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Fedora 7 Released


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Do you have any information as to what FC7 provides (that was not available in FC6 or 5)? It is obvious that it provides support for newer hardware, but as far as the look & feel of the system, has it dramatically changed from previous distros?

I'm still running FC5 and after recent episode where I upgraded the kernel (using 'yum'), I was disappointed that the kernel I obtained did not include the proper modules (drivers) for my sound card and SD port. I had to revert to the earlier kernel which fortunately was still available on my system.

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The Latest Fedora Linux Distribution is out.....Download it now by torrent download

Name: Fedora 7 (i386) DVD ISO (Final)

Torrent: http://www.tuxdistro.com/download.php?id=2...386-DVD.torrent

Category: Fedora

Total Size: 2.70 GB

Info Hash: 75a35cb8177c9716e72e78805fe3891f2fef92f7

Oh good, given my {and others} usual True internet experience it should only take a couple of days :o

Now where was that shop....


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To be honest I normally wait a week or two, this give secondary independent repositories time to get ready for this latest release.

I'm happy for now with Fedora Core 6, which runs without any problems, and I'm sure that it will run for another 2 weeks without problems. After two weeks Fedora 7 is so common that I can download it from one of the Thai Universities with local "lightning" Internet speeds.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I downloaded the FC7 DVD ISO... of course it was easy for me because I am in the US. I've installed this distro on my Dell Inspiron E1505 notebook. I read a posting on the Fedora Forum that the ATI Radeon X1300 chip set will be supported at the end of June '07.... in another 21 days. I hope so because for now I am stuck using using the Vesa driver at a 1024x768 resolution.

In the mean time I will need to troubleshoot a problem FC7 has with my wifi Broadcom 43xx chip set. Ubuntu has the same problem. Must be something with the chip set not being Linux-friendly.

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I finally did it, upgraded from Fedora Core 6 to Fedora 7. Of course, as expected, not much changed an up-to-date Fedora Core 6 works with all extras as good as Fedora 7.

I'm not sure if it is the new Nvidia driver or Fedora 7, but all things feel and look faster. If I look a bit deeper I can find structural differences between Fedora Core 6 and Fedora 7, this makes it much easier to take Fedora into the future as free desktop OS.

Fedora 7 is not for the everyday person who want to change from MS Windows, this is that Fedora is a complete free OS, what on its own means that the OS doesn't do much on its own ....like playing popular media files. But it is very easy to get this working, as Fedora has the largest customer support group of all Linux distributions. I was looking my DivX movies after 6 minutes of completing the upgrade.

What can I say, I was always a Redhat person, I started with the first Linux distribution sold by Redhat and today almost 10 years later I still using Redhat flavors. I guess I'm somebody who knows Linux.

For people who think of alternatives for MS-Windows I would say, go for Ubuntu.... Ubuntu is easy works great and is close to what I say "Great OS".... My main reason why I did not made the switch to Ubuntu is that I was able to upgrade from Fedora Core 6.... I have so much movie files that would make anybody worry, think of all Startrek movies and all episodes of all series ever broadcasted, all it is about 320GB of data. And then I'm not talking of other multimedia data, all is about 640GB. Making a backup and restoring all this data, to switch to another Linux distribution will make anybody worry.

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For VGA chipsets I always keep track on which chipset manufacturer is more Linux friendly, and for long time Nvidia is always the leader in Linux drivers. For low-cost systems I always prefer SiS or Intel chipset, as they have great support for Linux drivers.

ATI...seems always having problems to deliver drivers that perform as well as they do running MS-Windows, ATI has clearly the priority on MS Windows.... Of course somebody who buys a notebook has little chose of which VGA chipset...

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As you may have read in another post, I gave up on FC7 and installed Ubuntu on my Dell notebook. It runs quite well. Fortunately ATI provides a driver for the X1300 chip set. One thing that irked me about FC7 was the lack of support to get the wireless chip set working. With Ubuntu I followed a few steps and voila it started working.

Anyhow, I agree with your choice to remain with FC. I also will remain with it on my other notebook. I run the ancient FC5, but everything works and I have no desire to upgrade.

A little advice... in your spare time, I would recommend that you backup your multimedia files to another repository. HDDs can fail and data can be lost in the process. Or consider a RAID implementation.

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  • 3 months later...

After 7 months on the job, my company finally got me a PC. Previously I had been using my personal systems. Anyhow, I got a Toshiba Satellite P200 with 2 GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM, the nvidia GeForce video chip-set, etc, and pre-installed with Windows Vista.

My first cheerful task was to wipe out Windows and replace it with Fedora 7. F7 installed like a charm off of the install DVD disk, with the exception of little issues with the sound card and Wi-Fi chip-set. But I have sorted those out. I even got my printer working with no sweat at all. The hardest part of the installation was removing the nvidia sticker from the top panel of the notebook (the d*mn glue would not come off!). The Vista and the Intel stickers came off easily.

Anyhow, I'm one happy s/w weenie. With my luck though, F8 will be coming out in a "short time" and I will once again be running an old-school OS.

Edited by Gumballl
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