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Jet Gorgon

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Man .... I'd kill for a moosehead right now .... a bit too sweet for me normally but!

<deleted> is a moosehead?

Is it the same as a black and tan?

Canadian beer ... nowhere NEAR as good as a black and tan

Moosehead is good...but I prefer La Fin du Monde :o

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I always gave info when asked, but newbies spouting the right and wrong ways of doing things in Thailand always irked me.

They've been in Thailand ten minutes, and they already know the whole landscape. Especially why you got ripped off and they did not. Experiences, posters?

Be honest now. Are you actually living in Thailand?

If so, why?

LOL ... well she's not living in Cambodia :o

But at least most of us have lived in Thailand for a few years or so, even if we dont now.

(Cambodia's not that far away, just a little closer tha Canada)

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Too bad there are no punching smileys, as I am sure they would have been put to good use by many posters here.

No, Begbie, I am not living in Thailand right now, but I did live there for 10-plus years. Is that good enough for you? I really don't care. As usual, the topic here has been twisted around to focus on newbies rather than folks who get off the boat and think they already know how to operate, just because they read a guide book or were in Thailand on a two-week junket before. Comprendez?

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back on topic....

Please read my signature below

wow! way over there in Perth you must know TWICE as much as me .... but less than most on here :o

You make alot of assumptions jdinasia.

I happen to agree with gburns.Empty vessels do make the most noise,don't they?

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...Empty vessels do make the most noise,don't they?

New phrase for me, Chuchok. Unless you refer to vessels that are kicked for the sound of containment. Alot of empty ones like those on General these days, and when I open the lid, many of those are sour, too.

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I always gave info when asked, but newbies spouting the right and wrong ways of doing things in Thailand always irked me.

They've been in Thailand ten minutes, and they already know the whole landscape. Especially why you got ripped off and they did not. Experiences, posters?

One of the first things i learnt in Thailand...

I've been here long enough to know i know f*** all!

(its an attitude thang)

Spot on Wolfie

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Pepe . your posts were funnier when all you had to add was how nice San Diego is compared to Thailand.

Can you go back to that please?

I think I remember him saying he cut all his ties with Thailand .... so ..... :o

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Interesting topic.

I don't live in Thailand anymore, but I go back often. Where I am (west coast of USA) a lot of people are spoiled doo-gooder idiots who have no clue about anything outside of our borders. A lot of these idiots are well-educated as well. When you try to suggest that a great deal can be learned from Thailand, such as examples of efficient use of energy, how religion can be discussed in schools, property zoning to promote small-scale neighborhood businesses rather than force people into their cars everything they need to buy a quart of milk, how stupid American safety laws and nannystate worship do more harm than good, etc etc etc. They look at you dumbfounded. Like "hey, Americans can find a solution to everything, we don't need to look at any other country". I can't stand that attitude. So I find myself comparing the good things about Thailand with the stupid things about America all the time. And I am probably kind of annoying in that regard. I also tire of every third person here whining about racism or persecution or victimhood, when you try to mention what happens to some people in Thailand they get quite upset!

I rarely meet any farang here who know much about Thailand. Sometimes though, for example on loy kratong we might visit a local temple, and there are some farang there who are totally living to worship Thai culture and they will not even look at me or my family, because they are so wrapped up in it. Like I am invading their space as the novelty farang who is Mister Thailand of the local community. I would think that since we have a lot of things in common we can talk, but it's not that easy. If I had brown skin and looked Thai these fools would be falling over me to become a Friend. You know what I am talking about. One guy I got to know, who is a farang married to a very nice lady (he got lucky with his mailorder bride), he turned out to be a real pain in the ass always pushing some kind of Amway networking crap.

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This topic is OLD hat, bring on the newbies one....

ps. Pointing the finger down the mountain at ppl is so "I am better than you attitude". Seek help, as I know there will be alot to advise!

pps. By the way my Nana makes better yorkshire puddings than yours. :o

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Quote arunsak: So I find myself comparing the good things about Thailand with the stupid things about America all the time. And I am probably kind of annoying in that regard. I also tire of every third person here whining about racism or persecution or victimhood, when you try to mention what happens to some people in Thailand they get quite upset!

Good post, sir.

I still haven't found Utopia either.

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Interesting topic.

I don't live in Thailand anymore, but I go back often. Where I am (west coast of USA) a lot of people are spoiled doo-gooder idiots who have no clue about anything outside of our borders. A lot of these idiots are well-educated as well. When you try to suggest that a great deal can be learned from Thailand, such as examples of efficient use of energy, how religion can be discussed in schools, property zoning to promote small-scale neighborhood businesses rather than force people into their cars everything they need to buy a quart of milk, how stupid American safety laws and nannystate worship do more harm than good, etc etc etc. They look at you dumbfounded. Like "hey, Americans can find a solution to everything, we don't need to look at any other country". I can't stand that attitude. So I find myself comparing the good things about Thailand with the stupid things about America all the time. And I am probably kind of annoying in that regard. I also tire of every third person here whining about racism or persecution or victimhood, when you try to mention what happens to some people in Thailand they get quite upset!

I rarely meet any farang here who know much about Thailand. Sometimes though, for example on loy kratong we might visit a local temple, and there are some farang there who are totally living to worship Thai culture and they will not even look at me or my family, because they are so wrapped up in it. Like I am invading their space as the novelty farang who is Mister Thailand of the local community. I would think that since we have a lot of things in common we can talk, but it's not that easy. If I had brown skin and looked Thai these fools would be falling over me to become a Friend. You know what I am talking about. One guy I got to know, who is a farang married to a very nice lady (he got lucky with his mailorder bride), he turned out to be a real pain in the ass always pushing some kind of Amway networking crap.

Maybe just thinking too mut?

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If you are a salty old tart then why are you running into all these "newbies." No matter what country I go to I keep running into this same guy. I love to get hammered and talk to guys from different countries about what is going on in the world. Its one thing to talk about Hezbollah but its much more interesting to talk to a Lebanese Expat about Hezbollah. Cow Jai Mai? Anyway, I always run into this guy. He quickly turns a conversation about where he comes from into how much of the local language I speak. Asking me in a manner as to determine my worthiness of his attention "Do you speak Thai", he says. "No, do you speak Albanian" I say in the same snotty manner. Not that I speak Albanian mind you it’s just the irony of how much I care about his language skills. When I try to start talking to someone else then he is ready to start his witty little one liners that he learned to make the local hookers smile. In a loud boisterous voice as to impress us all of his local gene se qua. Repeating like a parrot, his ego bleeding through his mannerism, and sounding as if he is repeating a rant rather than engaging someone in a conversation. He sounds like a fool to me. And the girls rolling their eyes when he is not looking confirms my impression. Then he will give me a couple of the, "Thais think this and the Thais say that." Sitting their so self absorbed and unable to discuss anything without a snappy little one line snot nose opinion. On Top of his English wit but he has been sitting on a bar stool so long that the newbie’s find him very stupid. Please do not interpret my attitude as negative guys. I love my Thai in-laws and I always seek their acceptance. But I have lived so many places and among so many different peoples that I no longer look to fill the holes of my culture with traditions of another. Some things they do better and some things we do better and that’s that. Personally I am not impressed with their way of doing things or their culture so I am in no hurry to assimilate or gain the acceptance of anyone. Just because you learned how to gain acceptance on your Soi doesn’t mean a dam thing to me. I may not speak Thai but you can drop me in the middle of a jungle in South America and ill crawl out like a cockroach with a buzz and smile. So remember at one time you were that “Newbie.” Just because he knows nothing of your environment doesn’t mean you could survive in his. Take yourself into another perspective. If your life is so much more evolved than his than why are you sitting on the same bar stool as him. Chasing the same women that have had more wiener than Oscar Myer. No matter what we do here we will always be a furang. It is of my opinion that thier are just as many old idiots as there are new ones.

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Pepe . your posts were funnier when all you had to add was how nice San Diego is compared to Thailand.

Can you go back to that please?



Hello, my name is Pepe'. All I have to add is how nice San Diego is compared to Thailand... :o:D :D

Is that more like it ### ####.

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even worse than people who just got off the plane 5 minutes ago and claim to know everything are the ones who have been here 10-20 years, never moved from the same bar stool and claim to know it all and like to talk down to people when in fact they are so out of touch with what is going on all around them and in reality they know F-all.

This is by far the most to the point reply i've read here ! Good job 'Darkside', my thoughts exactly.

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They do know where the best deals for everything can be found though, darkside.

It'll cost you a beer or two but those bar stool potatoes are better than the best "Best Buy" guide money can buy.

Make that a beer or six.

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I doubt you are the former, and I don't want to know about the latter.

steveromagnino is my friend's friend.I met him once in real life at a Thanks giving party 4 years ago. And I see him often in TH TV 's ads.

He is a cute mixed(Th-Nz) boy and knows alot about TH culture and traditional plus he is a smart boy.:o

Gee you are so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :-)

Although i don't really know anything, in fact I pride myself on unlearning. Me same same potato :_)

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QUOTE(tijnebijn @ 2007-06-07 14:27:42) *

So does Jet knows everything yet?

No, not yet. I am doing a degree in quantum physics, so I do not know everything yet. But Mr Hawkings is helping me. I know everything else except some gardening stuff, like propagation and picking the right pots and ladybugs, and the extermination of pests. All in time.....

(Please check your spelling when you post, Tijnebijn.)

But what about those newbies' views, just so we stay on topic?

A newbie: Anyone who's posted less than 3,400 posts. Take that, you "pedantic, pontificating, pretentious bastard, a belligerent old fart, a worthless steaming pile of cow dung....figuratively speaking." (Thanks, Jim Carey, from Liar Liar).

Of course, I'm joking, otherwise this might be considered a flame. :o

Edited by toptuan
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