google to them is a way to the gospel according Facebook .

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