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Do It! Open Mike Night


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To all those in the CM community who are interested in either contributing or eavesdropping on some culture and fun on Tuesday nights, I want to publicize "Do It Night" at Santia's Grotto. It's been going on for a few months now and seems to have a steady following of characters coming in to listen to performances, and of performers as well.

The open mike night is open to everybody and anybody who has a skit, a dance, a story to read or tell improvised style, a joke, even a dance -almost anything goes and adds to the night of fun. There was once a Kiwi girl who did a belly dance for us, and then last week Santia herself gave a humorous and insightful lesson on life "I know many ways to break up with a man." We have alot of fun and are hoping that more people will come by to entertain than just the pool of writers and performers we already know.

Do It! nights are on Tuesdays from 8 pm till whenever. Most nights there are about 6-10 people with bits to do, and 20-30 in the crowd, doing it! till about 10:30, though many nights have devolved into music, drinking and dancing till 1 am. Many may also know Santia's Grotto for it's Thursday night live music jams where people are free to come by with their own instruments or bring their own.

Santia's Grotto is off Thapae Soi 2 but most easily accessed via Chang Moi. If you take the turn to Warorot Mkt just b4 Mike's Burgers, continue down just till after the big curve, Santia's is about the 3rd soi on your right - if you peak just in the head of the soi, you'll see the yellow sign there. At that point on Chang Moi, you will just have the bridge over the smelly klong in sight, as well as the funky-no-stopsign intersection before Warorot up ahead. From Thapae, you have to turn down the soi where the sign actually tells you no right turn. There is also a small spa sign there, and it is opposite Wat Bupparam (I believe). It may take a couple attempts to get the right soi, believe me, several of us got lost the first time we went looking.

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I know CM has a theater group that's loosely knit out there too. This might be a great thing to draw some more people into those activities, and get crossover in both directions. Anybody heard anything about those people, where they are ?

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I haven't been to Do It Night but I used to be a regular at Santiya's jam sessions when I lived in Chiang Mai. As of last year, some of Chiang Mai's top musicians, Thai and farang, used to show up for a jam & often the music was really good. Of course, any open jam is going to be a mixed bag as far as quality goes but I recommend checking it out. In any case, it's a funky little place that's worth a visit just to see how Santiya has decorated. Enjoy.

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Santia's Grotto is off Thapae Soi 2 but most easily accessed via Chang Moi. If you take the turn to Warorot Mkt just b4 Mike's Burgers, continue down just till after the big curve, Santia's is about the 3rd soi on your right - if you peak just in the head of the soi, you'll see the yellow sign there. At that point on Chang Moi, you will just have the bridge over the smelly klong in sight, as well as the funky-no-stopsign intersection before Warorot up ahead. From Thapae, you have to turn down the soi where the sign actually tells you no right turn. There is also a small spa sign there, and it is opposite Wat Bupparam (I believe). It may take a couple attempts to get the right soi, believe me, several of us got lost the first time we went looking.

<deleted>, with directions like that it's not surprising it may take a couple of attempts to find.

Forget about the turn to Warorot Market, Mikes Burgers, the big curve, the bridge over the smelly klong, the funky no stop sign intersection, the spa & Wat Bupparam, and just say it’s in Thapae Soi 2 at the entrance to City View Tower / diagonally opposite the new Veerachai Court block.

Or try this rough map for a better idea…


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I haven't been to Do It Night but I used to be a regular at Santiya's jam sessions when I lived in Chiang Mai. As of last year, some of Chiang Mai's top musicians, Thai and farang, used to show up for a jam & often the music was really good. Of course, any open jam is going to be a mixed bag as far as quality goes but I recommend checking it out. In any case, it's a funky little place that's worth a visit just to see how Santiya has decorated. Enjoy.

What styles of music were being played there? Is it 'open mike' or free jamming?

We've been playing a lot of music at another location on a different evening. Not a bar, but food and drinks are available.

The Folk Musician

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I haven't been there for 4 or 5 months but it was all very loosely structured before. The jams were usually somewhere in the blues-jazz-funk range with some indie-type stuff as well. Sometimes there were singers & sometimes not. Some nights it was easy to get involved, other nights lots of musicians showed up & it was more difficult. There was an attempt to order things more about a year ago to ensure everyone got a chance to play but I don't think it lasted. Anyway, like I said before Santiya's is worth a visit anyway - I've never been to a bar quite like it.

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I haven't been to Do It Night but I used to be a regular at Santiya's jam sessions when I lived in Chiang Mai. As of last year, some of Chiang Mai's top musicians, Thai and farang, used to show up for a jam & often the music was really good. Of course, any open jam is going to be a mixed bag as far as quality goes but I recommend checking it out. In any case, it's a funky little place that's worth a visit just to see how Santiya has decorated. Enjoy.

What styles of music were being played there? Is it 'open mike' or free jamming?

We've been playing a lot of music at another location on a different evening. Not a bar, but food and drinks are available.

The Folk Musician

Nick who runs the Guitarman at the bottom of Loi Kroh (the Th. Charoen Prathet end) has band most nights and is more than happy to allow people to play either as a set or jam with the others. He has some instuments available if you aren't keen to drag your guitar down there. Guitarman is a bar with food and a PIZZA OVEN outside which does a good instore and take away trade.


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I know CM has a theater group that's loosely knit out there too. This might be a great thing to draw some more people into those activities, and get crossover in both directions. Anybody heard anything about those people, where they are ?

The theater people would be The Gate Theater Company and we're still in rehearsal. We had planned to open our first show on July 13th at AUA auditorium. However, one of our cast members got a really good job offer in Bangkok and so we had to recast his role. Now we're looking at opening around the 4th of August.

I've been meaning to get over to check out the open mic night but having a 9 to 5 on top of trying to produce live theater eats up a lot of my time. I will make it over though, real soon. Sounds like my kind of night out. The Chicago club scene is kind of famous for open mic nights and poetry slams and I really miss it. Keep the lights on. Help is on the way!

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Nick who runs the Guitarman at the bottom of Loi Kroh (the Th. Charoen Prathet end) has band most nights and is more than happy to allow people to play either as a set or jam with the others. He has some instuments available if you aren't keen to drag your guitar down there. Guitarman is a bar with food and a PIZZA OVEN outside which does a good instore and take away trade.


I played at Guitar Man regularly for a long time, back in the days before Nick bought the place. But I heard from another long-time performer there that Nick had recently had a run-in with Immigration over foreigners playing there & so the jams were off for now. Like I say, this is a second-hand report from a few weeks ago & if anyone has more up-to-date or verifiable info, I'll accept that. I, for one though, wouldn't encourage anyone to go there for a jam right now.

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Nick who runs the Guitarman at the bottom of Loi Kroh (the Th. Charoen Prathet end) has band most nights and is more than happy to allow people to play either as a set or jam with the others. He has some instuments available if you aren't keen to drag your guitar down there. Guitarman is a bar with food and a PIZZA OVEN outside which does a good instore and take away trade.


I played at Guitar Man regularly for a long time, back in the days before Nick bought the place. But I heard from another long-time performer there that Nick had recently had a run-in with Immigration over foreigners playing there & so the jams were off for now. Like I say, this is a second-hand report from a few weeks ago & if anyone has more up-to-date or verifiable info, I'll accept that. I, for one though, wouldn't encourage anyone to go there for a jam right now.

Ok, Let make sure I understand this because I sure don't want Immigration on my ass just because i'm having a good time and enjoying my vacation.

Example- I'm in Chiang Mai on vacation. I'm sitting in a club and the band starts in on a song that I know and really like. They notice me singing along and the ban leader says "come on up and join us," and I do. The number goes so well that we do another. This is in some way a problem with Immigration?

If so, please explain.

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Santia's Grotto is off Thapae Soi 2 but most easily accessed via Chang Moi. If you take the turn to Warorot Mkt just b4 Mike's Burgers, continue down just till after the big curve, Santia's is about the 3rd soi on your right - if you peak just in the head of the soi, you'll see the yellow sign there. At that point on Chang Moi, you will just have the bridge over the smelly klong in sight, as well as the funky-no-stopsign intersection before Warorot up ahead. From Thapae, you have to turn down the soi where the sign actually tells you no right turn. There is also a small spa sign there, and it is opposite Wat Bupparam (I believe). It may take a couple attempts to get the right soi, believe me, several of us got lost the first time we went looking.

<deleted>, with directions like that it's not surprising it may take a couple of attempts to find.

Forget about the turn to Warorot Market, Mikes Burgers, the big curve, the bridge over the smelly klong, the funky no stop sign intersection, the spa & Wat Bupparam, and just say it’s in Thapae Soi 2 at the entrance to City View Tower / diagonally opposite the new Veerachai Court block.

Or try this rough map for a better idea…


Not to split hairs, but believe it's signed 'Chang Moi Soi 2' :o

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Not to split hairs, but believe it's signed 'Chang Moi Soi 2' :o

This is the problem - there is Chang Moi soi 2 and parallel that that one block down is Thapae soi 2?

Just interested in which one Santia's Grotto is actually on


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Yeah well this is the "odd soi out" & it is indeed Thapae Soi 2.

The sign on Chang Moi at the entrance to the soi says Thapae Soi 2, not Chang Moi Soi 2.

Confused, then follow this:

Chang Moi Soi 2 is the next soi west of Thapae Soi 2.

Chang Moi Soi 1 is the next soi east of Thapae Soi 2.

So Thapae Soi 2 is sandwiched between Chang Moi 1 & 2, plus on the wrong side of Thapae as all the Thapae Sois are south of Thapae, except for Thapae Soi 2, which is north of Thapae.

Thapae Soi 2 really is the odd one out. Weird isn’t it - this would be a good trivia night question for Cnx experts?

Now if you’re still in doubt, the address for Veerachai Court is

19 Thapae Rd Soi 2, Chiang Mai.

Finally to get a clear picture of it all take a look at this map.


P.S. Who can place Chang Moi Soi 1 & 4 on map?

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Nick who runs the Guitar man at the bottom of Loi Kroh (the Th. Charoen Prathet end) has band most nights and is more than happy to allow people to play either as a set or jam with the others. He has some instruments available if you aren't keen to drag your guitar down there. Guitar man is a bar with food and a PIZZA OVEN outside which does a good in store and take away trade.


I played at Guitar Man regularly for a long time, back in the days before Nick bought the place. But I heard from another long-time performer there that Nick had recently had a run-in with Immigration over foreigners playing there & so the jams were off for now. Like I say, this is a second-hand report from a few weeks ago & if anyone has more up-to-date or verifiable info, I'll accept that. I, for one though, wouldn't encourage anyone to go there for a jam right now.

Ok, Let make sure I understand this because I sure don't want Immigration on my ass just because I'm having a good time and enjoying my vacation.

Example- I'm in Chiang Mai on vacation. I'm sitting in a club and the band starts in on a song that I know and really like. They notice me singing along and the ban leader says "come on up and join us," and I do. The number goes so well that we do another. This is in some way a problem with Immigration?

If so, please explain.

The way I heard it, and this was third hand;

The owner asked Immigration Police if it was OK to have an open mike.

Immigration said they didn't know and asked to come and watch one evening.

They sat through the first hour or so, then asked all the players to come over to their table.

They requested passports or other ID, and work permits if they had them, and copied down all info.

The only one with a work permit was the owner, but his was for running the bar, not playing music. The others were on tourist visas.

Immigration police then told the musicians, in no uncertain terms, that if they were found playing music in

Thailand again they would be immediately deported. They told the owner that 'he' could play 'sometimes' but not on any regular basis. Does this mean they can't play at the beach during a picnic, or only in bars and clubs. What about playing in the lounge of the guest house they are staying in, playing for their own enjoyment? Rules? There are no rules. Facts? Fiction? TIT. You be the judge.

Folk Musician

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"Confused, then follow this:

Chang Moi Soi 2 is the next soi west of Thapae Soi 2.

Chang Moi Soi 1 is the next soi east of Thapae Soi 2.

So Thapae Soi 2 is sandwiched between Chang Moi 1 & 2, plus on the wrong side of Thapae as all the Thapae Sois are south of Thapae, except for Thapae Soi 2, which is north of Thapae.(etc, etc.)"

Yeah, me think you try for helping, but also think you have a problem tell a people where to find a place. You Falang think map good for evything but really sometime not so good. Some people is become Chiang Mai people, can understand how to go from somebody tell them about it. Can understand if you tell what they see something. THink your culture they call a landmark. For alot of people landmark is good way to give a direction. Some people maybe they hear about Veerachai but I not think everybody know this one. Not everybody know every hotel Chiang Mai same you. But I think every Falang can know Mike Burger and funny intersection no stopsign before Walolot. Maybe sometime people think they know the way and talk too big but they not really do better with a map. Maybe some people good, maybe some people not. And some people maybe they say 'oh this east, oh this west, oh this north, oh this after this, ... they make everybody get headache. That cause maybe they say something mean first then they write alot of stuff confuse everybody same same he say other guy do. Not the way Thai people like do things. Not like bak ma, not polite for use.

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Nick who runs the Guitarman at the bottom of Loi Kroh (the Th. Charoen Prathet end) has band most nights and is more than happy to allow people to play either as a set or jam with the others. He has some instuments available if you aren't keen to drag your guitar down there. Guitarman is a bar with food and a PIZZA OVEN outside which does a good instore and take away trade.


I played at Guitar Man regularly for a long time, back in the days before Nick bought the place. But I heard from another long-time performer there that Nick had recently had a run-in with Immigration over foreigners playing there & so the jams were off for now. Like I say, this is a second-hand report from a few weeks ago & if anyone has more up-to-date or verifiable info, I'll accept that. I, for one though, wouldn't encourage anyone to go there for a jam right now.

nicky here from guitarman....let me try to clarify the situation best i can...we did have abit of a run - in with immigration about 8 weeks ago....one of the problems we had that night was one of the officers present was the guy who arrested gian-carlo last time this same problem arose...maybe had a point to prove ! we have since spoken to immigration and they have told us that it is ok for farang to get up and jam 2/3 numbers....what they dont want to see is farang bands playing full sets...fair comment.......they have advised us to get a thai house band or involve more thai musicians.....we still have a jam everynight from as early as anyone wants to get up, to 10.30 then we have a band on until midnight everynight ....we have the fantastic boy blues band (tooks nephew)on sunday to wednesday....then various chiang mai bands on the other nights ....this saturday we have the ska rangers...who are just fantastic.....with FREE 'chili and rice'......so dont be afraid to come and jam.....guitarman

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nicky here from guitarman....let me try to clarify the situation best i can...we did have abit of a run - in with immigration about 8 weeks ago....one of the problems we had that night was one of the officers present was the guy who arrested gian-carlo last time this same problem arose...maybe had a point to prove ! we have since spoken to immigration and they have told us that it is ok for farang to get up and jam 2/3 numbers....what they dont want to see is farang bands playing full sets...fair comment.......they have advised us to get a thai house band or involve more thai musicians.....we still have a jam everynight from as early as anyone wants to get up, to 10.30 then we have a band on until midnight everynight ....we have the fantastic boy blues band (tooks nephew)on sunday to wednesday....then various chiang mai bands on the other nights ....this saturday we have the ska rangers...who are just fantastic.....with FREE 'chili and rice'......so dont be afraid to come and jam.....guitarman

Thanks for the clarification. And good luck with the jams & the business. Let's just hope that everybody at Immigration is on, and stays on, the same page.

Edited by cm das
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I checked out Guitarman as a fluke last Thursday for something different. Saw a great set by the Tonic Rays. They play there every THurs, I think. I know they're there tmw night too. Joe hits some really sweet notes on his guitars, and the band has a tight set of classic rock and some great original tunes. I'm not the biggest on covers but they were good songs - Floyd, Stones, Johnny Cash.

I enjoy catching the random jams at Santia's on Thurs but this is a nice alternative.

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  • 2 months later...

The open mic night, aka 'Do It' Night is back on at Santia's for anyone needing an excuse to go out and hear/ see participate in some local performances. You can expect me to read another riveting Thai tale, and for Neville and others to perform some skits and do other readings. We let things trail off with the rainy season a bit but it's all on again. Whether we get just 5-10 people or the full 30-50 that we've had before. The fuller the audience of course, the more fun it is for everybody. Many a night involved plenty of laughter and clapping, and then devolved into rip-roaring Tuesday night party afterwards.

If you've got a joke to tell, dance to dance , a piece to perform -either by yourself or by another - please feel free to come on down. Things get underway at 8pm and go till whenever.

McG, that means you too. Bring the Blues harp on down and do a jam for us.

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I will be coming with some of the Citylife team, i may read something, too. How long is the fiction usually? I'll try and put it in the events for the next issue too. We used to have n open mic at the Irish pub and it was a good laugh, some decent writers and poets making it interesting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Open Mike Nights are up and running quite well again. Those tired of the same old same, same old bar or club in CM ought to come check out the mental and entertainment jam session that takes place at Santia's every Tues at 8 pm...or so. We get everybody from readers/ performers of stories such as myself and a few others, as well as Neville's Improv, Mo's poetry and book readings, the occasional belly or flamenco dance, to telling of stories from the old days of how to get by without no internet, when travel was exotic and you had to learn by word of mouth. There's tons more going on, and anybody's welcome. It's a slice of daring living culture in CM and something different from another night out in just any old bar. We've got people from all over the world, and from all over the age spectrum from 20-ish all the way to 80-ish contributing - they wouldn't want me mentioning their ages, so don't bring it up when you show up, please!

Come have a laugh and get entertained. Or be entertaining. Show us your energy - read a piece form a book or the internet, scratch that perofrmance itch for us.

It's at Santia's Grotto on Thapae Soi 2. Heading towards Thapae gate on Thapae rd, it's on the rt side, opposite Wat BUpparam. Outside the soi, there's a sign for a massage place, and a 'do not enter' sign posted among other things. Enter anyway. Santia's is all the way up on the left, just before you hit Chang Moi Rd. Or you can ride your scooter outside the moat from the NE Corner, heading towards Thapae again, but turn towards Warorot Mkt, right b4 Mike's Burgers. Santia's will be in the 3rd soi on your rt, just after the big curve. The big curve! as you head towards Warorot Market. Turn right into the soi, you will see the Santia's Grotto yellow sign. You will not see the sign marking the soi (on the Chang Moi end) as Thapae Soi 2 until you pass it and look backwards, so don't bother doing that. Just count the sois and look for the yellow sign. Hope to see you n some friends there.

I will personally guarantee each person at least two laughs tonight! Who else dare offer that ??!!

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