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COVID-19: Thailand reports 17,349 new coronavirus cases, 22 deaths, 11,561 recoveries


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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Part of that above, I'd imagine, is a function of level of testing. SK is very committed to substantial testing. Thailand, on the other hand, is not.


That's part of the reason why, lately, with Omicron, I tend to pay more attention to the hospitalization numbers, versus the case numbers, because I believe the hospitalization numbers are less skewed by varying levels of testing activity from country to country.


It would be interesting if OWD or some similar entity could manage to compile a per capita COVID hospitalization rate by country. OWD has some of that for certain countries, but apparently not for Thailand, Hong Kong or South Korea, among others.


Chart below showing since Jan 1, 2022:


U.S. and UK per capita COVID hospitalizations lately trending down. Singapore and Malaysia per capita COVID hospitalizations trending up.





OWD source

To see Singapore's numbers is concerning as well.  The country has always, at least they seemed to be, on top of things, but then this is Omicron we are talking about and many people the world over are not seeking treatment or testing for what they perceive is a cold.


Friends of the family here in the Palm Springs Area, who also returned from Thailand to the US on the 12th, are self isolating as they have minor cold symptoms and the fathers ATK test showed a sharp color on the C and just a faint line on the T, indicating positive.  All he has is a runny nose and a dry cough.  Thankfully we have not been in contact since they returned.  The family feels like they might have been infected by hotel staff the day they left Thailand as they took a PCR-RT test at a well known and reviewed clinic in BKK and were given the green light as negative just 6 hours before the flight.  They transited through S. Korea without being in close proximity and sat in first class on the flights with no one around them they said in a phone call yesterday.  About day 3 here, the 15th they started to feel cold like symptoms and initially thought it might have been allergies to the dust in their residence, but then it started to get a little worse.


Who knows where they picked it up, but so far only the fathers test has shown any hint of positivity.  I have self isolated myself from the family here knowing I will be testing in a few days for my return flight.  Been also testing weekly with the test kits I have and that the family has.

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Feb. 17 update from Johns Hopkins:


"The WHO COVID-19 Dashboard reports 414.5 million cumulative cases and 5.83 million deaths worldwide as of February 16. The global cumulative incidence passed 400 million cases on February 9, only 33 days after reaching 300 million. The global weekly incidence continues to decline, down 18.2% from the previous week. Notably, all WHO regions with the exception of the Western Pacific region (+18.7%) reported decreasing weekly incidence last week. 


Global weekly mortality remained relatively steady, up 0.5% from the previous week. The weekly total of 73,145 deaths is the highest since the week of August 23, 2021—the peak of the previous wave."


Our World in Data estimates that there are 4.88 billion vaccinated individuals worldwide (1+ dose; 62% of the global population) and 4.28 billion who are fully vaccinated (54.4% of the global population)."


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Thailand reports 18,066 new COVID-19 cases, 27 deaths, 12,511 recoveries



File photo


Thailand on Friday (February 18th) reported 18,066 new COVID-19 cases, 12,511 recoveries and 27 additional deaths over the past 24 hours. 


Full story: https://aseannow.com/topic/1250711-thailand-reports-18066-new-covid-19-cases-27-deaths-12511-recoveries/




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