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Some One Please Explain This To Me, It's Bull S....


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Hi All,

I'rd just like to start by saying i'm not bashing every Thai as i have a fantastic girlfreind with a baby due on the 5th of october and i really can't wait as i truly beleive it will be the best thing whats ever happened to me at my young or not so young age of 29 years old.

Today i had to do one of my 90 day visa runs to the lovely poi pet border, leaving Thailand was no problem and every thing was going smoothly. Once we had to enter the Kingdom again it was a nightmare!!! there was this tiny little hitler telling all these Cambodians bi bi or go go to a different line, after all this had happened all the lines were reshuffled to the amazment of the westerners who thought he'd done a half decent job he'd turned out to be a power controling freak! After being in the new line (next to the Thai line) there was another line opened for Thais, to many peoples supprise the Thais standing at the back of the cue had run full pace to the new one including an old lady who was left on the floor with no help from her fellow country persons. I mean what the .... is going on there???

Two days ago i went to tesco's and the crap you have to deal with there what with people leaving there trollys in the middle of the ile why there looking and the family of 10 who've only come to try the free sample's. Then theres the 5+ people who are looking around but don't even have a hand basket between them. I've even seen the kids racing up and down in trollys, whould you let your children do this? Like ride around on a bike with a price tag on it knowing full well your not going to pay for it, or go for a work out on the exersise bikes?

Dose anyone understand the BIG jump in there socitiey with these matters, if so please help me to understand as my little will be half.

Many thanks and kind regards.


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Dose anyone understand the BIG jump in there socitiey with these matters, if so please help me to understand as my little will be half.

hel_l I don't even understand what you are asking here!

but basically ... better try and get you, your wife <ooops gf> and the kid out of the country if a Tesco works your nerves!

Edited by jdinasia
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Many expats here find enjoyment in the somewhat chaotic, live for the next moment, sanookness of Thailand. For others it is a constant source of consternation. If you are in the latter group and don't think you can ever shift to the former group, I would urge you to take your lovely wife and child (congratulations) to a place where the customs are less irksome. I don't think the Thais are going to be changing anytime soon and you're far to young to let yourself become embittered over things you have no control over.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Can't comment about the visa run, Chris, but I'm with you on the Tesco part. If I ever inadvertently go in there on a Sunday, I'm almost driven to violence. People chatting & blocking the aisles, cutting you up, pinching the last item of what you were just reaching for... not a pleasant shopping experience.

Good luck to you & Mrs Chris with the new baby, when he/she arrives. :o

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Kids in the Uk do this sort of thing too. When I was kid I could look at but not touch anything in a shop. These were my parents words to me pity some other parents dont use them now. In the supermarkets many a time I see children eating the food off the shelves etc.

So this is not typically Thai in that respect.

Not sure about the trampling underfoot of the old Granny. What you can get here is a burglar beating half to death someone of 90 odd years old for a few pence, cowardly wasters.

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I am just SO fed up with people abandoning supermarket trolleys at Thai immigration on the Cambodian border crossing and the checkout girl at Tesco Lotus demanding to see my passport.

I mean !

&lt;deleted&gt; !

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I'rd just like to start...

Hi Chris, It can be a massive culture shock living in Thailnd. If you talk to the average tourist having spent a fortnight in Thailand they dont seem to recall any of the odditys of Thai culture - basically its not on their radar. However, when people start thinking like a resident (or becoming one) they start to notice a lot more warts - i suppose its survival instinct kicking in.

Anyhow, my best advice - for what its worth - would be to read up on Thai culture: educate yourself. I am sure with a better insight you will learn to blot out some of the

irrational behaviour of certain levels of Thai society. There will always be those who love to jump in and say 'if you dont like it leave'. Pay little attention to the flip flop wearing, gone native, Thai wanabes as they have often overdone the Chang :o

Edited by Maestro
Quoted text reduced. No need to quote the whole, lenghty post.
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I am just SO fed up with people abandoning supermarket trolleys at Thai immigration on the Cambodian border crossing and the checkout girl at Tesco Lotus demanding to see my passport.

I mean !

&lt;deleted&gt; !

Did the checkout girl really ask for your passport :D   What was the reason?  

Maybe its the uniform :o

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LOL Yeah right the guy is only 29 .... not yet married ... not yet a father ... but the stress of going to the western style grocery stresses him out? That is a guy that just aint cut out for living in Thailand!

Edited by Maestro
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Welcome to a new culture where things are different. You might find that you like some of the diffences and that you don't like some of them. Understand intercultural differences takes alot of observation and thought.....maybe you could post back in 20 years and tell us what you've figured out.

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With regards to the supermarket..Isnt it the possibility that some Thais go for entertainment because they are poor?

I don't think we should begrudge a child riding a bike for a short while(when it is something the family could never afford for him/her) or families going just to sample free luxury food. :o

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lol Carnival ... don't tell me you drink that swill! In 4 years I have had ONE beer chang ... which told me all I needed to know! I don't wear flipflops either <hate the plastic rubbing between my toes>

But it is nice to have you back! How's the wife and kids? .... oooops!

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lol Carnival ... don't tell me you drink that swill! In 4 years I have had ONE beer chang ... which told me all I needed to know! I don't wear flipflops either <hate the plastic rubbing between my toes>

But it is nice to have you back! How's the wife and kids? .... oooops!

I will start drinking Chang when/if (hopefully not) my finances dictate :D  In the mean time

I will stick to sniffing glue :D:D   Give the kid a break man, we need all the ferangs we can muster to maintaine our presence.

Wife, kids :o

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Do not feel alone as your Tesco experiences sound exactly like a typical day at Costco or Walmart here in California now that the Mexican immigrants (several millions here illegally) are becoming the predominant culture here in California. I think your choice is unfortunately the same a we have here in California which is-- accept it or leave it .

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It's kind of like this, when you go to a foreign country and you are slowly adapting:


When you first get here, it is all beautiful, you smile at monks on the street, you're living in a dreamland.

Then you read the local press, and the reality of life here starts to unsettle you.

After a while you'll be back to the norm. Just take DEEP BREATHS, INHALE, HOLD, EXHALE..... :o

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With regards to the supermarket..Isnt it the possibility that some Thais go for entertainment because they are poor?

I don't think we should begrudge a child riding a bike for a short while(when it is something the family could never afford for him/her) or families going just to sample free luxury food. :o

Fair enoght great reply to that part of my post you have a very good point which i cannot argue with.


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Hi All, Once again, Thanks for your replys and adive plus suuport.

As for the guy who said i'm not cut out for Thailand well, when i first came hear i was the last one on the bus although i was at the front of the make shift cue, once on the bus standing by the door i was also the last one off, i can promise you that has changed but still makes me feel uncomftable pushing people smaller, older, younger or biger out of the way.


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...just a note..

what i mentioned about the supermarket, was not ment as a nitpick, just an alternative way to viewing frustrating shopping trips :o Helps me anyway.

As for immigration, I cannot think of any positive alternative way to get round that. I never feel im in the land of smiles there, thats for sure. :S

Anyway, grats on the pending kiddy, maybe later you can join the ranks of choatic family shopping :D

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:D C'mon young chap !!!!!!! At least it's only shopping carts that block your aisles not tanks and humvees.. Just try to enjoy life here and thank your God for the joy of being father soon and you are not living in a war zone :o Edited by zaza
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With regards to the supermarket..Isnt it the possibility that some Thais go for entertainment because they are poor?

I don't think we should begrudge a child riding a bike for a short while(when it is something the family could never afford for him/her) or families going just to sample free luxury food. :o

I cant afford a Ferrari or 60 foot boat yet do you think any owners would mind if I used it??

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Do not feel alone as your Tesco experiences sound exactly like a typical day at Costco or Walmart here in California now that the Mexican immigrants (several millions here illegally) are becoming the predominant culture here in California. I think your choice is unfortunately the same a we have here in California which is-- accept it or leave it .

For Tesco read Aldi and for immigrants read Russians, otherwise it's same same in Germany.

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I cant afford a Ferrari or 60 foot boat yet do you think any owners would mind if I used it??

Seriously, equating "using" another persons possesions can hardly relate to sampling free promotional food that is budgeted for or given by the products company. I also hardly think "borrowing" the use of a bike/other play thing etc for a short time relates either.

If you are going to make a point, at least use a thought out comparison that holds some weight.

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Try Foodland or Villa. Fewer shoppers, fewer shopping carts.


Peng mak! Ching ching! :o Excuse the phonetic spelling - never could figure that out. :D

A bit higher priced... it's part of the tradeoff to avoid Tesco type traffic in the aisles and at checkout.


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