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Additional Sponsor Ads.


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OK. So now as well as the sponsor ads at the top of each page they are now infiltrating the threads themselves, each page has, as what looks like the second post, an additional advertisment.

Whilst I am 100% happy with admin taking these commercials in order to keep this site free, there are limits, at 1024 x 768 many pages have room only for one post along with all the commercials.

As noted previously, how about a 'donate' button, I for one would click on it more often than I click on the ads :o

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Admin is just sampling/simulating different ad models for use in the future. If you notice the screen is now much wider so should compensate for the additional (sponsor) post in terms of vertical space.

It's not really additional ads but re-distribution of current ones. The right hand ad banner is now gone and should improve page loads. But as I stated, it is only in test stages at the moment.

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Admin is just sampling/simulating different ad models for use in the future. If you notice the screen is now much wider so should compensate for the additional (sponsor) post in terms of vertical space.

Now you mention it, yes I have noticed :o And it's nice to be able to scroll the ads off the screen. So despite my initial whinge (as a Pom I'm entitled) I think it's better :D

Not going to say anything about 'experimenting' on a live system, didn't one of the major internet players have a major outage recently for just that reason?

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I've got mixed feelings about this.

It is nice having the wider screen (it'll alleviate the Raro Stretch somewhat) but with the adds on the side I put them in a blind spot and would be able to ignore them completely. Can't do that with the way they are now, some of them are supremely irritating and may cause me to start having violent mood swings again (joke)

Seriously, some posters can get irked just by the comments of some others, if they are being prodded to "Make new friends in Asia" periodically through a thread that could have a negative effect.

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It's only happening between posts 1 and 2, so after you get past that then no more ads at all

But if it becomes a permanent feature, wouldn't that number have to be increased to keep the sponsors happy?

It's shows between the 1st and 2nd post of each page in a topic not just the first page (at the moment).

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We have all lived in the real word at some time in a previous life, some I guess are still in their original life and still living in the real word.

But we all (hopefully) still understand the basic rules of commerce.

I for one understand that this forum needs to generate income to work.

Unfortunately I am not in a position to pay a fee to access the forum and should they start charging for the privilege I would be very sad to decline.

I live in the boonies with few Farangs nearby and I don’t think I am the only one when I say that this forum is a source of contact and fount of information on a wide range of subjects that I have come to rely on.

If it comes to a choice I can live with the commercials but not a fee

Just my couple of chips worth


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I hate it.

I believe we see plenty already.

Each time we refresh the home page, or "view new posts" page....we see ads first.

I counted 17 ads as the page loads.

I, for one, constantly refresh the "view new posts" page...and must view hundreds if not thousands of ads a session.

Please don't invade our conversations......keep it off to the side, where we still see it, you still get your revenue, but it doesn't interfere with topics.

I understand the need for revenue, but what next.

Edited by pumpuiman
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i almost exclusively use the view new posts. I don't mind doing it this way. My pages load faster with out the side banner as long as it sticks to 1 advertising post per page. Keeping the flash to a minimum would be appreciated also.

And since we are trying new things how about a view new post button at the bottom of the page so i do not have to scroll back to the top to view new posts.

Edited by wolfmanjack
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For what it's worth, I think it's much more intrusive with this new method. But why suddenly do it when no-one's expecting it, and also the testing could surely have been done in an off-line beta version, not in the live one which everyone is using? What if something went wrong, you'd risk compromising the whole of the live site?!

Anyway, also I have an ad-blocker on so all I get is an empty post saying "sponsor" on each page. I can see this getting quite annoying and have never seen the likes of this in any other forum. My vote would be to revert back to the old format, that way people who want to block the ads can do so properly and those others who want to leave them in a blind spot away on the side of the screen - as Thaddeus said - can do so also. I can't think of anyone who would want a huge ad intruding on their reading on every page of a topic...

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We are listening to you, and are playing around with a few options of hoiw to serve ads. What we want to do is actually decreasing the number of ads.

One idea is to completely remove ads for logged-in members, that's an option as well :o

Hang on there, and you will see as lot of "playing around" in the next week or so.

Thanks for your input!

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We are listening to you, and are playing around with a few options of hoiw to serve ads. What we want to do is actually decreasing the number of ads.

One idea is to completely remove ads for logged-in members, that's an option as well :o

Hang on there, and you will see as lot of "playing around" in the next week or so.

Thanks for your input!

How about no ads for members over a certain post level - once you do it a while you are immune to the ads anyway...

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I really like this new format. Ever since online ads started I've been able to train my eyes never to see them. That was difficult when the ads used to be on the right margin , becaused as i scrolled down I'd inadvertantly let my cursor slip from the scroll bar and open an ad there everyday. now i'm certain I won't have that problem anymore.

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As someone who has supported (and spent a good sum of money on) some of the sponsors, I must say, I like the wider page format, but the sudden appearance of a sponsor ad as the 2nd post in a topic was a bit of a shocker.

Now that I know why they are there and how they got there, I could probably live with it, but it will take some getting used to. Could be worse (think television where every few minutes they have a commercial break for a couple of minutes. Where they even have scheduled time-outs in sporting events so the networks can show their over-priced ads).

At least we aren't at that point (yet) with T.V. (hmmm, maybe I shouldn't be giving george any ideas !) :o

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These second post ads are annoying the f$*&@ out of me!!!

Because they are kind of disguised as a real post (atleast the text based ads).... VERY ANNOYING!

I much preferred the ads at the side, atlease then there is an ad area and a content area.

What will it be next? The little google ad keyword popups on every word?

Also i love the "they need to do it in order to keep the site free" posts or "maybe we should just donate"

Do you realize how much it costs to host a site like this? Should not be more than $100 a month for a semi-dedicated server. Or maybe $200 for a dedicated (not sure if they have a dedicated server?)

So don't be fools; it is not about "covering costs"

Edited by dave111223
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These second post ads are annoying the f$*&@ out of me!!!

Because they are kind of disguised as a real post (atleast the text based ads).... VERY ANNOYING!

I much preferred the ads at the side, atlease then there is an ad area and a content area.

What will it be next? The little google ad keyword popups on every word?

Also i love the "they need to do it in order to keep the site free" posts or "maybe we should just donate"

Do you realize how much it costs to host a site like this? Should not be more than $100 a month for a semi-dedicated server. Or maybe $200 for a dedicated (not sure if they have a dedicated server?)

So don't be fools; it is not about "covering costs"

Thanks for you input Dave, even if it is a little misguided.

The little google ad keyword popups on every word

Good idea.. i'll pass this on to admin ! :D:o

totster :D

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This annoys the <deleted> outa me also. Now sponsor ads turn up on every page in the form of "reply". As one of upstanding members of the community :o showed me, where the OP is seeking advice on how to protect his assets in case his wife divorces him - and Thai Love Links ad (or whatever it's called) pops up right after his post. It does look like someone is taking the piss. I would prefer the ads to have their own areas, not in between discussions. :D

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I like the idea of having an ad-free skin available to members paying a small subscription rate. That way those who want to support the site but don't want to be bombarded by so many ads have an option other than just blocking them, and the more intrusive and clumsy ads become, the more people will turn to that option which doesn't help the site at all.

Edited by cdnvic
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George has mentioned that he's searching for a way to reduce the number of ads. Given that intention, and I think it's one we'd all be happy with, then I'm all in favour of his attempts in finding a solution. Rather grateful for it, I should say. Although I detest advertising I do understand it's a necessity. Let's not forget, too, that he's still only testing out optional ideas. You have my complete encouragement, George. :o

Then again, as Vic pointed out there's also the option to institute a subscription fee that allows for ad-free viewing - which I've seen on other sites (Weather Underground, for example). That would certainly satisfy those willing to pay the extra dosh while those who are not willing to afford the cost can still access the site for free. Although, I believe this option would not erase George's desire to reduce the number of ads regardless.

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Most of us out of the Western World have been living with ads all our lives and should be used to it by now. I have NO problems with the new format here suites my new monitor better. Without ads free to air anything would be a thing of the past, keep up the good work George and the crew.

What does annoy me is ads on Pay to air entertainment eg (UBC True)

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I got to admit I didn't like it at first but I guess it's something I'll get used to, just needs a little extra scrolling to get down to the replies. The only constant thing in life is change and it's only human nature to dislike and resist change.

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