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Singapore halts free COVID treatment for people "unvaccinated by choice"


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Singapore halts free COVID treatment for people "unvaccinated by choice"

The Singaporean government will no longer cover medical bills for people who are "unvaccinated by choice" after Dec. 8, the country's Ministry of Health announced Monday.


Why it matters: "We have to send this important signal to urge everyone to get vaccinated if you are eligible," Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said at a news conference. 82.47% of Singapore's population is fully vaccinated, per Johns Hopkins University.


Now, unvaccinated people "disproportionately contribute to the strain on our healthcare resources."

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Unvaccinated COVID patients cost the U.S. health system billions of dollars

The analysis estimates that the preventable costs of treating unvaccinated patients in the hospitals total $3.7 billion in August, almost twice the estimates for June and July combined. The total preventable costs for those three months now stand at an estimated $5.7 billion.

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Are you a first time driver? Higher insurance. Are you under the age of 25 and getting a motorcycle? Higher insurance.  Have you had an accident or ticket?  Higher insurance. 


Why?  They cost more money to insure.  Simple.




The underwriting process is a pivotal point in your policy application that determines what premiums you get. It is a once-off process that is used by insurers to assess your risk and the eligibility of a client to receive cover. To give you a policy that will adequately cover your needs and the needs of your loved ones, insurers have to take you through the underwriting process to make it fair.


An insurer will ask you a range of questions regarding your health, medical history, weight, age, gender, and lifestyle to assess your risk and how likely it is for you to place a claim. For example, if you have a disease that places your life at risk and increases your chances of placing a claim, your premium is likely to be higher than someone who is healthy and is the same age as you.


Loadings are added when you have a medical condition, illness, or lifestyle choices that can put your life at risk. Therefore, it will increase the premium that you end up paying when compared to a healthy person who does not smoke or excessively drink. 

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32 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Is it? It makes sense.

Why should the country pay for costs which are completely avoidable?

And if people who decide not to be vaccinated have to pay for their own bad choices that also makes a lot of sense. And if they die because they can't afford the treatment then that is a case of Darwin at Work.

I hope other countries will follow Singapore with this decision. 

Top comment!

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16 minutes ago, Virt said:

it's never going to happen in a lot of countries and i think it's a wee bit to radical.

Many countries has hospital care covered by taxes and can't make exceptions, or let people die if they can't afford treatment.


I would prefer some other restrictions, that would make the life as unvaccinated quite difficult.


I'm only taking about those who refuse to take the shot and not those who are allergic to vaccines.


Demand a vaccine for all that travel to another country.

Demand a vaccine for all those visiting restaurants, bars, sport events, movie theaters, concerts etc etc.


Sorry anti vaxers, but the data clearly shows you are the ones who fuels this pandemic, so something radical has to be done.


Here in Denmark we're about to reintroduce restrictions because we still have approx 24% of the population that are not vaccinated.


The data from the hospitals here shows that unvaccinated people are hospitalized 14 times more than vaccinated people, so if everyone was vaccinated we didn't have to go through another round of restrictions.


Which is why I think tougher restrictions are needed.


And seriously.

So far none of the mRNA vaccines has shown any signs of long term side effects, and they have been tested in more than 19 months.

They do have side effects, but none that suddenly shows after almost 2 years.


So is there really a reason to be so nervous for the vaccine, or is it in reality a question about free choice and not a question about the vaccine itself?

Excellent post. I learned from another poster on aseannow.com that a clearer term for effects that manifest themselves some time after the inoculation is "latent effects." To date there have been none. Whereas for some viral diseases latent effects are actually a thing. 

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