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Where to buy a Cot (cot with mattress) in most Thai cities? Must be comfortable enough for a few months of nightly use. Or, maybe some alternative solution. But, not a tatami


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A.  Usage:  Must be comfortable enough to sleep for several months, at least.


B.  Must be portable enough to move from one room to adjoining room, easily, by one person.


C.  Must be fairly low cost.  (Lowest cost while still retaining functionality and enough comfort for sleeping nightly, several months.)


D.  Must be at least about 35cm off the floor on some sort of structure, which then can be moved into adjoining room.


E.  Of course, a tatami would be the best solution...IF....the cot did not need to be 35cms off the ground.


Googling, some suitable designs can be found on various retailers' sights.  However, none in Thailand.


F.  On-line Purchase is NOT OK.  Cot and mattress must be available in a major city in Thailand... Think BKK, CM, etc.


G.  When needed:  SOONER THE BETTER...


Thanks to anyone who has a suggestion.


OR.......perhaps there is some different local-Thai solution to this sleeping requirement.  But, a hammock is not OK.  The cot and mattress must be completely flat, and comfortable.


Need a solution fairly soon, or ASAP.


Hopefully, there might be something "off-the-shelf" at low cost.


Much obliged.

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8 minutes ago, Crossy said:

I assume our OP is not talking about this:-




More something like this:-




As you state:


There are two types of cots.


I am referring to a cot for an adult, and a cot which can be used comfortably for several months, if not even up to one year, and one which can be relatively easily moved to an adjoining room, through a doorway, for storage during the day.


This is REALLY needed.


However, I am not willing to pay a high price.


Maybe there is some good "local Thailand" solution.


The cot must be about 30 cms off the floor.


This cot is for old people to use when they visit, for example.  And so, the solution MUST be comfortable.


Thank you very much.

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15 minutes ago, Crossy said:

HomePro have a few things that might suit, what we in the UK might call a zed-bed ???? 




Check for local stores and availability.

Looks very suitable. 


Unfortunately, embarrassing to say, I was looking for some sort of Bt.3500 solution. 

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Every bamboo shop in Thailand has those bamboo cots many Thais sleep on.... I'm sure you can find a mattress that matches that would be useable for a few months time....

If you're not hung up on ascetics it could match what you're seeking....Light, portable....I had a couple scattered in a covered patio a few years back & they weren't bad.....

Big C, Makro usually have different sized mattresses....


There's one on Lazada that folds & might be useable....


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