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Do You Need A Bachelor's Level Degree To Teach In Thailand?

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I agree. Most of the Thai employers look at the country of birth rather than the nationality. I had a good Aussie mate, who held 4 PHd degrees and was born in KL, but had lived in Australia for over 40 years, well, he got treated like shit because he looked as Chinese as you can despite actually being Australian.

FOUR Ph.D's ??? :o

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I agree. Most of the Thai employers look at the country of birth rather than the nationality. I had a good Aussie mate, who held 4 PHd degrees and was born in KL, but had lived in Australia for over 40 years, well, he got treated like shit because he looked as Chinese as you can despite actually being Australian.

FOUR Ph.D's ??? :o

Albert Schweitzer had 3 or 4. I met a crazy old farang lady at the hamburger stand who claimed to have 3 or 4, and she worked at the UN, and said the UN pays more for each doctorate, and does not care if they are in cosmetology, mythology, or toenail surgery. I had 5 or 6 myself...or maybe those were children....
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I agree. Most of the Thai employers look at the country of birth rather than the nationality. I had a good Aussie mate, who held 4 PHd degrees and was born in KL, but had lived in Australia for over 40 years, well, he got treated like shit because he looked as Chinese as you can despite actually being Australian.

FOUR Ph.D's ??? :o

I know, i know............. I thought the same until he showed them all and gave me lots of advice on what the best option for me to study would be. He only has one Bachelors degree (BBA), but he has 2 masters (MBA plus a Master of Arts). 1 PHD was from the Uni of Western Australia, 1 was from the uni of California, and my apologies, but the other 2 were only honoury PHD's (but he holds them to be of equal value). One from a European Uni and one from a Japanese Uni. He is in his mid 40's, but like I said, he looks Chinese and finds it hard to get work.

Believe what you want Dr. Pat Pong................ at least he PHd is not in ping-pong ball shooting or lap dancing :D

What is your PHd in DR.?

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It's not clear!!!!!!!

Not for the teachers, not for the schools, not for the government, basically it's not clear for anybody.

The only thing that's clear, is a concept from an advisory council from the MoE, but nothing of this concept is actually arranged by law. So, for the time being, the (provincial) Ministeries of Education take from this concept whatever suits them, that's why it is impossible to describe a process of getting a TL and WP.

I was told, that a degree is required for teachers at Government Schools and that most Universities require a degree.

Teachers hired by private institutions (schools and language centres, as well as other companies), don't need to have a degree, because the MoE is not responsible for these branches. However, in most cases, the private institutions require a degree in order to filter out a certain level.

I wish I'd read this a few years ago.

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yes it MUST be a BA. my MA (Cantab), was unrecognised.

ahhh your application must have been made on a Monday! Tuesdays and sometimes Thursdays between 2:34 and 3:06 are fine for applications made with a MA but normally only in months of 30 days... usually.

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Unfortunately, our mysterious newbie seems to have resurrected another one of these 'are degrees required, should degrees be required' from an age ago. Current teaching forum guidelines restrict this kind of topic and I don't see how what we are discussing now will help the original (long vanished) poster. Topic closed.


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I agree. Most of the Thai employers look at the country of birth rather than the nationality. I had a good Aussie mate, who held 4 PHd degrees and was born in KL, but had lived in Australia for over 40 years, well, he got treated like shit because he looked as Chinese as you can despite actually being Australian.

FOUR Ph.D's ??? :o

I know, i know............. I thought the same until he showed them all and gave me lots of advice on what the best option for me to study would be. He only has one Bachelors degree (BBA), but he has 2 masters (MBA plus a Master of Arts). 1 PHD was from the Uni of Western Australia, 1 was from the uni of California, and my apologies, but the other 2 were only honoury PHD's (but he holds them to be of equal value). One from a European Uni and one from a Japanese Uni. He is in his mid 40's, but like I said, he looks Chinese and finds it hard to get work.

Believe what you want Dr. Pat Pong................ at least he PHd is not in ping-pong ball shooting or lap dancing :D

What is your PHd in DR.?

Political Science.

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