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Sip et Tiger


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I have tried drinking Low Cow with the locals, relatives, builders and others but cant really do it even with the soda, so I was Just wondering if any body has tried Sip et Tiger which was recommended by the sister in law, you marinate the Low Cow in it for about a week and it becomes just about drinkable (Like red rocket fuel) ????  I'm thinking of taking some packets of Sip et Tiger home for the sons in law but as i cant get Low Cow in the UK  i dont know what to  marinate it in the closest i can think is probably paint stripper or possibly paraffin any recommendations would be gratefully recieved ????  

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I've tried Lao Khao a few times and can say for me it's terrible, I have no desire to drink that cheap stuff again, when Lao Khao is mixed with the 11 Tigers herbal stuff it's then called "Ya Dong". 

As for the Eleven Tigers herbal stuff, here's instructions on how to mix it with alcohol


Preparation instruction

Open the package and put the 11 Tigers Herbal Bar into glass jar. If you want to use bottle with small neck, need to crush the bar into small pieces. After that fill 11 Tigers Herbal Bar with 650-750 ml of strong alcoholic drink, such as whiskey, rum or vodka. Close jar/bottle tightly and let it infuse during 3-4 days. For better infusion it is recommended to shake bottle twice per day. When your herbal liquor is ready filter it into clean bottle.



Edited by bbko
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10 minutes ago, bbko said:

I've tried Lao Khao a few times and can say for me it's terrible, I have no desire to drink that cheap stuff again, when Lao Khao is mixed with the 11 Tigers herbal stuff it's then called "Ya Dong". 

As for the Eleven Tigers herbal stuff, here's instructions on how to mix it with alcohol


Preparation instruction

Open the package and put the 11 Tigers Herbal Bar into glass jar. If you want to use bottle with small neck, need to crush the bar into small pieces. After that fill 11 Tigers Herbal Bar with 650-750 ml of strong alcoholic drink, such as whiskey, rum or vodka. Close jar/bottle tightly and let it infuse during 3-4 days. For better infusion it is recommended to shake bottle twice per day. When your herbal liquor is ready filter it into clean bottle.



Thanks I've just noticed the English bit on the bottom of the instructions on mine it says

Dosage  (Didn't even know it was medicinal) 3 to 4 tablespoons prior to each meal ???? no wonder i cant remember having me tea ???? 

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This tastes almost like vodka. Does not have that horrible 40 Degree (the common lao khao) taste. Available everywhere. Same price or cheaper. There is another brand also in green bottle tastes same but no have bottle to photo.

If have to drink standard lao khao; neat with cold water chaser.


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Re-read op. Oh! You want to drink lao dong in uk! Oops, my mistake.

Thanks for the lao dong recipe should I ever want to make it.

I'm sure you're all aware you can add scorpions, centipedes etc or certain traditional medicine herbs to your mixture.

Um, traditional herb? That could be interesting...

Or dangerous...


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On 11/20/2021 at 8:50 PM, LoeiI said:

I have tried drinking Low Cow with the locals, relatives, builders and others but cant really do it even with the soda,

No...that does not work. This really does work , Shwepps bitter lemon. 1 third Lao Khao , 1 third water and 1 third bitter lemon.


Edited by Denim
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Lao Khao really has a bad reputation amongst foreigners , many who have not even tried it. 


Fact is , it's just another white spirit like Vodka , Tequila , Gin , etc.   All of these are the common drinks of the common people in the countries they come from. Lhao Khao is no better or worse than any of the others.


The problem lies not in the drink but in the copious amounts it is drunk. Common in Russia to see alcoholics at any time of the day and it is the same here. If you drink it sensibly  then no problem.


Personally , I have one problem with all hard spirtits and that is that they seem to dry out my facial skin if I drink too many days in succession.. Skin gets flakey and blotchy. For that reason I limit myself to alcohol only 3 days a week.


As mentioned by Kiwithi , the Red Sun brand with the screw top is odorless  which can be an advantage. However my brother in law says it gives him more of a hangover. On reflection, there may be a grain of truth in this but not a big difference. Being a white spirit I find hangovers are not a big problem the next day anyway.

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You could always buy lao khao up to the uk duty free limit for spirits and take it with you.

Years ago I took 3 or 4 bottles to nz where the duty free limit is/was 3 litres.

You might have more problem with 11 tigers?

Idk what this is tho' I have drunk red lao dong before.

Drunk, yes...

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39 minutes ago, Denim said:

No...that does not work. This really does work , Shwepps bitter lemon. 1 third Lao Khao , 1 third water and 1 third bitter lemon.


I like the odourless lao khao with ice, tonic and lemon. Same same as vodka tonic manao but different.

Or straight from the freezer works for me, no aftertaste to speak of.

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