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How To Leave Thai Visa


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There is indeed no way for a member to unsubscribe from ThaiVisa. You can, if you wish, simply stop going to the ThaiVisa website.

An alternative is for you to request that your ThaiVisa account be suspended indefinitely, which means that you can still log in but not post, or for you to be banned, which means that you can no longer log in.



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There is indeed no way for a member to unsubscribe from ThaiVisa. You can, if you wish, simply stop going to the ThaiVisa website.

An alternative is for you to request that your ThaiVisa account be suspended indefinitely, which means that you can still log in but not post, or for you to be banned, which means that you can no longer log in.



Or give someone a severe flaming,you normally are given a one way ticket for that,.. i can suggest someone ! only joking :o
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I realise you are only joking :o

However I don't feel comfortable with the way that some posts are moderated. I TOTALLY realise that the forum rules clearly state that moderation is not to be discussed and i COMPLETELY accept that and will not enter into my feelings here out of respect for the rules.

However i no longer wish to have my information stored by the site.

I also don't really feel i should be banned as such (which i am not i hasten to add).

I see in another post that a members email was deleted from the database by admin.

I would humbly request that i be afforded this service. It seems very odd that one cannot leave the forum accept by being banned?

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What we can do is to suspend your account (so that your PM's is off, and you can not post or login). We can also remove your email address from our forum database, so you dont receive any emails for topic alerts or news alerts).

Please email support[at]thaivisa.com from your registered email address and it will be done for you.


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