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Phuket immigration very strict on retirement extension requirements


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On 10/16/2021 at 12:35 PM, ezzra said:

..looking at you as if you're some sort of criminal trying to circumvent the system...

Unfortunately this is the case now with Phuket Immigration, anyone who does not use an agent and attempts to do it themselves for 1,900 baht, are in fact (in the eyes of the immigration officer) circumventing the system.

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11 hours ago, skatewash said:

The general principle of the 800k minimum bank balance is that it needs to be in something where the principal is not at risk and where it can be immediately withdrawn.  For example, a savings account would be the perfect example.  Fixed deposits or fixed term accounts can also be suitable, as the principal is not at risk and some allow money to be withdrawn immediately (often forfeiting earned interest on the amount withdrawn).


11 hours ago, skatewash said:

If I go in with fixed deposit account where the only thing the IO has to do is look at a single page of a fixed-deposit passbook to see that 800,100 baht was deposited into the account and a year later 809,000 baht is still in the account and there is only one entry for 9,900 interest earned it is very easy to check. 

Agree with what you have said and that's what I have always done, putting the 800k into an easily accessible fixed term account and not touching it for the year, apart from getting the book updated, especially before a visit to immigration.


The problem is it doesn't end there because they also want 12 months worth of proof of transactions from my every day transaction account, which of course as I've already mentioned, my bank cannot easily provide.


I have two separate bank books, one for the 800k and one for the everyday transactions, so the 800k doesn't get touched, apart from a minuscule interest update once every quarter and once before an immigration visit..


So my question would be why do they want to see my everyday transaction account, when the record of the 800k is right in front of them??


Someone else had mentioned that they want to see what I live on everyday, however let's suppose that I bought in a lump sum of cash and am living on that, or indeed that I use my NZ Bank Visa card upon which to withdraw funds to live.


Going back to your point about the I/O's wanting an easy life, well the 800k in a deposit account, along with the record of its untouched existence (apart from interest updates) should be sufficient and would make life easy, but why do I have to provide a detailed 12 month statement of my other transactions??


It's not hard to see why one would use an agent, even if one has the 800k available. Easy, quick and one's existence here doesn't have to rely on what side of the bed the I/O got out of that morning, as the saying goes.

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9 hours ago, Kopitiam said:

Andre0720, you cannot compare what you have in Canada to Thailand.  In Thailand, most of the time the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.  Having said that, laws and policies are passed by parliament and gazetted before they become legal.  Everyone has the same set of document.  If a clerk rejects you, you can always ask to speak to an officer.  Whether the officer wants to speak to you is another matter.

Hello again. Had my coffee. Always in a better disposition after coffee hehe.

But just a few additional points, or some points presented differently...

Firstly, when 'cannot compare this with that', it simply means that the this and that are very different. Anything can be compared that is.

Secondly, if everyone has the same set of documents, how come just about everybody has a different understanding of a rule. How come when I was at immigration 2 months ago with my retirement extension application documents, I hared the IO tell the French fellow in cue before me, that he had filled the wrong outdated forms, and then he proceeded to give him the new revised forms to fill again, UNDATED, so as to keep the confusion intact for everyone else.

Thirdly, more than a year ago, in my first attempt at this, when I showed up again with what I thought was needed for my application, the 'Volunteer' at the desk told me that what I had was wrong, because based on a document prepared 'downstairs' by some of her fellow workers. Then she handed me another document, 'undated of course', then she told me to use this one, as it was a better one, and that she had collaborated in its preparation. So 'Volunteers' are now professionals in documenting complex rules of law. (As I have mentioned before, I used to do such work, so I do 'Compare'. But the other version is still on paper in digital forms in the hands of many foreigners.

Lastly, from what I can see, they are all clerks, so who can I go see?

And the feeling that I get is that they do not have time or interest to do what is needed to guide me.

And then at one point, someone came out of the plexiglass shield, came towards me at the Immigration Office, and told me 'There is nobody here who can help you. Go see an Agent, they will fix it up for you'.


Regards (I am over and out on this one)

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5 hours ago, xylophone said:

… BUT this time he was refused, and he still doesn't know why and nothing sticks out as to why this should be the case!

As I mentioned in a previous post, your friend did nothing wrong, the immigration don’t want people applying themselves as there is no money in it for them.

They make considerably more from agents as the majority of the money you pay to an agent goes directly in the pocket of the IO, the difference is quite substantial, 20,000+ compared to 1,900. 

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5 hours ago, Andre0720 said:

he had filled the wrong outdated forms, and then he proceeded to give him the new revised forms to fill

That's a good tip - go to Immigration for a new TM.7 form, just in case it has been updated.  ????

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6 hours ago, xylophone said:

the 800k in a deposit account, along with the record of its untouched existence (apart from interest updates) should be sufficient and would make life easy, but why do I have to provide a detailed 12 month statement of my other transactions??

I never been asked by them to to see transactions for both accounts - the "800,000" and daily use account. 

I wonder if it is because my "800,000" in the SCB account looks like money is going in and out every month or so but, in fact, I'm not doing it. It appears to be the way the bank does the interest calculations. Here's a snippet:




The right hand column is the credit column. They appear to take out money, put it back and then add the interest - all on the same day.  ????   But the balance column (not shown) never goes below 800,000.


Edit: They add the interest and then take out the 15% tax. X1 and X2 codes mean "Transfer Deposit" and "Withdrawal Nobook".

Edited by JetsetBkk
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19 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


I never been asked by them to to see transactions for both accounts - the "800,000" and daily use account. 

I wonder if it is because my "800,000" in the SCB account looks like money is going in and out every month or so but, in fact, I'm not doing it. It appears to be the way the bank does the interest calculations. Here's a snippet:




The right hand column is the credit column. They appear to take out money, put it back and then add the interest - all on the same day.  ????   But the balance column (not shown) never goes below 800,000..



The IN transactions are the interest you have earned.  The TX transactions are the part of the interest (15%) that the bank is withholding for tax purposes.  

If you go to your bank and have them add your Thai Tax ID to your account registration they will no longer withhold tax on interest from the first baht of interest earned.  They would start withholding if you earned 20,000 baht interest.

In January you can go to your bank and get the tax withholding document, file your Thai Personal Income Tax Return, and be refunded the entire amount of tax withheld.  But getting your Thai Tax ID registered with the account they would not even do the withholding in the first place so filing a return for a refund would be unnecessary.  Thai Tax IDs are free you just need to apply for one at the Thai Tax Revenue Department office near you (for the reason that you need to file a return to get a refund of your tax withheld, having the document of tax withheld from your bank will make it perfectly clear why you need a Thai Tax ID if asked).

But to get back on topic.....

If the documentation you provide immigration to prove you have followed the rules for a retirement extension show little or no activity, then it's possible, but not guaranteed, that you may be asked to explain how you are living in Thailand.  Showing a passbook that shows your in and out activity answers that question satisfactorily (not generally necessary to get any bank documentation for this day-to-day living expenses account, it's usually enough just to show the IO who may want copies of the passbook.  It just answers the natural question of how you're living in Thailand when to get your extension you have shown an account which meets the requirements but happens for whatever reason to show no or little activity.

In making the above comments about the bank interest withholding I'm assuming you don't have other income in Thailand.

Edited by skatewash
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12 minutes ago, skatewash said:

In making the above comments about the bank interest withholding I'm assuming you don't have other income in Thailand.

Correct - no other income. I didn't know about any of what you just wrote about the Thai Tax ID. Thanks very much.


Regards the 800,000 term deposit account... I think I'll go back to showing my "daily account" again. I used to use it until I had kidney stones and my stay in hospital - paying daily - took me very close to going below 800k. So I changed to the 800k term deposit method.


But now I think I'll change back. I'll just keep it well topped up - more than enough for a few days in a Bangkok Phuket Hospital room. ????


Edit: PS. I edited the previous post while you were posting about the 15% tax! 

Edited by JetsetBkk
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7 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


Regards the 800,000 term deposit account... I think I'll go back to showing my "daily account" again. I used to use it until I had kidney stones and my stay in hospital - paying daily - took me very close to going below 800k. So I changed to the 800k term deposit method.


But now I think I'll change back. I'll just keep it well topped up - more than enough for a few days in a Bangkok Phuket Hospital room. ????



Kidney stones:  the male equivalent of childbirth ????

If you've ever seen the picture of a kidney stone under magnification it's no wonder....

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7 hours ago, xylophone said:


Agree with what you have said and that's what I have always done, putting the 800k into an easily accessible fixed term account and not touching it for the year, apart from getting the book updated, especially before a visit to immigration.


The problem is it doesn't end there because they also want 12 months worth of proof of transactions from my every day transaction account, which of course as I've already mentioned, my bank cannot easily provide.


I have two separate bank books, one for the 800k and one for the everyday transactions, so the 800k doesn't get touched, apart from a minuscule interest update once every quarter and once before an immigration visit..


So my question would be why do they want to see my everyday transaction account, when the record of the 800k is right in front of them??


Someone else had mentioned that they want to see what I live on everyday, however let's suppose that I bought in a lump sum of cash and am living on that, or indeed that I use my NZ Bank Visa card upon which to withdraw funds to live.


Going back to your point about the I/O's wanting an easy life, well the 800k in a deposit account, along with the record of its untouched existence (apart from interest updates) should be sufficient and would make life easy, but why do I have to provide a detailed 12 month statement of my other transactions??


It's not hard to see why one would use an agent, even if one has the 800k available. Easy, quick and one's existence here doesn't have to rely on what side of the bed the I/O got out of that morning, as the saying goes.

As outlined in Chapter 10 of my book back on page one of this topic, an immigration officer may ask you how you are living in Thailand if you show for retirement extension purposes bank documentation that shows little to no activity in the account.  It's not a big deal, just show another bank account passbook that does have activity.  Doesn't have to be formal for this other bank account.  Don't need a bank letter concerning this other bank account or a signed/stamped bank statement.  Just something to provide an indication of how you are living in Thailand.  It's a natural question to be asked and it's exceptionally easy to answer by showing a passbook for an account that does have activity.  Doesn't have to be a lot of drama.  I only mention it in my book because it's maybe a reminder to people to bring things with them to the immigration office so that you can intelligently respond to questions that may come up during your extension of stay application and can support what you say.


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4 hours ago, skatewash said:

It's not a big deal, just show another bank account passbook that does have activity.  Doesn't have to be formal for this other bank account.  Don't need a bank letter concerning this other bank account or a signed/stamped bank statement.  Just something to provide an indication of how you are living in Thailand. 

Now that's interesting because in the rules and regulations on the Phuket immigration website, it states: – "Copy updated Thai bank book name page and last 12 months transactions. (Update the bank book on the day of the application)
Please make sure that all papers have the same balance mentioned".


That in addition to the 800k being shown, so they do want a full 12 month printout, and they have asked me for that on two occasions, so I provided it.


It becomes pretty obvious on reading this thread, and many others over the years that they will make up their own mind what they want on the day/on a whim, and as someone else has stated on this thread, they want you to use an agent because they get a cut from the fee charged.


Just one point on this, an Italian friend of mine did his retirement extension a couple of months ago and showed them evidence of his 800k in a fixed account and when they asked him for an account to show how he lived here, he simply gave them his Italian bank Visa card and stated that he drew money down through the ATMs here, from that account...........and he got his extension.


If that doesn't prove that they make it up as they go along, then I don't know what does.


Further to that, today when I went back to pick up my passport and entry visa, I got talking to a UK guy who had moved down to Phuket from Bangkok with his Thai wife and he was in immigration here doing his first time 90 day report.


We got talking and he stated that he used an agent for his retirement extension and had done for years, because he lived in Bangkok for five years and in his words, "immigration there were looking for any excuse to be able to be able to make things difficult so that "backhanders" would be provided.


He got totally pee'ed off with that and got himself an agent a few years back and has never looked back since, and fortunately the agent has a contact here in Phuket whom he is now using.


I have followed the rules diligently, yet have still been knocked back, as he has, and as my friend has, but now I have got my extension and my re-entry permit with 800k in the bank, but rest assured when next year comes round, I will be going the way of the agent, without a doubt and without a worry, because the work will be done for me and I can easily afford it.


There may be a few posters who cry foul on this and talk about "corruption" and anything else you wish to mention, but they forget one thing.......this country runs on corruption, from top to bottom, from the parliamentarians who have their hands in the kitty, to land offices who issue false documents for a monetary gain, right down to the local BIB who fleece the small businesses here by demanding a monthly payment, and I know that because I have several friends here who own bars and businesses.


If that's the way the country runs, then who am I to argue, and nothing I can do will change it, so I have to look out for myself and my Thai daughter and do what I must.

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16 minutes ago, xylophone said:

There may be a few posters who cry foul on this and talk about "corruption" and anything else you wish to mention, but they forget one thing.......this country runs on corruption, from top to bottom, from the parliamentarians who have their hands in the kitty, to land offices who issue false documents for a monetary gain, right down to the local BIB who fleece the small businesses here by demanding a monthly payment, and I know that because I have several friends here who own bars and businesses.

15 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Now that's interesting because in the rules and regulations on the Phuket immigration website, it states: – "Copy updated Thai bank book name page and last 12 months transactions. (Update the bank book on the day of the application)
Please make sure that all papers have the same balance mentioned".


That in addition to the 800k being shown, so they do want a full 12 month printout, and they have asked me for that on two occasions, so I provided it.


It becomes pretty obvious on reading this thread, and many others over the years that they will make up their own mind what they want on the day/on a whim, and as someone else has stated on this thread, they want you to use an agent because they get a cut from the fee charged.


Just one point on this, an Italian friend of mine did his retirement extension a couple of months ago and showed them evidence of his 800k in a fixed account and when they asked him for an account to show how he lived here, he simply gave them his Italian bank Visa card and stated that he drew money down through the ATMs here, from that account...........and he got his extension.


If that doesn't prove that they make it up as they go along, then I don't know what does.


Further to that, today when I went back to pick up my passport and entry visa, I got talking to a UK guy who had moved down to Phuket from Bangkok with his Thai wife and he was in immigration here doing his first time 90 day report.


We got talking and he stated that he used an agent for his retirement extension and had done for years, because he lived in Bangkok for five years and in his words, "immigration there were looking for any excuse to be able to be able to make things difficult so that "backhanders" would be provided.


He got totally pee'ed off with that and got himself an agent a few years back and has never looked back since, and fortunately the agent has a contact here in Phuket whom he is now using.


I have followed the rules diligently, yet have still been knocked back, as he has, and as my friend has, but now I have got my extension and my re-entry permit with 800k in the bank, but rest assured when next year comes round, I will be going the way of the agent, without a doubt and without a worry, because the work will be done for me and I can easily afford it.


There may be a few posters who cry foul on this and talk about "corruption" and anything else you wish to mention, but they forget one thing.......this country runs on corruption, from top to bottom, from the parliamentarians who have their hands in the kitty, to land offices who issue false documents for a monetary gain, right down to the local BIB who fleece the small businesses here by demanding a monthly payment, and I know that because I have several friends here who own bars and businesses.


If that's the way the country runs, then who am I to argue, and nothing I can do will change it, so I have to look out for myself and my Thai daughter and do what I must.

Sorry xylophone, after 16 years here and you just found out the whole place is corrupted?  You may have the means to pay an agent to smooth out whatever perceived problems you may face next year even you have no problem getting all the necessary docs.  Do spare a thought for those who have no problem with the system and now are forced to pay an agent to do their extension because of you guys fuelling even more corruption.  Your good standing has dropped a couple of notches on my list.  I reckon it doesn't matter.

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9 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Now that's interesting because in the rules and regulations on the Phuket immigration website, it states: – "Copy updated Thai bank book name page and last 12 months transactions. (Update the bank book on the day of the application)
Please make sure that all papers have the same balance mentioned".


That in addition to the 800k being shown, so they do want a full 12 month printout, and they have asked me for that on two occasions, so I provided it.


It becomes pretty obvious on reading this thread, and many others over the years that they will make up their own mind what they want on the day/on a whim, and as someone else has stated on this thread, they want you to use an agent because they get a cut from the fee charged.


Just one point on this, an Italian friend of mine did his retirement extension a couple of months ago and showed them evidence of his 800k in a fixed account and when they asked him for an account to show how he lived here, he simply gave them his Italian bank Visa card and stated that he drew money down through the ATMs here, from that account...........and he got his extension.


If that doesn't prove that they make it up as they go along, then I don't know what does.


Further to that, today when I went back to pick up my passport and entry visa, I got talking to a UK guy who had moved down to Phuket from Bangkok with his Thai wife and he was in immigration here doing his first time 90 day report.


We got talking and he stated that he used an agent for his retirement extension and had done for years, because he lived in Bangkok for five years and in his words, "immigration there were looking for any excuse to be able to be able to make things difficult so that "backhanders" would be provided.


He got totally pee'ed off with that and got himself an agent a few years back and has never looked back since, and fortunately the agent has a contact here in Phuket whom he is now using.


I have followed the rules diligently, yet have still been knocked back, as he has, and as my friend has, but now I have got my extension and my re-entry permit with 800k in the bank, but rest assured when next year comes round, I will be going the way of the agent, without a doubt and without a worry, because the work will be done for me and I can easily afford it.


There may be a few posters who cry foul on this and talk about "corruption" and anything else you wish to mention, but they forget one thing.......this country runs on corruption, from top to bottom, from the parliamentarians who have their hands in the kitty, to land offices who issue false documents for a monetary gain, right down to the local BIB who fleece the small businesses here by demanding a monthly payment, and I know that because I have several friends here who own bars and businesses.


If that's the way the country runs, then who am I to argue, and nothing I can do will change it, so I have to look out for myself and my Thai daughter and do what I must.

Having read all that you have written on this thread I suspect that you may be more comfortable using an agent.  You don't seem to be interested in understanding why immigration is asking to see certain documents.  That's fine, if you use an agent you don't need to understand that.

You have to have a standard bank letter identifying the account is yours and the balance.  You have to have a 12-month bank stamped and signed bank statement showing transactions in your account.  You are often asked to provide signed copies of your bank passbook.  You should always have the bank passbook with you when you are seeking an extension (what good does it do you at home).  If you're smart you make the copies of you passbook and sign them beforehand (that's what I do).  If not, the document checker outside the retirement extension room will ask you to do so, or not.  Easy to have copies made at immigration.  That's the documentation required to prove your have an account meeting the retirement extension requirements.  

If your bank account you are using has very little activity in it, you may be asked to demonstrate how you are living in Thailand (because you clearly aren't using the your retirement extension account).  To satisfy this request if it is made you can show another account that you do use on a day-to-day basis (that is, one that has activity).  Often the officer will want signed copies of this bank passbook for a 12-month period.  (I have never heard of them requesting that you supply a formal bank letter and bank statement for this account, but if they do, then you need to provide that.)  

The incident with your Italian friend indicates to me that's what happens when a question is asked and answered.  ????

Is it really that difficult to understand that there are very specific requirements for showing you have an account that meets the retirement extension requirements.  Then, if there is very little activity in that account (which is fine, by the way) you might be asked the question of how you are living in Thailand given that you are patently not using your retirement extension account.  What your Italian friend answered was acceptable.  I've heard of cases where the IO will ask for a copy of the ATM card.  Showing an original of the passbook for the account and possibly copies of the passbook pages for 12-months works.  It depends on how you do live here.  Everyone does not do the same thing.  The IO asks a question.  The applicant answers the question and supplies some sort of evidence.  The IO accepts the explanation/evidence or doesn't.  Getting your extension requires you to satisfy the IO's legitimate question, and there are a number of ways to do that depending on how you do live here.

The case of the UK guy from Bangkok.  He thinks immigration was purposefully making things difficult for him because they wanted "backhanders."  Sorry, I wasn't there, didn't talk to this gentleman but I think it's very possible he simply doesn't understand what is required, makes no effort to understand why the IOs are asking for what they are asking for, and very possibly due to this lack of knowledge and understanding misunderstands what the IOs are actually asking for.  So because he doesn't want to be forced to pay "backhanders" he decides to use an agent. ????  What does he think the envelope the agent gives to the immigration office is?  Looks like he paid the ultimate backhander to me, something on the order of 20,000 baht.  So here in Phuket to avoid paying a backhander because he feels he is incapable of providing what a retirement extension requires, he instead pays a large backhander to his agent, who in turn give the backhander to immigration.  Well, problem solved then. ????

The fact remains that you can meet the retirement extension requirements provided you take the time to understand what they are.  The whole process goes a lot better if you have the insight as to why immigration is asking for what it asks for.  Some people don't think they should have to bother with that.  Agents are for them.  I've gotten 8 retirement extensions without ever having to pay a backhander and without every having to do the ultimate backhander by using an agent.  It is possible.  It's not for everyone.  If you're going to sit there in front of the IO making heavy sighs and rolling your eyes like a teenager every time he asks you to provide something, then the process probably isn't a good match for you and you might be happier just paying a huge backhander and using an agent.

I'll leave you with this Henry Ford quote which I think is apropos:  "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.

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15 hours ago, skatewash said:

Having read all that you have written on this thread I suspect that you may be more comfortable using an agent.  You don't seem to be interested in understanding why immigration is asking to see certain documents.  That's fine, if you use an agent you don't need to understand that.

You have to have a standard bank letter identifying the account is yours and the balance.  You have to have a 12-month bank stamped and signed bank statement showing transactions in your account.  You are often asked to provide signed copies of your bank passbook.  You should always have the bank passbook with you when you are seeking an extension (what good does it do you at home).  If you're smart you make the copies of you passbook and sign them beforehand (that's what I do).  If not, the document checker outside the retirement extension room will ask you to do so, or not.  Easy to have copies made at immigration.  That's the documentation required to prove your have an account meeting the retirement extension requirements.  

If your bank account you are using has very little activity in it, you may be asked to demonstrate how you are living in Thailand (because you clearly aren't using the your retirement extension account).  To satisfy this request if it is made you can show another account that you do use on a day-to-day basis (that is, one that has activity).  Often the officer will want signed copies of this bank passbook for a 12-month period.  (I have never heard of them requesting that you supply a formal bank letter and bank statement for this account, but if they do, then you need to provide that.)  

The incident with your Italian friend indicates to me that's what happens when a question is asked and answered.  ????

Is it really that difficult to understand that there are very specific requirements for showing you have an account that meets the retirement extension requirements.  Then, if there is very little activity in that account (which is fine, by the way) you might be asked the question of how you are living in Thailand given that you are patently not using your retirement extension account.  What your Italian friend answered was acceptable.  I've heard of cases where the IO will ask for a copy of the ATM card.  Showing an original of the passbook for the account and possibly copies of the passbook pages for 12-months works.  It depends on how you do live here.  Everyone does not do the same thing.  The IO asks a question.  The applicant answers the question and supplies some sort of evidence.  The IO accepts the explanation/evidence or doesn't.  Getting your extension requires you to satisfy the IO's legitimate question, and there are a number of ways to do that depending on how you do live here.

The case of the UK guy from Bangkok.  He thinks immigration was purposefully making things difficult for him because they wanted "backhanders."  Sorry, I wasn't there, didn't talk to this gentleman but I think it's very possible he simply doesn't understand what is required, makes no effort to understand why the IOs are asking for what they are asking for, and very possibly due to this lack of knowledge and understanding misunderstands what the IOs are actually asking for.  So because he doesn't want to be forced to pay "backhanders" he decides to use an agent. ????  What does he think the envelope the agent gives to the immigration office is?  Looks like he paid the ultimate backhander to me, something on the order of 20,000 baht.  So here in Phuket to avoid paying a backhander because he feels he is incapable of providing what a retirement extension requires, he instead pays a large backhander to his agent, who in turn give the backhander to immigration.  Well, problem solved then. ????

The fact remains that you can meet the retirement extension requirements provided you take the time to understand what they are.  The whole process goes a lot better if you have the insight as to why immigration is asking for what it asks for.  Some people don't think they should have to bother with that.  Agents are for them.  I've gotten 8 retirement extensions without ever having to pay a backhander and without every having to do the ultimate backhander by using an agent.  It is possible.  It's not for everyone.  If you're going to sit there in front of the IO making heavy sighs and rolling your eyes like a teenager every time he asks you to provide something, then the process probably isn't a good match for you and you might be happier just paying a huge backhander and using an agent.

I'll leave you with this Henry Ford quote which I think is apropos:  "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.

You seem to like the sound of your own voice (and text) and it's quite obvious that you haven't read some of my posts and keep on with your, "I'm right and you're wrong" stance, along with making assumptions, which turn out to be wrong.


I have followed everything that the I/O's want, often taking more copies of everything down as a standby.


And as for this statement, "Is it really that difficult to understand that there are very specific requirements for showing you have an account that meets the retirement extension requirements", then you are really showing your ignorance and supposed superiority.


Just to test this out, please explain to me, because you're obviously all knowing and all knowledgeable and I'm not, in your opinion, how when I went for my retirement extension using the combined bank account and income method, I produced the bank book with 400k in it, along with bank copies and the signed letter, and I also had copies of bank statements showing funds being deposited in my Thai bank every month, to make it up to more than 800k, as required.


Copies of everything and bank signed letters and completed documentation were provided, and the I/O thumbed through a few of the pages and then gave them to an offsider to have a look at, and who came to the conclusion that everything was in order.


So I was happy enough at that, until the I/O looked up at me and growled, "next time use all the money in the bank".


Of course I was flabbergasted because I'd followed everything that they had asked and yet here was this I/O suggesting it wasn't good enough – – go figure.


And as for your comment: – "If you're going to sit there in front of the IO making heavy sighs and rolling your eyes like a teenager every time he asks you to provide something, then the process probably isn't a good match for you", I find it insulting to a grown man who has completed this process successfully at least twice as many times as you have, and believe it reflects more upon your childishness and irksome superiority complex, along with your many other comments and assumptions.


This quote would be one of many which could apply to you; "Continuously feeling superior is a characteristic of self-praise and is worth nothing".” Although I am sure there are many more which would be appropriate to address your unfortunate superiority complex, however may I suggest that you look on many of these threads and see how many people have problems with immigration, so these are not an isolated incidents and they happen countrywide.......perhaps you can go and preach at them and tell them to stop rolling their eyes when at immigration.....duh!!!!


Thankfully I won't have to read any more of your high-handed and supposedly superior reams upon reams of text, because you are going on ignore, mainly because it is a pain reading your "self-righteous" comments and incorrect assumptions.

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16 hours ago, Kopitiam said:

Sorry xylophone, after 16 years here and you just found out the whole place is corrupted?  You may have the means to pay an agent to smooth out whatever perceived problems you may face next year even you have no problem getting all the necessary docs.  Do spare a thought for those who have no problem with the system and now are forced to pay an agent to do their extension because of you guys fuelling even more corruption.  Your good standing has dropped a couple of notches on my list.  I reckon it doesn't matter.

Don't be sorry Kopitiam, because I've known all along that the place is corrupted, but instead of it getting better, it has gotten worse, which is such a shame for the poor Thai people, and it affects us of course.


I've always had all of the necessary docs, and if you read my reply to the supercilious skatewash, in that reply you will see that I have complied every year, but there have been problems, one of which I detailed in that post and which just doesn't stand scrutiny.


So I don't have any "perceived" problems, I've actually had real problems, not only in the one quoted above, but in the other one where an I/O asked for a bribe of 500 baht to do something that was free, and yet other posters have suggested I should have paid it, whereas I didn't, and they made life very difficult for me.


With due respect, if you use the system and it works, then I'm very happy for you, however different strokes for different folks and if I choose to use an agent, that is my decision, and fits entirely within the system which has been created here (by immigration I may add), and not only that I don't have to make two separate trips to immigration and everything is done for me, which is a bonus.


Whatever I do will make no difference to how others do their retirement extensions, and you may call it corruption, but I rest easy with the fact that the immigration edict that the chief officer in an immigration office can sanction a retirement extension without seeing the necessary funds actually says it all, and anyway I have much more than the necessary funds, so my conscience is easy.


Sorry to have slipped a couple of notches on your list, but needs must and I will do what is best for my health and welfare.

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54 minutes ago, xylophone said:

You seem to like the sound of your own voice (and text) and it's quite obvious that you haven't read some of my posts and keep on with your, "I'm right and you're wrong" stance, along with making assumptions, which turn out to be wrong.


I have followed everything that the I/O's want, often taking more copies of everything down as a standby.


And as for this statement, "Is it really that difficult to understand that there are very specific requirements for showing you have an account that meets the retirement extension requirements", then you are really showing your ignorance and supposed superiority.


Just to test this out, please explain to me, because you're obviously all knowing and all knowledgeable and I'm not, in your opinion, how when I went for my retirement extension using the combined bank account and income method, I produced the bank book with 400k in it, along with bank copies and the signed letter, and I also had copies of bank statements showing funds being deposited in my Thai bank every month, to make it up to more than 800k, as required.


Copies of everything and bank signed letters and completed documentation were provided, and the I/O thumbed through a few of the pages and then gave them to an offsider to have a look at, and who came to the conclusion that everything was in order.


So I was happy enough at that, until the I/O looked up at me and growled, "next time use all the money in the bank".


Of course I was flabbergasted because I'd followed everything that they had asked and yet here was this I/O suggesting it wasn't good enough – – go figure.


And as for your comment: – "If you're going to sit there in front of the IO making heavy sighs and rolling your eyes like a teenager every time he asks you to provide something, then the process probably isn't a good match for you", I find it insulting to a grown man who has completed this process successfully at least twice as many times as you have, and believe it reflects more upon your childishness and irksome superiority complex, along with your many other comments and assumptions.


This quote would be one of many which could apply to you; "Continuously feeling superior is a characteristic of self-praise and is worth nothing".” Although I am sure there are many more which would be appropriate to address your unfortunate superiority complex, however may I suggest that you look on many of these threads and see how many people have problems with immigration, so these are not an isolated incidents and they happen countrywide.......perhaps you can go and preach at them and tell them to stop rolling their eyes when at immigration.....duh!!!!


Thankfully I won't have to read any more of your high-handed and supposedly superior reams upon reams of text, because you are going on ignore, mainly because it is a pain reading your "self-righteous" comments and incorrect assumptions.

Immigration officers like to make their job as easy as possible.  The combination method is allowed, witness the extension you got when you followed all the rules to get one using that method.  It's not surprising that the IO told you to use money in the bank next year because that is the easiest method for him to check (see first sentence in this paragraph).  Up to you to use whatever allowed method you want to next year.  You could have used the combination method the next year.  The IO wouldn't like that because as said it's more work for him to check, but if you followed the rules it would have been fine.  You should have tried that and not have been so easily cowed into not pursuing an allowed method of getting your retirement extension by the rules.  Of course, if you want to have the easiest time possible in getting your extension you should consider what the IO was telling, money in the bank is a whole lot easier.  Up to you.

The rest of your long post while worth reading for it's amusement value has really nothing to do with obtaining a retirement extension in Phuket, but thanks for making the effort.

Except for one thing.  I feel compelled to comment on your transfer stamps between passports story that you have cited several times now as an example of how difficult it is to deal with immigration.  I'm interested in this because I will have to do the same in a few weeks myself, get my retirement extension transferred into my new passport.

I looked up the requirements to do this from the Phuket Immigration Volunteer's site:

I made all those copies suggested.  That should be all that is needed.  One part of which is a copy of all one's extensions of stay.  That should be enough according to the volunteers so I would be confident going with just those.

However, I have heard in other immigration offices sometimes people are asked to produce copies of all the pages in their passport that contain Thai stamps.  So in an abundance of caution I decided to add those extra pages I hadn't included before.  I will give the IO all those pages, he can pick the ones he wants, return the ones he doesn't.  This potentially saves me having to make additional copies on the spot.  

When I go to request the actual transfer I expect he will look through the copies I provided, keep what he wants, return what he doesn't.  Hopefully, that will result in a quick transfer of the stamps to the new passport.  We'll see.

I have also heard of some instances where the IO wanted a copy of every page in the passport, even ones that only contain non-Thai stamps and ones that are entirely blank!  Now, this doesn't make any sense to me, and I suspect it's something they ask for if they are in a really foul mood for whatever reason.  If I'm asked for additional copies during my meeting, I'll go get the the extra copies made (I think the price is 3 baht a copy, which would be a maximum of 300 baht to me as my passport has 100 pages).  Of course, I'm not expecting this to happen. ????

I'm also not expecting to be asked for 500 baht for doing the transfer as I understand it is a free service.  

I think you should have declined the offer to pay 500 baht.  Don't know why you were asked to do that.  Maybe that's the fee they charge for people who sigh deeply and roll their eyes when they're asked to make a few more copies.

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6 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:

Can't wait for the next episode. Good luck!  ????

Thanks!  Most of my interactions with Phuket Immigration aren't that dramatic or memorable.  That doesn't seem to be the case with some people, though. ????

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5 hours ago, xylophone said:

Don't be sorry Kopitiam, because I've known all along that the place is corrupted, but instead of it getting better, it has gotten worse, which is such a shame for the poor Thai people, and it affects us of course.


I've always had all of the necessary docs, and if you read my reply to the supercilious skatewash, in that reply you will see that I have complied every year, but there have been problems, one of which I detailed in that post and which just doesn't stand scrutiny.


So I don't have any "perceived" problems, I've actually had real problems, not only in the one quoted above, but in the other one where an I/O asked for a bribe of 500 baht to do something that was free, and yet other posters have suggested I should have paid it, whereas I didn't, and they made life very difficult for me.


With due respect, if you use the system and it works, then I'm very happy for you, however different strokes for different folks and if I choose to use an agent, that is my decision, and fits entirely within the system which has been created here (by immigration I may add), and not only that I don't have to make two separate trips to immigration and everything is done for me, which is a bonus.


Whatever I do will make no difference to how others do their retirement extensions, and you may call it corruption, but I rest easy with the fact that the immigration edict that the chief officer in an immigration office can sanction a retirement extension without seeing the necessary funds actually says it all, and anyway I have much more than the necessary funds, so my conscience is easy.


Sorry to have slipped a couple of notches on your list, but needs must and I will do what is best for my health and welfare.

Yes, I understand and agree you can do what you think is best for you.  But please don't promote the use of agent for extension of stay until it become a norm that affects others who have no issues.  Think about the future of your child who have to continue living in this corruption way of life.  Every change starts with baby steps.
Brownie points can be easily earned back.

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1 hour ago, Kopitiam said:

Yes, I understand and agree you can do what you think is best for you.  But please don't promote the use of agent for extension of stay until it become a norm that affects others who have no issues.  Think about the future of your child who have to continue living in this corruption way of life.  Every change starts with baby steps.
Brownie points can be easily earned back.

Nice sentiments Kopitiam, and I can assure you that in the 16 years I've been doing my retirement extensions, I've never used an agent, so if I use one next year, I don't think it could be construed as "promoting the use of an agent", more doing what is easiest and hassle free.


I'm sure you read other threads on this forum and those on the ThaiVisa forum prior to this, and you will have seen without a doubt, that many, many folk have problems with immigration and there are hundreds of farangs who are using agents (perhaps thousands), and one has to wonder why, outside of not having the required funds.


The guy I met in Phuket immigration yesterday, who had just moved down here had the funds for the 800k method, but chose to go with an agent because he was having too much hassle, and he said, "they were always looking for things to pull him up on" and he was sick and tired of it.


All power to your elbow and others on here like Karen Bravo who seem to have had no problems whatsoever with immigration, but that's not been the case with me (or my friend, or for that matter the guy who had just moved down from Bangkok, to name but a few) despite 800k in the bank for the required time, correct paperwork, all bank documents in order and signed by the bank manager, smart dress code and subservient mannerisms, and yet, although my extensions were not refused per se, I was made to jump through hoops because I would not pay a bribe, and I was sternly reprimanded when I followed the rules with regards to the bank and income route (all above board), but then again I have posted all this before.


There's not much else I can say that I haven't already said, but it's come to a point where I have had enough, so perhaps an agent is on the cards for next year.


As regards corruption and Thailand, it won't change in my or your lifetime as its deeply ingrained/embedded in the psyche, and it fuels the lifestyles of the rich and famous as well as others, and they run and control the country, and it serves well to remember that no matter what government has been in place here, all of them have either allowed corruption or been involved in the grand cycle which it feeds.


Just on that point, the other evening I saw part of a documentary, and it was the situation as regards poverty in Nigeria, along with the corruption which is also endemic in that country, despite it being a major oil producer.


It took me back to the time when I was working there in 1970, just after the Biafran war, and where corruption was endemic, so that was 50 years ago and things haven't changed, mainly because the powers that be don't want it to, this despite successive governments promising change.


Don't think I will be revisiting this thread, but it seems a long time ago since I started it to try and help other folks who may "slip up" with regards to the immigration requirements. 


Good luck.

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6 minutes ago, oldcpu said:

I think applying for a 1 year extension on one's permission to stay in Thailand often causes a bit of nervousness, in case there is a new requirement that one's preparation missed.


Back in February this year I went for my 1st one year extension of a permission to stay in Thailand, on an OA Visa. I initially tried to do this based on marriage (and I had all the necessary paperwork requirements prepared) , but to my surprise the IOs would not even consider such. Their reason given was because it was a 1st extension on a Type-OA visa, their guidance was not to accept an extension based on marriage (on a Type-OA).  I was told when I returned in February-2022, since then it would be my 2nd extension on a permission to stay, they would accept n extension based on marriage (on a Type-OA).


In hindsight - I should have anticipated such. They were flooded with COVID extensions people, with massive line ups ... the last thing they needed was more paperwork from a marriage extension application.


So in February this year when at immigration, when I was told no marriage extension for me, I said ok, and I then went for an extension based on 'retirement'.  Fortunately I had the 800k in a fixed account, so there was no financial issue.  My European health insurance (coverage greatly exceeding 3-million THB) was not accepted as it was not on the Thai approved health insurance list, so I ended spending a few days time to research/buy almost worthless insurance (with a high deductible) from LMG for 7,7000 THB.   Still, 7,700 THB is cheaper than any agent's price. 


When applying for the retirement extension with all my paperwork, and I showed my fixed account copies (proof of 800K with appropriate letter + statements), they unexpectedly (to me) asked about my living expense transactions.  I glowed/smiled and offered to show them massive pages from my Thai wife's bank account book, or massive pages from my other bank account (where I had updated bank books with me), or better yet, I could if they wish, happily try again to apply for an extension based on marriage. Up to them. 


They smiled in return, glanced at the bank books, handed them back, and stated not needed.  But they surprised me and asked for evidence of my address (ie a map) and where my wife and I lived (my wife was with me). This is not a 'retirement' extension requirement (it is in Phuket for a marriage extension).  But I had that, whipped it out and gave it to them (I had previously hand drawn a very good map prior to arriving at immigration for my marriage extension attempt) ... they smiled and handed it back to me. Map not required after all.


And I obtained my extension, picking up my passport the next day.  


I think February-2022 will be interesting, and I will likely take the advice provided on this page and show up 45-days prior to start the process.


Unlike others, I actually enjoy the interactions.  I like the IOs and I like the volunteers at Phuket immigration.  I've seen worse for paper work requirements in Europe - so its just another of life's adventures.  ... lol ! 


More interesting (and off topic) for me, is the consideration wrt get a re-entry permit on my permission to stay.  I've decided not to get a multiple re-entry permit (which I did last time), but instead, only go for a re-entry if I decide to keep my Type-OA visa (as opposed to leaving the country and coming back in on a Tourist exempt, followed by 3-month Type-O visa application, followed by extension based on marriage or retirement).   Its good to have many options.


My friends in Pattaya think I am crazy for not going with an agent, but then I would miss the fun of the interactions. Just smile and laugh a lot.  One needs to look on the bright side of things.

My understanding is that the FIRST time you extend a Non-O or Non-OA you can only extend for the reason (retirement, marriage) that you gave when you obtained the visa.  If that's true (and I'm not sure it is) then you might be able this year (the second time you will have extended your non-OA) be able to change the reason from retirement to marriage.  Something I would ask the volunteers (either in person) or email them at  http://piv-phuket.com/home/contact-us/  Ask if you can change the reason for the extension from retirement to marriage the second time you apply for an extension of stay from your Non-OA.  I'm not 100% certain you can change the reason for a Non-OA derived extension of stay from retirement to marriage (I know you can do that for a non-O derived extension).

If you can make this change you will get two immediate benefits:

1) marriage extensions do not impose the health insurance mandate, so you would not need to purchase Thai health insurance to meet that requirement.

2) for the new marriage extension you would only need to show 400k baht in a Thai bank 2 months before application and until you get your final approval for the extension (about one month after application).  Then you have full access to the money (until next year two months prior to your application) and you can withdraw as much or as little as you want, there is no minimum balance requirement for marriage extensions for the remainder of the year.

Marriage extension: http://piv-phuket.com/long-stay-extensions/marriage-m/

At Phuket Immigration having a map to your house and pictures of you standing outside your house with the house number showing are requirements also for the retirement extension (see retirement extension near the bottom of the page: 



picture of applicant in front of the house with house number clearly visible.

Hand draw map of the location of the house.


Last year I forgot both of those things and they let it slip (didn't even mention it) but I'll bring both the next time.

If you're not able to switch to a marriage extension as discussed earlier and you wish to make the switch from a Non-OA to a Non-O visa to avoid the health insurance mandate, I believe you need to exit Thailand without having a re-entry permit.  In other words, you want to lose your current extension of stay based on a Non-OA visa and come back to Thailand with a Non-O visa or come back visa exempt or with a Tourist Visa and obtain a non-O in Thailand from immigration.  I think if you have a valid re-entry permit when you leave Thailand it may cause problems in getting a new non-O visa from an Thai embassy or consulate, and also cause potential problems when re-entering Thailand.  If you have a valid re-entry permit and try to enter Thailand wanting a visa-exempt entry I think they may require you to use your re-entry permit instead (in general, immigration doesn't seem to like when you have multiple options to enter the country and they will pick the one you can use and deny your right to use the other option.  Seeing a valid re-entry permit in your passport they would stamp you in on that and not allow you a visa-exempt entry).

So, if switching from a non-OA visa to a non-O visa you want to leave Thailand without a re-entry permit so leaving cancels your current visa and allows you to apply for a new non-O visa.

I, also, don't dread my encounters with immigration.  I don't like the uncertainty, of course, but if one researches the requirements the whole process seems much less mysterious.


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They want to see the hand-drawn map. After a quick glance, they hand it back to you and then tell you it's not necessary. Weird.


They have your address on the extension application form and on 90 day reporting.

If I can find my way to immigration without a map, then they should be able to find my house from the address.

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4 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

They want to see the hand-drawn map. After a quick glance, they hand it back to you and then tell you it's not necessary. Weird.


They have your address on the extension application form and on 90 day reporting.

If I can find my way to immigration without a map, then they should be able to find my house from the address.

I've never had them hand the map back to me.  What may be going on is that they pull your file when you see you.  If they see a map in your file they may not be very interested in a new map if you haven't moved.  That would explain perhaps why there was nothing said to me last year when I forgot to bring map and photos in front of house numbers -- they may have had them from previous years.

I can see why they might want the hand drawn map.  I have a devil of a time finding businesses but especially residential addresses in Thailand because they use that non-sequential plot number/house number address numbering system.  After all they can use google maps too but that service is not so great for the last 100 meters or so (because of the unusual Thai address numbering scheme) so a hand-drawn map could be very useful.  All that said, I have never had Phuket Immigration visit me at home in 8 years of getting retirement extensions.

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2 hours ago, oldcpu said:

 almost worthless insurance (with a high deductible) from LMG for 7,7000 THB. 

That's what I got. Then they handed it back - not needed if you arrived before 2017.


2 hours ago, oldcpu said:

very good map prior to arriving at immigration for my marriage extension attempt) ... they smiled and handed it back to me. Map not required after all.

Always handed back to me. Won't give them next year, but will have in my brief case.


1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

They want to see the hand-drawn map. After a quick glance, they hand it back to you and then tell you it's not necessary.



58 minutes ago, skatewash said:

If they see a map in your file they may not be very interested in a new map if you haven't moved.

The "joker" guy (usually laughing and chattering) outside room 103 checks the papers - he doesn't have a file.


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2 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:



The "joker" guy (usually laughing and chattering) outside room 103 checks the papers - he doesn't have a file.


That's true he doesn't have a file.  That might indicate they aren't too concerned with the map and photos anymore.  Nonetheless, I will have both with me just in case they are asked for.

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12 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:

I have no idea what all that 8 page fuss was about.  Today take off from my home Kata 08.55, Chalong Kbank at 09.10, ask letter and 12 month statement, 200 baht extra plus letter 100 baht. On my way 09.30. Arrive Imm 09.50. I hade all my paperwork printed out. Application form with photo. Copy each passport page. Copy hand map and address photo. Copy each bank book page (which the bank stamped). Straight outside desk the 2 young students carefully checked everything under supervision IO. Get Q number 11.  Inside 10.05. IO very casual look papers and given I had at least 800K the entire year there were no calcs. Bit if a wait at the data ladies station. Out door 10.25. Home Kata 10.50. 2 hours door to door. All the Imm staff could not have been more pleasant.  


As an aside I was surprised that Room 103 was processing younger folks with kids. I expected a bit of a wait but they were processed fast. 

Huh, how do you like that?  It's almost like you made it easy for the Immigration Officer to check that you met all the requirements. ????

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