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‘Many opposition leaders have dual citizenship’


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After the draft amendments to the Constitution on eligibility to hold top positions in the Government and legislature was endorsed by the Cabinet on Friday, former opposition leader Kem Sokha’s ex-cabinet chief, Muth Chantha has claimed that many opposition politicians have dual citizenship.


“According to the list of political parties (both old and new) that the Ministry of Interior has registered, there are at least nine political parties whose presidents have dual citizenship: French, American or Canadian”, he said on Saturday.


Chantha said the political parties include the royalist Funcinpec, chaired by Prince Norodom Ranariddh; Beehive Social Democratic Party chaired by Mam Sonando; Khmer Republican Party by Lon Rith; Khmer Conservative Party by former opposition party lawmaker Real Camerin; and Kampucheaniyum Party by former opposition party lawmaker Yem Ponharith.



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