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Renewing Permission to Stay Based on Marriage - Money in Bank Issue

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I'm currently on a 12 months permission to stay based on marriage that expires at the end of this month.


However, I have made a mistake, I forget to top up my bank account until late last month meaning the 400k+ required for a new 12 months permission of stay will not have been in my account for 2 months by the time I need to apply for a new permission to stay.


I've made the same mistake in the past, but back then it was easy, just a quick trip to Penang to get a single entry Non-O. However since that's not an option, I wonder if anyone have suggestions on how to best deal with my problem.




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13 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Obtain 60 day extension to visit wife..

Then when money in bank for 2 months apply for your 12 month extension


7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

60 day extension to see wife, or 60 day COVID extension.

Thanks, what are the requirements for a 60 days extension to visit wife? Any paperwork I need to prepare?


Is this generally accepted despite I've been living here for many years already together with my wife?


Do they require a letter from the embassy for covid extensions? If that's the case then it's not an option for me.




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Just now, Jake72 said:

Thanks, what are the requirements for a 60 days extension to visit wife? Any paperwork I need to prepare?

Your Passport, marriage cert, Kor Ror 2 (document stating still married from Amphur office), Her ID and house book.

2 copies of each, and the originals for immigration to look at.

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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Your Passport, marriage cert, Kor Ror 2 (document stating still married from Amphur office), Her ID and house book.

2 copies of each, and the originals for immigration to look at.

Thanks that sounds very easy compared to the 12 months extension. I've never done one of these before, but I assume this is a one off kind of thing.




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35 minutes ago, Jake72 said:

Thanks that sounds very easy compared to the 12 months extension. I've never done one of these before, but I assume this is a one off kind of thing.

In addition to what he listed your wife has to be with you to apply for the 60 day extension.

You can only do one 60 day extension to visit your wife per entry to the country with a visa. 

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38 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

In addition to what he listed your wife has to be with you to apply for the 60 day extension.

You can only do one 60 day extension to visit your wife per entry to the country with a visa. 

Thanks, this solves my problem. Much appreciated.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to complete this thread. I went to CW todays (26 oct) to get the 60 days extension.


My existing permission of stay didn't expire until the 31st this month, but I didn't want to leave it to the last day in case there was some problem.


We arrived around 9:30 had the papers checked and got a queue number. The wait was longer than I've ever experienced before, about 5 hours (including a lunch break) until I got to submit my papers, and after that the processing was a reasonable 30 minutes before I left with a new stamp in my passport.


They did warn me that this is a one off 60 days extension, just like Ubon Joe advised. But also told me everything is fine for a 12 months extension when I come back next time.


Anyway, thanks to everyone for your advise, it's been most helpful.




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