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O-A VISA to NON IMM O-VISA?? No Insurance???

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51 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Yes and Yes.

Well, with a three year old OA visa, Phuket immigration doesn't require insurance for a retirement extension. How it can make this independent decision is curious -- but the Asian concept of individual "rice bowls" comes into view. I first encountered this concept in Korea, where I was involved in the Hughes contract to automate the Korean radar system. Individual radar site commanders had the latitude to orient their radar to either true or magnetic North. When operating in the manual mode, independently, no problem. But when trying to harmonize all radar returns into the new automated system, pure chaos. Finally, much horsepower from on high had to dictate to the site commanders that they no longer had the final decision.


How or why Phuket Immigration chose to dodge this OA insurance requirement would be nice to know. Maybe a leader who saw it for what it is -- pure corruption, especially when so many applicants involved have perfectly satisfactory home country issued insurance. And, yeah, maybe not enough baht in brown envelopes from the insurance mafia.

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5 minutes ago, JimGant said:

Well, with a three year old OA visa, Phuket immigration doesn't require insurance for a retirement extension. How it can make this independent decision is curious -- but the Asian concept of individual "rice bowls" comes into view. I first encountered this concept in Korea, where I was involved in the Hughes contract to automate the Korean radar system. Individual radar site commanders had the latitude to orient their radar to either true or magnetic North. When operating in the manual mode, independently, no problem. But when trying to harmonize all radar returns into the new automated system, pure chaos. Finally, much horsepower from on high had to dictate to the site commanders that they no longer had the final decision.


How or why Phuket Immigration chose to dodge this OA insurance requirement would be nice to know. Maybe a leader who saw it for what it is -- pure corruption, especially when so many applicants involved have perfectly satisfactory home country issued insurance. And, yeah, maybe not enough baht in brown envelopes from the insurance mafia.

No,it's simply because they're the only ones to interpret the ambiguous mess concerning extensiins correctly. I applaud them for this.

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28 minutes ago, JimGant said:

Well, with a three year old OA visa, Phuket immigration doesn't require insurance for a retirement extension. How it can make this independent decision is curious -- but the Asian concept of individual "rice bowls" comes into view. I first encountered this concept in Korea, where I was involved in the Hughes contract to automate the Korean radar system. Individual radar site commanders had the latitude to orient their radar to either true or magnetic North. When operating in the manual mode, independently, no problem. But when trying to harmonize all radar returns into the new automated system, pure chaos. Finally, much horsepower from on high had to dictate to the site commanders that they no longer had the final decision.


How or why Phuket Immigration chose to dodge this OA insurance requirement would be nice to know. Maybe a leader who saw it for what it is -- pure corruption, especially when so many applicants involved have perfectly satisfactory home country issued insurance. And, yeah, maybe not enough baht in brown envelopes from the insurance mafia.

Only Phuket as far as I know.


Likley they recognized that many cannot meet the requirement and decided it was in their interest not to force returees out.

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