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Why is Google search for Dates in Gmail so complicated? No possibility searching for an exact date. Only the  cumbersome" before and after Date" method. It also seems that Google also blocks any application that is developed for this specific purpose.

Is there a plausible explanation?

Or is there an app?


It sounds like you're using a web browser to access your e-mails.


You can also use the builtin mail app for your operating system.  I don't know what the Windows app is called but Apple uses the very original name "Mail" for its application.  You will need to set up whichever app you use.  There should be many web sites or YouTube videos to guide you through the process of setting up your e-mail application to download all emails to your computer and save them.


Those applications will probably have better search options than Gmails web interface.


mtls2005 response is good and probably easier for you.

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I think you can search "within one day" of a specific date.


Click on the Filter icon (3 horizontal sliding bars)


That yields this in the search bar area


after:2021/12/27 before:2021/12/29,


you can edit those dates down to one plus one, and find all emails from one single date.


and get all emails from Dec. 28


Lots of great videos.




go to ~ 1:30 mark



There are geat extensions and add-ons, but GMail is still limited in some regards. A paid client might be better suited for some, or something free like Thunderbird?




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