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Thai Income stock ideas?


I am retired and have a stock portfolio in America and I enjoy watching it daily and I understand the basics.


I don't have much confidence in Thai auditors but am ok with investing in large corporations.


Any suggestions such as ADVANC? Currently only 3% yield but probably reasonably safe... I would much prefer 4 to 5% yields...


Also please remind me how to hold stocks as a foreigner - I remember that I have to buy in a certain way but I have forgotten the details...


Thank you and good luck in the New Year with everyones investing!


First thing set up a brokering account. Your Thai bank can give you pointers. My bank account is with Bangkok Bank in Pattaya so I opened a Bualuang account.  I'm satisfied with them. I can shift cash between my broker's and my bank account as I want and I get a better interest on cash on my broker's account than I would on a fixed savings acount in the bank.


Buying and selling stock in TH is easy. The fees are very low. If limit orders do not get filled you hardly lose any money. There are some high-dividend stocks  especially in the financial and leasing sector.




Thank you - I currently have a Maybank account but their office is not close by - but maybe I will do onlune transactions only from now on...


I have a Bangkok bank savings account for day to day expenses - I seem to recall taht tehy dont actually do stock work - they are more of a marketing arm of another company - but not sure.


Key point would be do they provide any special convience?


easy enough to open a brokerage account here (if you cant use your existing broker) just remember (as you are not Thai) you must buy either Foreign Reg shares or, maybe easier, just buy  local shares and ask your broker to convert them to NVDR. If you dont hold your shares this way , as a foreigner, then it is likely that the company will withhold your dividend.

Personally speaking i think there are better Asian markets to invest in (for Income) than Thailand , the quality of the companies here is a big issue for me and the 10 percent withholding tax is a bit of a downer. Why not consider investing more widely in the region, eg HK and Sing?

Having said that i have started to invest (a little) again in the SET as there is some value available, IMHO.

 For high quality companies that pay a reasonable dividend i would suggest having a look at

    1) PTT, the main compny not any of the quoted subsidiaries. Price=38 bt. Shares are cheap , if unexciting, balance sheet is solid, and the dividend yield is just under 5 for 2022, if you buy now you will also be entitled to a biggish dividend for yr end 2021 due to be paid in March.

    2) Siam Cement, again the main holding company not the also listed packaging business, price is 388bt and the divi yield is just under 5 for this year. Maybe little boring but solid similar to PTT above.


The main Thai banks are all  cheap, esp BBL and Kasikorn (my opinion)  and their dividends (and share prices) are likely to recover strongly over the next 2/3 years, however they maybe more volatile than the kind of investments you seem to be looking for.




Yes, NVDR is what I was trying o remember - thank you.


HK is too uncertain for me politically but Singapore is a good place to consider investing... But I think that I want Thailand for conveinence. Small investment only lets say 5% of my portfolio. The rest in the US.


I am a regular customer of PTT and Siam Cement (same as SCG - right?) so I think their businesses are stable - I will take a look at them.


Not sure about banks - too big to fail - yes, but they dont have enough dividends...


Again - thank you.



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